Desperately seeking an "After" photo...

OK... I've had enough of being fat and out of shape. This week, I started MyFitnessPal... To put things into perspective, I am literally twice the man I used to be. Time to let it all hang out and fix it. There's a skinny me in here dying to get out. I literally record everything that goes into my mouth here now, and to say I was suprised by some of it is an understatement. Anyway, I'm glad to have found this place and look forward to this life change. Any tips from you success stories is more than welcome.


  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    (: Welcome!
    I'm on that journey with you, trust me!
    I can offer you a few tips if it might help. I mean I know we're different genders but motivation is motivation? :D
    - Make a pintrest or tumblr
    I know this sounds odd, but they have the BEST motivation tips, plus awesome recipes, and workouts in the health & fitness section

    - Make your favorite unhealthy food, healthy!
    Mine would definitely be pancakes. Believe it or not just one pancake from iHop is like, 150 calories, FOR ONE. :( But, I've found a pancake recipe that is so good, I can literally eat them by themselves, no butter, no syrup. It's awesome!

    - Allow yourself to a cheat meal once a week
    If you're craving something super unhealthy, then once a week award yourself with it. Now, don't go hog wild, just something small, like if you've been craving french fries all week, have a small fry and if its still to much to have, split it (:

    - When you're loosing motivation, remind yourself "Why am I doing this?"
    When you have a real "Why", you can tolerate any pain from working out, and any craving that makes you want to go eat a whole pizza by yourself.

    You can do this! ^-^ Also, add me if you'd like, I love fitness pals O:
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    After photos!!! You bet, they rock. Keep up with the folks here and you will have the one you want before you know it. :wink: friend me if you wish.
  • Seachicken84
    Seachicken84 Posts: 98 Member
    Don't think of it as an after photo. After signifies being done with something. Look for a lifestyle change and continual "during" photos as you morph into your new you. Have a blast doing it. Never look at it as a chore or a forced thing. Make it fun and you will more likely keep the good habits you WILL be forming. Good luck bud, You can do it!!! Friend me if you'd like. I didn't double in size but I did gain 100 lbs from my HS weight, and have since lost half of it. Life is a work in progress, aiming for a better version of ourselves.
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    I took a pic of me today and made a collage.. which is now my profile pic. The first one was me in march, doing the Tough Bloke challenge. The second was in April, the third in May.... In 3 weeks I have lost 14.5cm and I cant believe how much I've changed.... far from done, I hope I am never done, as far as the fitness and health thing goes, but I can tell you cutting out all the rubbish and processed junk... it makes a world of difference.
    Simple whole foods, and lots of exercise.
    You can do this!!! We are all in this together, one day at a time, one foot in front of the other.

    Its an adventure, and every day you discover something new about yourself and your tenacity.
    I do stuff now I never even dreamed I'd be capable of, and I love it!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Find a 5K in your area that's about 2 months away--sign up NOW and make it a goal to (1) Show up, and (2) Finish it by running , walking and/or crawling.

    Most all successful MFPers have a photo of them doing a 5K...don't wait, do it now.
  • RudHart64
    RudHart64 Posts: 53 Member
    First step is already done.... You signed up and commited to find that skinny person inside of you ...

    Start eating cleaner, which is what you are doing.
    Get some exercise.
    Set some Goals.

    You know he's in there and you know it's gonna be a fight to the bitter end to get him out but you have a whole platoon of reinforcements behind you for support.

    Once you get past the first few days,I found it actually becomes addictive.

    Add me if you choose.
    I was one of those guys looking for mr. Skinny too.....I found most of him already!
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    Congrats on joining. Make sure you weigh everything that you eat, well everything you can. It adds up quick. I started at a whoppin 230 lbs with about 35% BF and now im tipping the scale at a 176 and 15% BF. All within 5 months, dont give up it gets hard but its well worth it. FR always welcome