Hello from a kind of sunny Aberdeen

:happy: Hi all

I have tried dieting on countless occasions, bought DVDs, the Wii, a bike and countless exercise clothes all in a bid to encourage me to lose weight but to no avail. I have no will power and it is hard when you get into a routine. I hope with some encouragement from others in the same situation will help.

I have done this before and I can do it again :smile:


  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Hey! Welcome to MFP!

    You CAN do this! :happy: Now you've made the first step it just get's easier to adopt a healthier lifetstyle from here!
    ...Add loads of friends, it's less tempting to cheat if people can see what you're up to!! :laugh:

    Good luck!
  • MrsBling
    MrsBling Posts: 28
    Hi welcome. This is a great site for motivation. If your ever thinkin of goin off rails talk to your mfp pals theyll help you thru it. Im also from scotland. Hamilton. I will send you a friend request to help get you started. Good luck with your challenge
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Hello from London! :drinker:

    I agree with the guys above. It helps when you add a few people on here and reading success stories! Feel free to add if you like!
  • Stella_Does
    Oh hello! I'm in Aberdeen too! :) I also moved here to be with my partner!

    Good luck do you! you absolutely can do it again!
  • Alycyn1980
    Alycyn1980 Posts: 62 Member
    I was from Wishaw originally and worked at Bell College for 6years before moving up to Aberdeen - small world!!!! A friend request would be great :-)
  • Stella_Does
    Already sent! I got over-excited when I saw Aberdeen! I was worried you were going to say Aberdeen in the US though!
    I'm more of a Glasgow girl myself but I'm familiar with Wishaw and Bell College - my auntie taught there for a while actually! I really did not expect to see someone from Aberdeen on here!
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Welcome.You will do this!!! I am based in UK & of a certain age with some health issues & having a very slow start but now losing just a little. Please feel free to add me for support & good luck you are in the right place.
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I'm in Edinburgh but my husband and I are both originally from Aberdeen. Good luck. Happy to add as a friend if you like.
  • VolatileChocolate
    Welcome and good luck with your journey. Have you ever considered hypnotherapy? It was something I did as a last ditch desperate attempt and glad I did.