Crazy Canucks - July 28

TashaS Posts: 199 Member
Good Morning Canucks!!

Another great week for me - down another 0.9lbs - now I only have another 1.5lbs of baby fat to loose. Feels pretty darn good to know that I'm so close to my pre-pregnancy weight... the smallest I had been in YEARS!!!

Also on a side note... I'm going to see Kid Rock & Bon Jovi tonight!!! OMG, I'm so excited! JBJ is the BEST!!!! :smooched:

Hope everyone had a good week. :happy:


  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Hey!!! I am a crazy Canuck also!! way to go on the loss, and enjoy the concert!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Also on a side note... I'm going to see Kid Rock & Bon Jovi tonight!!! OMG, I'm so excited! JBJ is the BEST!!!! :smooched:

    I just saw this and had to laugh! Kid Rock cancelled on Hlifax a couple of weeks ago, after the city spent WAY TOO MUCH $$ promoting him! Everyone got a refund though.

    Enjoy it! And well done on your loss!
  • Izzys_mom
    Izzys_mom Posts: 64 Member
    Well I have not lost anything this week. But after the weekend I had I am just glad that I didn't gain. Have a great time at the concert!!
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    Can I join in too? I'm from New Brunswick, fairly new at this, but doing okay. It's my weigh in day and I'm down another lb. It's my anniversary and dh and I are going to treego, can't wait!
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Can I join in too? I'm from New Brunswick, fairly new at this, but doing okay. It's my weigh in day and I'm down another lb. It's my anniversary and dh and I are going to treego, can't wait!

    Absolutely! Welcome Misty. :flowerforyou: Congrats on the loss and happy anniversary! :heart:

    Izzy great job on not gaining this week. I say as long as the scale isn't going up we must be doing something right! :happy:
  • Krystled
    Krystled Posts: 58
    It's so great to see our group getting bigger and bigger. Welcome all the new Canucks!
    Down 2lbs!!!!! :happy: Now to get through the long weekend with the family at the lake and keep it up. Great job to everyone, keep it up! Tasha, have fun tonight - so jealous - drive safe and I will see you at T's wedding if not before. :drinker:

    Go Canucks Go
  • lynzt16
    lynzt16 Posts: 48
    I saw Bon Jovi/Kid rock in Toronto recently! It was aweeeessooommeee! Hope you enjoy.

    I'm down 1.4 lbs since my last weigh in which was about 2 weeks ago which puts me under 150lbs! I havent weighed this little in yeaaarrrsss.
  • TerraEarth
    TerraEarth Posts: 16 Member
    I am not down anything this week. I had a stressful week writing the International Lactation Consultant Exam- fingers crossed that it went okay. I think the stress is helping me hold on to the weight, but I ate well and hope to see it gone next week! Congrats on the weight loss!
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Down 3.2...My weigh ins are Monday. Jumped on the scale at work today, and haven't yet lost anything this week. I suspect that is because I am not eating enough (???). I am off to Minot on Sunday with hubby. That will mean restaurant eating for 3 days...pray for me to make the right choices. I am going to try to utilize the fitness room and pool in the hotel in order to maintian my working out schedule.

    Have a great long weekend everyone.