help starting up a work out plan :-)

Hi there im looking for some on advice as im trying to loose weight tone up and then move on to get some muscle definition only slight definition I don't want to be a huge muscly woman lol just want to look nice and healthy :-)
Now im sort of there diet side of things working out my calorie intake etc blah blah but just popped over hear for some advice on what exercises are good for me to work out my problem areas so hear goes

I want to to tone up my flabby belly lol hopefully once ive have lost all my weight id like to have some definition hear as well but for now what exercises are good for working this area out.

I want to loose a little of my bum and really tone it up its not taken too kindly to been sat on a lot through too pregnancy's lol

Im wanting to just tone up my arms and get a bit of definition its not really a problem area so to speak but I do have bingo wings lol

id like to really tone up my legs and get a bit of definition there aswell.

It would also be great to know what kind of a calorie burn im looking at for these kind of exercises

I understand I need to concentrate on the weight loss first so got 24lb to go but I would like to start up something of a routine for now :-)



  • dotknott
    dotknott Posts: 88 Member
    Sounds like you might want to look into lifting weights. Squats, deadlifts, lunges, standing/seated calf raises will work your legs/butt and dips, pull ups, shoulder presses, curls and rows will workout shoulders/arms.

    dips and pull-ups can be done assisted with counter weight at the gym and is a great way to get started if you can't do a single pullup.

    You'll probably want to do some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Cardio too. I like to do cardio the same days I lift (15-30 mins before, 10-20 minutes after,) but not everyone does.

    I would recommend looking for a copy of New Rules of Lifting for Women if only just to read. There are TONS of free programs out there, Starting Strength comes to mind, and TONS of support to be found in the groups here on MFP.

    Hope that helps.
  • dotknott
    dotknott Posts: 88 Member
    I should also point out that you can't sport reduce fat. You'll need to lower your body fat % all over. You also don't want to lose muscle mass while you're losing weight. When I started I was on the treadmill almost daily. I lost about 18 lbs in 2.5 mos. About a month ago I noticed that 1/3 of my weigh loss was lean muscle mass. (my scale shows me body fat and lean mass)

    So yeah, I lost weight, but I only 2/3 of it was fat. That would be pretty unsustainable in the long term.. Imagine if for every lb lost you needed to lose .33lbs of muscle...
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    Now is a great time to start adding some strength training to your routine. As PP said, you want to preserve your muscle mass. Additionally, having muscle does wonders for our metabolism. If you wear a heart rate monitor while working out you will find that cardio will burn higher calories, but when you are done with the cardio session, the calorie burn is done as well. When you strength train, you burn less calories during the session, but it revs up the metabolism and you continue to burn calories beyond the working session, into the rest of the day.

    Do you have a gym membership? If yes, you might look into meeting with a trainer to get a workout plan that you can follow for a few weeks. If you don't have a gym memberhip, what type of equipment do you have access to? How many days a week will you be committing to strenght training, how much time per session? The answers to these questions help to design an appropriate program.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    deleted duplicate post
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    I don't have a gym membership as much as I would love one I have no one to care for my young children whilst I go :-( we do have some weights somewhere because my partner used to train many moons ago lol. I also have a stationary bike. I am hoping to do most training at home till the kids are in school but theres a few years till that time yet :-/
  • headhits24
    headhits24 Posts: 7
    Sounds like you need Zuzka. Google her. She has many routines and can find much of it on youtube and her website. Don't expect to keep up with her but do your best and follow along. You can do it all at home and don't need any special equipment. Her workouts are short and intense. Diet is only part of the plan, start your exercise now and hit the floor running.
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    zuzka looks great wish I had her bod my goal is to one day look that great :-D wonder if anyone has actually has any results from following her and surely she does more to keep in as good shape she is in I find it hard believe she keeps in that good shape just by doing these short but intense routines :-/
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Well, moving of any kind is a good start and with a calorie deficit, will encourage weight loss. So I would recommend looking into some dvd's that you might enjoy, like a Zumba set. It will be a nice way to get you moving and get your heart going. A lot of people recommend Leslie Sansone "walk at home" tapes that take you through 2 mile walks to 5 mile walks. You want to start with something you can get committed, that will keep you excited and eventually encourage you to get more movement in your day.

    The free weights your partner has will also be great to work with. You can do all kinds of squats and lunges with them.
  • dotknott
    dotknott Posts: 88 Member
    I don't have a gym membership as much as I would love one I have no one to care for my young children whilst I go :-( we do have some weights somewhere because my partner used to train many moons ago lol. I also have a stationary bike. I am hoping to do most training at home till the kids are in school but theres a few years till that time yet :-/

    Some gyms offer in-house child care.
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    I don't have a gym membership as much as I would love one I have no one to care for my young children whilst I go :-( we do have some weights somewhere because my partner used to train many moons ago lol. I also have a stationary bike. I am hoping to do most training at home till the kids are in school but theres a few years till that time yet :-/

    Some gyms offer in-house child care.

    I have 3 kids that would require childcare the childcare bill would probably cost more than the membership lol