Just Lost My First 50, No Change in Appearance



  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Have you tried putting up two pictures side by side...a before and after? I know for me, it didn't seem like I was making a whole lotta progress until I actually put pictures side by side. Made ALL the difference in the world as far as my perspective.

    Regardless of what you see or don't see...if you keep at it, and not focus on anything in particular, but the total package and the END result...not tomorrows result or next months result...but the END result, you WILL reach your goal. Stay focused on what matters....let all the other stuff go.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    First of all GREAT JOB, you are doing wonderful.. As for the no change in appearance, it will come, Give it time. Just a question, were you wearing clothes that were tight 50 lbs ago? For me , I was, and it took a little while before I had to change sizes in bra's, etc..Keep up the good work, and good luck to ya!!
  • One thing that I think happens is that people are often afraid to comment on your weight until it's absolutely undeniable. Give it some time, people may be afraid to say the "wrong thing" so instead they say nothing. 50 pounds is a great accomplishment and you are doing a wonderful job!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Have you tried putting up two pictures side by side...a before and after? I know for me, it didn't seem like I was making a whole lotta progress until I actually put pictures side by side. Made ALL the difference in the world as far as my perspective.

    Regardless of what you see or don't see...if you keep at it, and not focus on anything in particular, but the total package and the END result...not tomorrows result or next months result...but the END result, you WILL reach your goal. Stay focused on what matters....let all the other stuff go.

    yes, this... side by sides are great tools!!! make sure you take them, youll be glad you did. i only have a few before pics of myself, because i through away / deleted most of them back when they were taken out of embarassment... now i wish i had more!!!
  • jmreich30
    jmreich30 Posts: 23 Member
    Congrats! I just lost my first 50 since February too! I have dropped about 4 pants sizes. But I will say not many people that I'm not close friends with have said much. I also still have dress shirts I wear for work that are at least 4 inches or more too big and just make me look heavier. I notice on a few shirts I have recently bought that fit much better that more friends have said something.

    Just keep going, the way your clothes start fitting better and the scale is telling you your doing great! ;)
  • cybertazet
    cybertazet Posts: 12
    that is absolutely wonderful dont give up... I have lost 100 lbs and I didnt see alot of difference for a while.... You will get there keep working at it.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    50 lbs is a big accomplishment. Did you take before pictures? Measurements? You need to remember that a lot of people wear a size in clothing that is much too small for them just because they don't want to buy anything bigger. Those pants may still fit but do they fit better now?
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I started at 240, now I'm at 214 or so.
    My clothes haven't changed much, but I can see a bigger difference looking at my body, not my clothes sizes :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Put me down for another vote of hang in there, try not to be discouraged, and trust that if you keep doing what you need to do, you *will* eventually notice the difference.

    Keep on keeping on...and we'll all look forward to hearing an update in a few months.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I started at 313 (I'm 5'8") and it took about 35lbs to change sizes.

    You really are doing great!
  • elle2bee
    elle2bee Posts: 70 Member
    50 lbs is awesome. No matter if I could tell or not, I would be VERY proud of myself. You should too!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    After my first 30 or so I felt like there was NO difference, still wearing same clothes, totally frustrated. Then I ran across some pictures that made me see myself differently.

    July 2010 vs May 2012 - about a 30# loss. But seeing this made me realize that my body WAS changing.

  • I bet you show. its just like many of us your clothes were "stretched" bigger than the actual zizes.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Have you taken measures? I didn't start that big, but I do know that fat loss doesn't just come from where you want it to. :) I'm sure it is being evenly lost from all areas of your body so it might just be taking longer for your clothes to be getting big on you. 50 lbs is a great accomplishment!!!! Keep on going, and you will wake up one morning and realize you look completely different and be glad you pressed on. :flowerforyou:
  • tpow1196
    tpow1196 Posts: 51 Member
    I really hope this is true. SW 304, currenlty 264, I've been stuck around 264 for 3 months! Its killing me. I try to stay focused on feeling great, keeping the weight off and my clothes are fitting better and better.

    Hang in there OP, its there its just hard to see it.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i myself started at a wooping 308 lbs i am now down 33 lbs and still wear the same cloths they are a bit loser but and i can wear 1 size smaller but its still tight my belly and hips only went down like 2 cm each but my upper waist went down 10 cm guess i am a pear shape after all always thought i was an apple =)

    But look at the NSV for me its no more backpain in the mornings i can tie my shoes and put on socks without running out of breath and so on. Keep up the great work 50 lbs is a lot! But for us big ppl it shows much later that we losing something what i do is i go to the store and lift 33 lbs of dog food or go to the sports store and lift weights with the amount of lbs i have lost you be amazing how heavy 50 lbs are and how much less you carry by now
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I have actually seen my clothes get baggy and my scale stay where it has been for the past few months. No change on the scale but my body shows progress. It can be a wacky ride.
  • jaimerueda
    jaimerueda Posts: 2 Member
    50 pounds. Impressive!!!!!. Keep on going. Congratulations.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    50 pounds is an awesome number to hit. Congrats! Try not to get discouraged though. There are a lot of factors that could explain it. It could be that some of the loss was muscle mass. It could also be that a lot of it came from places that aren't quite as noticeable. If the fat burned came from a variety of places on your body it's not nearly as noticeable as it would be if it all came from your stomach or another specific area. While the way to lose weight is essentially the same for everyone (caloric deficit), the results vary from person to person based on genetics, and kinds of exercise.

    I've had some friends who looked roughly the same starting out, and then after losing 20 or 30 pounds, one would look almost like a different person, while it wasn't nearly as noticeable on another. Most of mine has come off my arms, chest and legs, while my waist has stayed basically the same.

    Like many have said, the key factor is persistence. Stick with it, and over time you and everyone else will see it pay off in a major way. You've already come this far, keep kicking butt!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Congrats on hitting the big five-oh! If nothing else, your health has definitely improved and the scale is moving! Just be patient, I'm sure you'll start noticing a change in your clothes soon!

    When I started losing weight, it took a while for me to notice a big difference in clothing size as well. Part of that was because my clothes were getting a bit tight before I started watching my weight and the other part was the way I lost the weight. In my case, I lost more in my upper body at first - face, upper chest/back and neck. Then I started losing on my lower body more - hips, thighs, bum - so it seemed like all of a sudden none of my pants fit. My shirt size was the last to change but that's because the girls are big and I tend to hold more fat in my belly and upper arms so I always seem to be between sizes.

    Another thought - you may want to try shopping for the next size down even if you think you're not ready. Clothing designs change and brands are different. I've been pleasantly surprised a few times when I didn't think I was ready to go down a size but pants I've found at certain shops (or Goodwill) have fit! You never know until you try!