Starting all over again

I've been on about a million and one diets in my lifetime and have always struggled with my weight. I've never in my life been where I want to be and now it feels like it's totally impossible. I had my first child last July and the only weight that came off was kiddo himself, bummer. So I'm now at my heaviest I've ever been and feel disgusting. I've got all my gear and have decided to start today to try to get the weight off. I don't want to set huge goals for myself because I feel like that would be overwhelming. For me to be at a healthy weight I would need to lose close to 100lbs but my goal for right now is just to get back into my prepregnancy clothes because I miss my style. I had to buy my first pair of plus size jeans like 2 months ago and all I wear are my husbands t shirts and I feel like a man lol. I have this closet full of cute clothes that I could never squeeze my c section pooch into and it's just so sad. I'm shooting for 40lbs right now. Wish me luck!


  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    Good luck! You can do this!

    And I definitely agree with doing things step-by-step because it can be really daunting otherwise. When I started out on my weight loss journey, I would have given up from day one if my initial goal was to lose 80+lbs. So I started by trying to lose 20 lbs and, when I reached that milestone, I set myself another target.
  • athodges777
    athodges777 Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck! I have the C-Section "pooch" also. I had twins 2 years ago and never got rid of it and haven't really tried until now! I'm heavier than ever and hope to lose 40-60 lbs. I would be comfy at 40lbs lost but I really want to lose 60lb. I'm struggling with it every day and still and fighting my demons with food b/c I love the stuff! You can do it!
  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    I feel you!!! I start and stop.. and over and over it goes.
    Add me if you'd like!
  • truechel86
    truechel86 Posts: 5
    That whole misery loves company thing is totally true, it's nice to know people understand how you're feeling. I definitely don't wish it on anybody though lol
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    You can totally do this! I've been there done that, been on every diet known to man and always fall off the wagon. It wasn't until now that things are different, here's what i did. I will give you a little background on me first and hoping i can give you some pointers that will help. I have 4 kiddos 19, 10, 9 and 5 and after my first child i weighed 120 lbs when i was 18, after 8 years i had my 2nd child, my prepregnancy weight was 162 lbs and during the pregnancy i gained about 60 pounds, i never really lost the weight after the 2nd and within the year became pregnant with my 3rd, i was just under the 200 mark during that pregnancy and vowed i would never have any more children because its hard on your body. So for about 3 years i struggled. I finally got onto weight watchers and this helped....for a little....i also ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill, did 30 mins on the elliptical everyday and weights every 2nd day....i never went lower than 160.....
    Then i got pregnant and had my 4th child, the weight piled on so quickly because i wasn't doing the same workout anymore, i was limited i felt. After i had him i could not budge under 185. Then I took up running again and was doing weight watchers and lost 33 lbs. I loved running so much, i ran almost every day at least 5 miles, but then i sprained my ankle (not even while running, kids dug a hole off my deck that i stepped into) and was sidelined for a long while. Then finally when i got back into running, i hurt my back and then decided that it was best to give up running. For a while i struggled with this decision and went through a depression, for which i gained 23 lbs of it back. I then tried weight watchers, i tried atkins, and a couple other things and just gave up especially when i didn't see results so quickly. All of these things yo yoed for about 3 years until this time.
    I take inspiration from Jillian Michaels mostly now.
    Before I started this time i armed myself with as much information as possible on fitness, diet, and motivation. I read alot of Jillian's quotes and the one that sticks out for me that i live by is "Why choose failure when success is an option".
    Remember these things, they helped me immensely:
    1. Take it day by day, hour by hour if you have to (this is something that i had to do hour by hour for the first little bit).
    2. Choose small goals for the week (eg. i will drink 8 glasses of water for at least 5 days this week), put these small goals on a list you can see and check them off one by one, this will help you see what you have accomplished and will motivate.
    3. Make a plan for yourself, but make sure it is attainable
    4. Know that the weight didn't go on overnight so it won't come off overnight. This is one of the reasons i gave up so quickly....for me it was all or nothing, if i couldn't take it off in a week forget it why try.....this is unattainable if you want to do it a healthy way.
    5. Hide your scale and only take it out once a week at the most....i've hid my scale permanently because sometimes the scale lies....for example, last week i started Insanity (yeah i know crazy lol ) and the first week i gained weight.....even though i ate properly and worked out everyday.....that scale doesn't tell me how hard i worked, however my measurements did, that is a true indicator of the work you put in.
    6. Most importantly, if you fall off the "wagon" don't beat yourself up, it takes at least 3 weeks to develop a habit, if you fall off, just pick yourself up and get back on.

    I have so many more things that worked for me and this is already so long lol, sorry. If you need more ideas, let me know. You are a strong person and can do this.
    Sit down and think of your reason WHY you want to do this....not someone else's reason.....think of YOUR reason, once you have done that you know you are ready. I'm here for anyone who needs just that extra little push, or ideas. :)
  • truechel86
    truechel86 Posts: 5
    Man oh man you just pumped me up! I really feel the motivation to do this this time for a bunch of reasons but my biggest reason is that I just want to feel good. I've had a bad back for about 4 years now, I keep throwing it out every few months and it's getting old and I'm hoping by taking off some of this weight it'll help my situation. My first step in all of this is to correct the way I eat because while I was pregnant I did the big no no and ATE EVERYTHING and pretty much have done that since then. One of my biggest obstacles is that I'm still in my first year as a first time mom and am still adjusting to being so busy with my son and on top of that I don't sleep well anymore since I had him and it has nothing to do with him because he sleeps through the night like an angel but I spend the days pretty exhausted. I can do the diet thing, it's the exercise that I have issues with. I'm so tired all the time and when I finally have a moment to myself during a nap I just want to nap too! I'm just really out of shape and I'm having a hard time figuring out where to begin with working out especially since my knees and back hurt all time.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Take little steps, take your baby for a walk on really nice days, each day, try to go a little farther. Make taking care of you a priority because if you don't take care of you there is no way you can take care of anyone else ;) Do you have a significant other? Family members who can take him for an hour every couple days just to get out and have some you time? Get your family on board and tell them what you are doing and why and no doubt they will be willing to help you. Everyday plan to do something. If you feel tired....i always get tired around 1 o'clock every day no matter how i slept, get up and go for a walk if you can, do 20 jumping jacks, get down in plank for 10 secs 5 times, its all the little stuff that adds up :)
    Make you a priority. It is tough being a first time mom because we have this inert guilt feeling sometimes, we feel guilty when we spend time on ourselves because we feel we need to be ready for anything when our little ones need it. I struggled with this through my 4 kids and its just now that i've realize that i am the only person who can make me happy with me, noone can do it for me and a happy mom, means happy kids :)
    Do not get discouraged, most importantly know that every little step you take is a step towards a happier and healthier you, and that is very very important. :) Good luck and if you need some more support or motivation, by all means add me :) I love when i can motivate other moms because believe me i've been there done that and this time around its so very different for me, in a really good way. :)
