Lacking Motivation

I have been 'trying' to lose weight for the past 1.5 years.

I began getting serious towards the end of 2011, as I was getting married in July 2012. I started at 170lbs. I began to slowly lose weight, losing about 11lbs before I got married. I felt happier and more confident about what I wore - but looking back at my wedding pictures I could (and should) have been a lot smaller.

My problem is laziness. I know it myself but I just can't break myself out of it. My Husband says he loves me the way I am etc which really doesn't help. I eat and crave all the wrong foods, chips, burgers, chinese, indian.

Since my wedding, I have put all the weight on - and then some. I'm back around the 170lbs mark now, and I'm only 5ft3. I should be down nearer to 130lbs - and when I put clothes on I hate myself in the mirror. I know what I have to do, I just can't seem to crack out of this bad cycle. I want a quick fix, but I know this is the wrong way to go about things.

Does anyone have any advice? I work full time so I don't have hours to prepare and cook food, and really do not have enough money for the gym or even swimming at the moment. But if anyone has advice on how to get started into healthier eating and exercise, I'd be so grateful.

Thank you :flowerforyou:


  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    Bump?? :frown:
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    Try starting with small changes. I used to crave unhealthy food and that passes with some time, but it didn't happen overnight. I think the first step is trying to figure out the following:
    *What are some things that you eat that you need to cut back on? (eating out 5 times a week, etc)
    *What are some things that you eat that you need to substitute for healthier options? (regular chips for pop chips / regular soda for diet soda, etc)
    *What are small ways that you can increase your activity? park at the end of the parking lot, take the steps one day a week and then increase it. i started with the eliptical 10 minutes 3 times a week and now I work out for 90 minutes 5-7 days a week.

    I think most people quit because they try to change everything at once and when it becomes to much they quit. For me, making small changes over time, has helped me change my lifestyle. I used to eat fast food out of convience, I enjoyed it, etc. I couldn't tell you the last time I felt the urge to stop and don't enjoy their food at all.

    You can do it! just make some tiny changes and keep adding to them!
  • dotknott
    dotknott Posts: 88 Member
    Cooking healthy shouldn't need to take hours, just some forethought. What do your daily eating habits look like now? What did they look like when you lost the 11lbs before your wedding. Do you eat with your family? Do you create a meal plan when you do your household grocery shopping?

    Joining a gym is out, as you've said, but that doesn't mean you can't walk/jog now, outside (It's a beautiful time of year to do it too, for a good portion of the U.S.) How old is your daughter? What can you do with her that will get you to be more active?
    My Husband says he loves me the way I am etc which really doesn't help.
    Take a look at this, your husband says he loves you (good, he's your husband) but I don't know that it doesn't help. Just because he loves you now doesn't mean he won't still love you if you change your lifestyle to make it a more fit and healthy one, all he's said is that he loves you. Unless he's saying either overtly or covertly, that he doesn't want you to lose weight, become more healthy, more fit, and be a great role model for your daughter for years to come, then I don't know how it would affect your goals/plans.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    My Husband says he loves me the way I am etc which really doesn't help.
    Take a look at this, your husband says he loves you (good, he's your husband) but I don't know that it doesn't help. Just because he loves you now doesn't mean he won't still love you if you change your lifestyle to make it a more fit and healthy one, all he's said is that he loves you. Unless he's saying either overtly or covertly, that he doesn't want you to lose weight, become more healthy, more fit, and be a great role model for your daughter for years to come, then I don't know how it would affect your goals/plans.

    yeah, I used to mention that I dislike(d) my stomach or wanted to lose some weight, but my partner said he didn't care if I lost weight, he just wanted me to stay healthy and be happy :) I was 150lb then and now I'm about 140lb! He has responded positively to my changing body and encourages me (he still has fun playing with my stomach fat) but in the end it's about your health and well being. That should be your focus for sure.

    Try small changes over time. Start having cooked meals, save the money you don't spend on takeout and use it instead on doing something nice together with the family :)
  • signaturekay
    signaturekay Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I totally understand your funk, as I have been in this situation so many times.
    Firstly, you must understand that it will not fall off over night. You have to persist and you will see results overtime. Don't worry about the time it will take to see results, because time will pass anyway. I would recommend slowly changing your eating habits. For example, I stopped eating rice and potatoes with my dinner. I LOVE both but I seen a difference in my waist just by doing that.
    If you are like many of us that do not like to exercise, slowly add it to your lifestyle. I began walking on my lunch break. At first it was 10 minutes now I can walk a good 30. There are so many different activities that will help you burn calories. I do some of everything, zumba, dance, brisk walking etc... I had to get a variety of things to do because I would get bored really quickly and I could imagine you might too. Once you find an activity that you enjoy, you will not feel like you are exercising. I also recommend getting with a strong partner (your bff, co-worker etc) who is determined and already living a healthy lifestyle. Get with someone who will exercise with your and keep encouraging you. It will be so motivating and at least give a you little boost to get started.
    If you end up falling off, just pick yourself back up. Remember that this is your body and you are in control. Good luck to you!!
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    Take this for what it is worth to you....

    Your body is your temple. Only you can take care of it, no one else can. Others can be pleased with how you look, however only you know how you feel. We only get one body, we choose what we put in our bodies. I know your pain. Love who your are and cut yourself a it in baby steps. Example: if you drink soda, stop drinking soda. Then once that is under control give yourself a new goal while keeping the old goal too. Exercise: also small steps, go outside and promise yourself you will run/jog for 5 minutes, hit that goal then add time onto that.

    Don't beat yourself up with negative thoughts. You're beautiful, you'll figure it out. Hugs...M
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you so much for the responses. I am looking forward to trying really hard - and becoming who I want to be!

    Because my husband thinks I look fine, I can't help but be like "He thinks I look ok, so I'll just continue the way I am" which doesn't help!!! But I know I have to try and change my mindset, I am not me to please others - I am me to please me. (reading that back it doesn't make much sense - but I know what I mean!!)

    Please do add me if you could share your inspiration and motivation - I could do with a little here!

    Thank you again so much. I am finding myself constantly thinking about what I would like to look like. It's time to know now, and stop dreaming :smile: