Struggling with motivation!! i NEED to do this!

To start, I need help. I suck at motivating myself and sit at home depressed. I do have a job but due to slow client work, I have basicaly been working from home for almost 3 months now. I am currently 200 lbs and was 200 in January. After 6 weeks of working out, I went down to 185 and was thrilled! Then came the work from home and i'm back at 200!

i do not know how to get motivated!!! I nede to lose at least 60 lbs and 75 to be at my goal weight (125). I've seen so many people do a wonderful job on this community of weightloss much greater than mine! HOW DO YOU DO IT?!

Motivation tips??



  • eswartz0728
    eswartz0728 Posts: 47
    Have a good support system!! Find something you like to do and use that for your exercise. I run to get my mind off things, but change it up it helps to not be doing the same thing everyday!!! as for motivation what is the main reason you want to lose the weight? Mine was because I wanted to look good again. . . I went through my closet and took out all the clothes that are to small and kept one outfit that is my daily motivation when I go to get dressed. Also I like to take a before and after pic it really helps me see how far Ive come. Good luck!
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    There's a lot of different ways you can motivate yourself, joining the community was one of mine.
    Heres a few things you can try (:
    -Make a motivation wall
    I make mine with sticky notes and cut outs from magazines, full of healthy foods, beautiful clothes etc. (I don't fill my wall with skinny women, because that just gets me down hearted because I'm not that skinny)
    -Make a Pintrest!
    Omg, I love pintrest its the best thing since sliced bread, and I have a soft spot for bread. They have so many wonderful recipes that substitute unhealthy ones like my favorite; buttermilk pancakes :s They also have different workout ideas to keep things fresh!
    -When you don't want to work out make yourself do it anyway.
    I know this sounds odd, but sometimes when I struggle to work out I just force myself to do it later. The motivation tends to come about 10-15 minutes into my workout and then by the end I'm glad i did it.

    I hope these tips helped. If you need any advice feel free to add me (:
  • thejen82
    thejen82 Posts: 1
    I say think back to that old feeling you had when you lost that weight! I'm kind of in the same boat I lost 35 lbs and was so happy then went back to my old habits and gained 15. Getting back on it sure is hard, but just to feel that great is motivation enough for me :) YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    If I were you I would change my mindset a little. Motivation comes and goes, judge yourself by your commitment to things. See the opportunities that you have to exercise being at home. Commit to daily logging and exercise of some sort. Commit to a long walk with healthy eating every day. Commit to something. Commitment is what gets you places, committing will give you positive change, positive change will give you motivation. Like most people your day is probably already half full of chores you don't want to do, but you succeed in those because you have committed.

    You could spend your entire life waiting for the right sort of motivation. Somebody else might change their life today by simply committing. A support group is great, but its only a support group if you don't commit yourself to change.