I don't consume enough calories

Hi so I am new here, I have actully been using Myfitnesspal since March of this year! I had some surgery in December and when I was cleared I spoke with my physician and he helped me to get on my way, so far I have lost 15 lbs.......Woo Hoo! My problem is that I don't eat enough, it is still a struggle to eat the calories the doc told me to eat daily! I have been going to the gym for several years, not as dedicated as I should have been, but now that I am trying to consume more calories I have actully lost some weight and by following doc's instructions. Anyone else here seem to have the same problem not eating enough calories?


  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    ... No.

    I find it more impressive that you find it difficult to eat all the calories you need in a day. What on earth do you eat?!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    A lot of people find this because (and I was the same) naturally you're going for low fat options. Go for full fat versions of your low fat options (don't be afraid of fat) and eat proper butter, cheese, avocado, use oil when you cook, add nuts to salads and hot dishes etc. I went from falling short of 1000 to easily being able to pump up to 2000 :)
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    A lot of people find this because (and I was the same) naturally you're going for low fat options. Go for full fat versions of your low fat options (don't be afraid of fat) and eat proper butter, cheese, avocado, use oil when you cook, add nuts to salads and hot dishes etc. I went from falling short of 1000 to easily being able to pump up to 2000 :)


    It doesn't work like that. Find out how many calories you need to take in every day to maintain your weight (http://www.caloriecontrol.org/healthy-weight-tool-kit/weight-maintenance-calculator-women) and then minus it by about 500 calories.

    Remember, for weight loss it's just calories in, vs calories out. If you need to take in 2200 calories to maintain your weight, and you take in 1900, you will lose weight. Obviously, eating clean foods is the best and healthiest thing for you, but if you're below a caloric deficit, feel free to have that chocolate cupcake. I do.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    ... Go for full fat versions of your low fat options (don't be afraid of fat) and eat proper butter, cheese, avocado, use oil when you cook, add nuts to salads and hot dishes etc....

  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    It's not hard, honestly. Just add a tablespoon of olive oil when you are cooking dinner. That around 100 cals right there. Buy full fat greek yogurt. Have a protein shake. Have a larger chicken breast. There are a million and one ways you can add calories and still be eating well.
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    It's not hard, honestly. Just add a tablespoon of olive oil when you are cooking dinner. That around 100 cals right there. Buy full fat greek yogurt. Have a protein shake. Have a larger chicken breast. There are a million and one ways you can add calories and still be eating well.

    this ^^

    great tip btw.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    A handful of nuts gets me to goal when I find myself short of calories.
  • victoire713
    victoire713 Posts: 720 Member
    I also have the problem sometimes of underconsuming or overconsuming calories. I personally think it's my excercise that does it.
  • WaimanaloMan
    WaimanaloMan Posts: 165 Member
    You'll find a balance soon enough, this is why it's so important to log your food and exercise, that way you can have a look at it and hopefully see a pattern that will help you reach your calorie goal. I never thought MFP would be such a source of education, but I have learned so much, and I'm still learning. Good luck!
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Also, it's worth noting that a lot of people don't realize they're not eating enough. Lots of people stick with "1200 calories a day" generically and don't realize their needs are different--it wasn't 'til I started wearing a heart rate monitor regularly that I found I needed a MINIMUM of 1800 calories a day, BEFORE exercise, and that was to *lose* weight.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    My problem is that I don't eat enough, it is still a struggle to eat the calories the doc told me to eat daily!
    The bottom line caloric intake here is 1200 calories. Are you not even meeting that?

    If not, I implore you to seek help for an ED. (Eating disorder)

    Peace and I hope you able to find the help you need...
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    Also, it's worth noting that a lot of people don't realize they're not eating enough. Lots of people stick with "1200 calories a day" generically and don't realize their needs are different--it wasn't 'til I started wearing a heart rate monitor regularly that I found I needed a MINIMUM of 1800 calories a day, BEFORE exercise, and that was to *lose* weight.

    Yup agreed. I use a fitbit. I burn around 2500-2700 on an average day (obviously like anything this is an estimate made by a device but it's as good as it gets) So in theory I can lose eating around 2000 cals a day. If you are an active person you can probably eat far more than you think and still lose weight. Worth thinking about....
  • alsouthernbelle38
    Thank you eveyone for the advice. I naturally have just never been a big eater, I do not have any type of eating disorder. I've never been a junk food eater, I don't drink cokes. I am visiting the doc every month to monitor me while I am trying to loose the unwanted weight. He has given me a diet plan which I have no problem eating the foods suggested, however the caloric intake he has suggested is only 1000 calories a day which is below the suggested daily intake, he did state that if I eat below that I would be crashing in a week or so. I am however eating plenty of protein, eggs, chicken.....etc. And he suggested that I just do cardio right now, 4X a week, 40 minutes each, which I have been doing since March, so far I am down 15 lbs. I feel good, I am not crashing. Until I started using MFP, I just was not aware of how little calories I have been consuming all these years, so I think that is why I have been packing on the pounds, also I think hormones played a roll in it, whatever the case I am finally loosing the weight. At my highest weight I weighed 155 lbs, with my last child I did get up to 165, now that may not seem like alot to some but I am only 5'1, so for me 155 makes me plump. This is from someone who has always been healthy even at my lowest weight, at 19 and pregnant with my first child, no ED, I weighed 98 lbs., upon delivery of a healthy child that I carried for a month past term, I only weighed 110. I have always be a short, small framed person. I do know the ideal weight for my height is 120, with all this being said, if I can reach my goal, I will be more then happy, but I will continue to struggle to eat the necessary calories. For me that is a lot of food daily! Best wishes to everyone trying to reach your goals and for a continued healthy lifestyle!
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    1000 calories is about much a 3 yearold should be taking in.

    do you log things like coffee or milk? (Before I started to log my intake of everything I may or may have not drank about 10 to 15 cups a day.)
  • divs2k7
    divs2k7 Posts: 18 Member
    I am pretty new here and loggedvery few days, but still found I have the same problem - Not consuming enough calories. But I also don't feel hungry or tired, even after exercising. Does this mean I will actually lose weight faster? Or is there any other harmful effect of this?
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    I am pretty new here and loggedvery few days, but still found I have the same problem - Not consuming enough calories. But I also don't feel hungry or tired, even after exercising. Does this mean I will actually lose weight faster? Or is there any other harmful effect of this?

    even though you might not feel tired when/after exercising if your body has adequate fuel then you will be able to go harder and faster. Y

    If you dont feel tired after excercise then you are probbably not doing it right regardless of diet., push youself a bit harder or go for longer.

    If you dont eat enough calories your body will hold onto each one since it wont know when/if it will get anymore, your metabolism will slow down to compensate. What you really want is your metabolism to be as fast as possible, (if possible eat 6 to 10 times a day for this since each time you eat your metabolism speeds up a bit. ) so you probbably wont loose any faster than if you ate more.

    I lost a lot quite quickly by sitting on 1440 calories, then when I hit a plateau I bumped up to 1860, and continued to loose at the same speed as I was before, but at the same time I was able to go significantly longer and faster in the gym.

    If you want to try this and see immediate results from this try this experiment.
    Hit the gym how you normally would, do what you normally do with normal diet..

    then the next day eat 100g of pasta of half a cup of rice exactly half a hour before hitting the gym, you will notice that you will have significantly more energy you'll be able to turn the treadmill up or the resistance on the bike up a few notches _AND_ go for longer.
  • AprilEubanks1988
    I had the exact same problem. Don't feel bad about it. Have you tried adding more frequent meals?
  • MEWarner89
    MEWarner89 Posts: 5 Member
    I completely understand. I am just starting out on here even though I've been at it for years and I don't eat that much. The calorie counter says like 2350 and I'm barely breaking 1500. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big girl but I've always been like this, Big sized-little intake. Lately it's been a little easier to eat a little more because since November when I was diagnosed with cancer, the hormone the doctor gave me has a side-effect of increased appetite. I hope that helps me out.
  • alsouthernbelle38
    Yes I do lol coffee, everything, when I started I was even logging the Butter I was getting on my toast. Then I quit using butter because at first I was st times going over my calorie limit. But thanks.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I would be worried by a doctor recommending 1000 caories a day - that's what Weightwatchers used to recommend in the 1980s! Unless you have a speicific medical condition which really needs such a restricted intake don't be worried to lose weight a bit more slowly - 15lb since march is almost 2lb a week, which is right on the maximum side of safe.