Runners who lift?

Anyone out there a runner (i barely classify myself as such) that also lifts "heavy." I run 3 days a week and am working on increasing speed and training for a 10K, but I want to incorporate that intimidating weight bench in our garage into my life too. I would love to do two days of heavy lifting to help with my weight loss and building muscle to help with the runs too. If anyone knows of any plans that I could/should follow I would be eternally grateful!!:flowerforyou: I am a total newbie at this and have never lifted anything more than 5 lb dumbells and my own body weight!



  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    I've been doing it and am training for a half marathon. There is no reason why you can't do both... just fuel up and get to work!

    I have recently discovered Nia Shanks, she's down to earth and quite inspiring. She has alot of info on her website and has routines you can download.

    Enjoy! :happy:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    rduhlir does New Rules of Lifting for Women, so I've started too. It's awesome and takes about 30 minutes, 2-3 days a week.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I am training for a 5K on June first, then a 10K July 27. I lift. I recently changed my routine because the one I was doing had me squatting 3 days a week and my legs HURT on my runs. Since I'm focusing on race preparation, I decided to change my weight program. I'll reevaluate and dial back the running after my July race. I just started Wendler's 5/3/1 this week, but I think it's more of a program for someone who's lifted before. I'm still a bit new to it, but I have been lifting heavy for over a year, so I went for it. I'm still sorting out my accessory work, but the program focuses on one big lift per session, so you only squat once a week and only deadlift once a week. I was doing a 5x5 program, and that was A LOT of squatting.
  • Prplhead
    Prplhead Posts: 82
    Cat, check out the blog at
  • alfmaster
    alfmaster Posts: 29
    For running, you want to focus on your core muscles (abdomen and back) and strengthen them as they offer the most benefit to running which is what I do when I do get to the gym. But I do also do my arms as running does absolutely nothing for them :frown:
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    i run often and also lift heavy 5x/week.