Revamping routine for summer and kids

Kids home for the summer in a few weeks! My kids are finally a bit older so I have a bit of leeway, but my one son struggles with raging, so that really limits the time I can leave him home. His older sister just can't handle him (and it's not fair to her).

So I'm *hopefully* going to get out to walk with my mom before my husband goes to work and then I have DVD's I can do in the house. Hopefully the first couple of weeks go really well and I can feel comfortable leaving for bike rides. I'm terribly out of shape, so my rides are short, right now only making it a half hour.

The park that I walk laps at also has a great playground, so that's another option for non-sizzling days.

Anyone else having to revamp their exercise for summer and kids?


  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Yep. I normally go to they gym while they are in school. The youngest will still be at preschool for the summer program but I am not sure how my 7 year old will do being dragged to the gym. They get up very early so getting up before them is pushing it for me, so I may have to change to evening workouts
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I'd be home free if it wasn't for my boy that struggles with raging. My fifteen year old does such a fantastic job with my seven year old twins.

    I use to do workouts after they were in bed but I didn't like it. I think mornings will work better for me, if I can get up.