Not new, but need friends

cbumbalough Posts: 142 Member
I'm not new on here. I have a hard time staying motivated. I have an 11-month-old and I thought I'd have lost a lot of weight by her birthday, but I never really committed to watching my calories and exercising. Finding time to workout is very hard, but I'm going to have to. Looking for some moms in the same boat. While I'm not technically a SAHM, I do work from home. My daughter stays with her grandma while I work. I also have close to 150 lbs to lose. If anyone needs support/can provide support, feel free to send a request. Thanks!!


  • hannahjonesmom
    I hear ya!!!! I have a 4 year old and it's hard I'm just starting out again trying to get in shape also!!! Tough journey but you're worth it!!! keep at it and results will follow!
  • cbumbalough
    cbumbalough Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks. I start every day thinking "I'm going to do this" then by lunch I'm off the wagon. I've started off good today though. :)
  • GailEMac
    GailEMac Posts: 90 Member
    I am mama to 5 kids, it's really tough to find time to workout let alone calorie count. I too am looking for motivation and forever saying 'diet starts Monday!'
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    Feel free to add me! I would love to offer support and motivation : )
  • nettamarie
    nettamarie Posts: 23
  • idealisticdiva
    idealisticdiva Posts: 25 Member
    I am with you I could use some motivation as well. Also Not new :) I would happy to help motivate
  • MrsTorresisBACK
    MrsTorresisBACK Posts: 98 Member
    I'm a mom of two and as moms we are always pulled in so many directions. But one thing we have to realize that we too have to come first. If we want to be our best selves then we need to make ourselves a priority. I don't put myself first, I know i'm at the same priority as my family. I also work, but as soon as get home I cook for everyone...and while they eat I work out in the family room that is next to the dining room table so i can still converse with them if need be. Is it ideal?? no, but it's working for now until this weight comes off then once i reach my goal i can modify accordingly. Sacrifice is going to happen somewhere and i'd rather it be that than sacrificing my health! Feel free to friend me if you like....

    I really wish you all the best! KNOW THAT YOU ARE WORTH IT!! Just look into your baby's eyes!!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!
  • SolamenteYo
    SolamenteYo Posts: 10
    You can add me as well!

    REMEMBER: Whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP! Because for once this is FOR YOU!
  • cgoss013
    cgoss013 Posts: 1
    I understand where you're coming from...I have a 6month old...and while i'm down below my pre-baby weight..i still have at least 50 pounds to go...and I can't go much slower. My son is finally old enough to go to the child care at my local i'm trying to workout like that. So far..the best part is the classes they offer. Not boring, great workout, and some time for just me!
  • cbumbalough
    cbumbalough Posts: 142 Member
    Wow, all this support is fantastic! I never really got in to the whole community part of MFP. Maybe that's been a part I should have delved into sooner. I'm so glad people are so friendly and supportive. I'm so glad to add anyone and I'll do my best to be equally supportive of you all. :flowerforyou:
  • bergpa
    bergpa Posts: 148 Member
    I work from home too and it can be a challenge. As one of my friends joked recently, "the food is always here and someone needs to watch it." I'll send you a friend request.
  • cbumbalough
    cbumbalough Posts: 142 Member
    Lol. Exactly. Whenever I'm bored (a huge trigger), I go get a snack. I wish I could lock up the kitchen during working hours sometimes.
  • mollypoprocks
    Been there, done that.... the key (and I think we all know it), is that you have to make a permanent lifestyle change... as in you can't just eat anything you want all the time forever. You have to get up and move instead of being a couch potato. I am 55 and have steadily gained weight since 2001. Was okay with being fat as long as I felt good... then started having some issues with reflux and now I have to get back to reality. Been back on track about 3 weeks now... have lost 5 -6 pounds but have 50 more to go. I had great success with weight watchers before, but never made the changes permanent. I was thrilled to find this tool for free. So I am tracking my food. Have not really started exercising yet (HATE IT). But will at least start moving- Dancing with my WII!! A word of advice, especially if you are busy!!! Plan ahead... know what you are going to eat for the week for at least 2 meals and go ahead and calculate the calories... I do breakfast and dinner, cause we make a menu before going to the grocery store. I know it sounds like a pain, but having a plan is very helpful when trying to eat healthier...don't by crap that will tempt you even if you have kids. They don't need it either!!
  • happymom44
    happymom44 Posts: 6
    I am new and a mom to 6 kids. I have had this app on my phone for a year! I will use it for a day or so then quit. My downfall is food. I am a SAHM so can totally understand the boredom and food factor as that is what I struggle with. Please add me as a friend as I am in dire need of support as well.
  • ruthremsing
    ruthremsing Posts: 11
    I'm a mom to 3 girls my youngest is 8 months. Although i'm not on here to lose weight, but to gain. I lost alot after having my last child and i was nursing. I've been keeping up with my food intake, and starting to do crunches and yoga. you can add me if you like, i also need someone to keep me going with my goal.