Zumba or Bokwa?



  • MillyJ25
    MillyJ25 Posts: 2
    I much prefer Bokwa. I did enjoy Zumba when I first started it, but it soon got boring, and some of the routines I just didn't like. Bokwa is much more fun, plus you feel a bigger sense of satisfaction of learning the different moves.
    Bokwa is now growing in the South, I go to Bokwa level 2 and there's Kids' bokwa coming soon. I think Zumba may have some competition!
  • redvines27
    I'd say Bokwa, for sure! Attended different Zumba classes but none of them made me sweat as much as I do with Bokwa. I like that you don't know what the instructor will throw at you next but you're not completely lost because you know they'll lead you by their signals. I never have to look at how much time I have left with Bokwa. It's fun and I don't feel like I'm working out to lose weight with Bokwa! Love it!
  • kymlane
    kymlane Posts: 1
    I teach both Bokwa and Zumba, I have taught Zumba for nearly 4 years now and I also dance full time in other styles. I have been teaching Bokwa since this January and already I have had to have a week off due to injury. I have never taken time off from dancing! This is because Bokwa is very one sided and I have now knackered up my right hip affecting my right leg and back due to teaching Bokwa. Stick to Zumba! Its a balanced workout and if you have the right instructor its so much fun :)
  • Kimbles67
    Kimbles67 Posts: 13 Member
    Just seen this topic. I have done Bokwa for nearly a year now and love it. I attended a masterclass here in the UK at the weekend hosted by the creator Paul Mavi and the atmosphere was buzzing. Our classes are up to level 3 and while its a primarily right leg lead movement, the further you go on the levels, the less this happens as you "spice" the moves up. I have suffered ankle and Achilles problems for years due to running and Bokwa doesnt cause any more of an issue than running does.

    Its great for calorie burn as well as I normal burn anything between 800 and 1000+ in a 75 mins period. I sweat bucket loads, have loads of fun and have become extremely fit from it. A Bokwa body challenge was held in the UK and one of the winners was a guy from class who lost over 26lbs and 17 inches overall. The other joint winner - a lady - lost 29lbs and 21 inches. This was in 8 weeks :-)
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    either do what u want
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I prefer this.

  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    BOKWA..........sooooooooooo much fun!!!
  • gooose7
    gooose7 Posts: 7 Member
    Last few weeks I have been doing both they are so much fun !! More of a sweat on with Bokwa though!!
  • kirstie1926
    kirstie1926 Posts: 48
    before i moved, i had an awesome zumba instructor. 1.5 hours of pure, non-stop zumba dance. he brought the energy, choreography, music and really led you in the moves. i missed zumba so much that i went to a new place and it was horrible. the music wasn't typical zumba music, it wasn't lively, the moves were too simple and they stopped for a break after each song to change it on the cd player. i didn't even break a sweat.

    try another zumba instructor, ask around if you have to, you'll be glad you did.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I have to admit that I have never heard of Bokwa before this morning. From what I have read on the Bokwa website, it appears that it is a sort of free form dance... That is Bokwa has no choreography... It seems to be easier than Zumba... I think another reason why people do get turned off from Zumba is the fact that some people do not feel comfortable with Latin and International Music...

    The type of cardio dance that is most like pop or hip-hop music videos is Hip-Hop Fitness... However, Hip-Hop fitness in my experience requires some amount of dance talent... You don't have to be a professional dancer but, Hip-Hop Fitness is harder than Zumba...

    So basically I would say that Bokwa maybe a better fit for you...

    Finally, when selecting any sort of exercise program you need to ask yourself is this what you want to do? That is not every exercise program is suited for everyone...
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    I really enjoy both Bokwa and Zumba. They really are two completely different workouts. Zumba has much more dance incorporated into it and different steps to each song. With Bokwa each move is a letter of the alphabet so once you learn each letter they are repeated in all different sequences in the different songs. The music is high energy and fun in both classes. My Zumba instructor recently was certified in Bokwa so now she offers both. I definitely suggest trying it out. Beware your calves will be screaming the next day....but that's a good thing!!!
  • Kimbles67
    Kimbles67 Posts: 13 Member
    Once the basic format of Bokwa is done, the instructors can add flavour to it, so its to routinely following a basic set of steps. For those looking to try it for the first time, have a look on Your tube for Bokwa at FIBO in Germany a few weeks ago.
  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
  • mombacita
    mombacita Posts: 1
    I have been teaching Zumba for nearly 3 years and totally agree with many that you should try some other Zumba classes before totally turning away from Zumba. Each instructor is different and brings a different energy to the class. It takes about 2 to 3 classes before you can really start catching the moves and that will also depend on the instructor. I always tell my newcomers to 1, take it at their own pace, 2 get your movements down feet first then you can add in the arms, 3 JUST HAVE FUN!!! I started out in the back row bumping into people, tripping over my feet, going right when everyone else was going left. I laughed so much at myself that I had to go back. Zumba is taught without verbally cueing so if you go to a class with that type of instructor ( some do use microphones) then you will have to get use to her non-verbal cueing signals.

    As for Bokwa, I just received my certification in March of this year and will begin my first class next week. I love Zumba but am all about being diverse in fitness. I liked Bokwa because it was so easy to move to and after a while you just move without thinking. I sweat TONS in Bokwa.

    As for injuries, I think in any fitness format you can get injured. I am AFAA certified and always give my students modification especially for those that already have prior injuries. Hope you have found your fitness love by now ;-)
  • paulineb69
    Im licensed in both or I was, I let my Bokwa licence lapse. Much prefer Zumba. And metafit.
  • dancer1178
    dancer1178 Posts: 50
    I would like to add that when looking for a class make sure that the instructor is licensed or certified. Others in this thread are right, there are a lot of "fakes" out there. Zumba, especially. It's such a popular workout that people like to "hop on the train without buying the ticket". A Zumba instructor should be a licensed ZIN member or at the very least an active instructor (which would be within the first year they get licensed if not a ZIN, your license lapses after the first year if you are not ZIN). If you go on Zumba.com you can research classes in your area and check out different instructors profiles. Watch what you find on youtube, a lot of it isn't up to par. Definitely try any class more than once, no one is ever comfortable the first time. Zumba is a "follow along" workout but any good instructor will try to make you feel comfortable.
  • anna_louise90
    anna_louise90 Posts: 86 Member
    I find Bokwa more boring than Zumba, you just repeatedly spell out numbers/shapes with your moves. It felt like old people dancing, whereas Zumba there is a more frequent change in whatever you are doing.
  • bridgetrounds
    bridgetrounds Posts: 1 Member
    Bokwa is BY FAR the best dance workout I've ever had. Zumba is fun, yes, but if you are more into hip hop and want a more intense workout, Bokwa is better. I agree with everyone that it depends on your instructor, if they're not all that energetic then you won't be into it.

    If you are fortunate to have a Bokwa class near you I urge everyone to try it once. I had the funnest time of my life and I wish it were offered every week night, because I'd be there dancing my butt off!
  • MoRiv1986
    MoRiv1986 Posts: 379 Member
    Bump for Bokwa.
  • dancer1178
    dancer1178 Posts: 50
    I would love to try Bokwa but I went on their website and there doesn't seem to be a class within 50 miles of me :(