diet soda...good or evil???



  • JohnLSinclair
    JohnLSinclair Posts: 14 Member
    Jason Blaha, from IceCreamFitness, has a good video on aspartame that might help you understand all the hype/fright around diet soda. It's 4 minutes long, but sums it up quite nicely. Worth a watch, in my opinion:

    (PS, he's trolling when he does his bicep shots.)

    That said, I have a diet root beer, or coke zero every day. I love the stuff! The increased acidity in the diet drinks are still hard on your teeth enamel though, so you still have to drink in moderation, as with all foods and drinks.

  • StacieHof
    StacieHof Posts: 97 Member

    Stevia on the other hand is a natural sweetener, created by nature itself and far more healthy. The reasons why stevia isn't in every product is:
    1) Stevia has a strong taste (taste 1 drop of it pure and you know what i mean), which means that it can alter the taste in things like cola, which the coca cola company doesn't like.
    2) Companies who make artificial sweeteners have long contracts with companies like coca cola (this one ive been told by the dietician, heck it sounds quite logical).

    Would just add it is more expensive than the alternative cutting into the profit. People who drink diet soda usually think it’s not unhealthy and would be unwilling to pay more. I know I wouldn’t have in the past.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Not so hot for you... try Zevia (sweetened with Stevia). Or use sparkling mineral water and add flavored Stevia to it, it tastes great when you want the flavor without HFCS or the toxic chemicals in diet drinks. When I drank regular diet soda I had headaches all of the time... I only get them now when I'm sick.

    There's flavored Stevia?? I am so excited right now :flowerforyou:
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I have a soda because of the bubbles and sparkling water just doesn't do it for me. I will have a Diet Coke or a Caffeine Free Diet Coke once in a blue moon - I think I buy a 24 pack twice a year? I don't feel that anything is bad in moderation.
  • laurenmanderson1
    laurenmanderson1 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm no expert on the topic, but I do know that they definitely aren't the best for you. You should avoid drinking them on a regular basis and opt for water or sparkling mineral water instead (Sparkling Ice is my new favorite drink!). But sometimes I just really, really want a soda and I will occasionally grab a coke zero. I think moderation is the key with diet sodas.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I only do real sodas with real sugar, not high fructose corn syrup. I just treat myself occasionally. Personally not a big fan of aspertame or whatever that **** is...also, diet soda tastes like ****.
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    I have heard so many things going either way. What's the verdict??

    Neither, but better than the 210g of sugar I was getting from the 2 litres of ginger ale I drank every day. I have diet soda occasionally now, but not often. As I began drinking more and more water, I lost the taste for it. I also find that filtered tap tastes way better than any bottled water, which is where bottled water comes from anyway.
  • StacieHof
    StacieHof Posts: 97 Member
    Not so hot for you... try Zevia (sweetened with Stevia). Or use sparkling mineral water and add flavored Stevia to it, it tastes great when you want the flavor without HFCS or the toxic chemicals in diet drinks. When I drank regular diet soda I had headaches all of the time... I only get them now when I'm sick.

    There's flavored Stevia?? I am so excited right now :flowerforyou:

    YES!!! My favorites are Kal brand; Caramel Cream, Chocolate Cardamom, Coconut, Hazelnut and in SweetLeaf; English Toffee, Vanilla Cream, Cola, Root Beer.
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    They have done quite a few studies (that I am too lazy to google right now) saying that people who drank diet soda ate more and gained more than people that drank regular soda.

    When I do have a soda, which is very rare now, maybe once a month, it is regular. This is after a 6-8 can a day habit.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Well it's high in phosporus which causes skin cancer, so I'm going to have to go with evil on this one.

    A study published by the American Diabetes Assoc. found that it also causes an increased risk of diabetes.

    This study shows that diet soda has links to depression.

    This study proved that it is a huge cause of preterm delivery.
  • stephanieogle35
    Diet soda = Good
    Me without diet soda = Evil
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    <---- Enjoying an evil Coke Zero as I type.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Having given them up and seeing the change in memory and metabolism, I can clearly see how diet soda is toxic (poison). Whenever your body is working to clear out a chemical, it can't function properly as it relates to real food. And considering how important even small changes in hormone levels are, doing something that would spike insulin (without the blood sugar) is only going to slow weight loss.

    You can drink a small amount of bleach without it killing you. Gonna try that?
  • cmc6921
    cmc6921 Posts: 10 Member
    My cousin is a general practioner. He does not have a problem with diet soda at all IN MODERATION. That's the key with anything.
  • AmberLee2012
    AmberLee2012 Posts: 540
    Any "artifical sweetners" are bad for you, but so are a lot of foods/drinks. I quit my long time diet soda habit about 6 weeks ago after reading up on aspartame. I try to avoid any diet drinks/foods that have aspartame now. It's personal choice really. I just figure soda is bad for my teeth and my body and I'm personally not going to drink it anymore.
  • laurenmanderson1
    laurenmanderson1 Posts: 113 Member
    Not so hot for you... try Zevia (sweetened with Stevia). Or use sparkling mineral water and add flavored Stevia to it, it tastes great when you want the flavor without HFCS or the toxic chemicals in diet drinks. When I drank regular diet soda I had headaches all of the time... I only get them now when I'm sick.

    There's flavored Stevia?? I am so excited right now :flowerforyou:

    YES!!! My favorites are Kal brand; Caramel Cream, Chocolate Cardamom, Coconut, Hazelnut and in SweetLeaf; English Toffee, Vanilla Cream, Cola, Root Beer.

    I never knew this either! Thank you so much!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    For all those posting articles about how evil diet pop is for you... you can find articles that will support either view of whether they are good or not. There are a ton of opinions and articles online that people seem to jump to believe stating that diet pop is so terrible for you and will give you cancer.

    There have been NO CREDIBLE studies done that diet pops are harmful to humans. Rats, sure... but in HUGE quantities.

    We get a diet pop thread multiple times a day. Searching brings up hundreds of answers.

    Don't listen to someone else's opinion and base your decisions on what you believe from credible resources. Diet pop is fine in moderation. If you're drinking 24 cans a day... sure it's not good for you but a can or two a day... not bad for you provided you don't have an issue with sweeteners.
  • jelk8881
    jelk8881 Posts: 49 Member
    Stay off the soda and drink sparkling ice its awesome. And tastes way better than soda.
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    Diet coke <3<3<3<3

    LOVE it!
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    There have been NO CREDIBLE studies done that diet pops are harmful to humans. Rats, sure... but in HUGE quantities.

    There have been quite a few studies.

    The study in particular:

    And trust me, there are more.