How do I slim down my thighs ...



  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Wowzer, thanks guys! Looks like I'll be squatting and lunging everywhere! Unfortunately I can't run as I can't take the impact exercise for the sake of my knees and back.

    Doesn't sound like I'm far off the mark but probably need to transfer more time to the power plates for squats and lunges.(I'm on the elliptical for 75 mins 3 days a week and spinning 2 days a week, with 15 minutes on the power plates -planks, crunches etc and 5 mins on leg press

    I do keep flipping back to 'emergencytennis' comment about squatting making thighs slimmer. I've purposely kept squats & leg presses low (on reps and resistance) for fear of bulking

    I don't know anything about anything. What I have learnt from this site is that you can't grow muscle if you are in a calorie deficit. A million squats won't grow hulk thighs if you are eating in a deficit.

    On the other hand, squats are not the magic answer to slim thighs. Low body fat is the magic answer to slim thighs, and you can get that in many different ways. For me, it comes with no boobs and ladder chest, so choose your poison.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    For me, it comes with no boobs and ladder chest, so choose your poison.

    mwah ha ha!!!

    i never had much boob to start with, but i know what you mean.... the little bit of belly is still clinging to me for all its worth though!!!!
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I've been exercising seriously for about a month with MFP. I walk and just last week started the 30 day squat challenge. I'm a pear and large thighs are the bain of my exisitence. :) I divide the squats up equally during the day (and do them everytime I go to the ladies room at work - luckily so far no one has walked in on me). Every group of squats I do, I then do 5 lunges on each leg. I've already lost an inch off of each thigh. Anxious to see how this works out when I have to do 200 squats a day! ~ Terri
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Yah, it is ok in mufti clothes, but in sport bras I look like my 13 yo son.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    squat, and lunge, then squat some more and lunge some more... with a calorie deficit!


    Having fat stored in your thighs usually has alot to do with body type. It's difficult to get rid of but far from impossible. Things like squats. lunges, box steps, hill sprints, and squat jumps will preserve the muscle and a calorie deficit will lower body fat. Where your body chooses to eliminate that fat is largely down to genetics. However, keep at a deficit and it will come off.

    This. It may take longer than you like, but it will happen. Calorie deficit + squats, lunges, deadlifts and other leg exercise + time = smaller thighs.
  • Smashleighjayne
    Yoga and Pilates have been working for me. :-)
  • shalecefiack
    SPIN CLASSES! Serious outer thigh and butt melter! 45 min twice- three times a week should do the trick. Beware, spinning can be very addictive!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    You can't, apart from general weight loss. You knew that already :)

    I am a pear shape myself. Healthy weight and all that, but no bust and good sprinting glutes and quads haha.

    The only way I can stop being a pear is to get seriously skinny. My BMI is 21 and if I go below that I get that ladder look where you can see the ribs in my chest. Yuk.

    So, I make the most of it. I do upper body stuff so I have some muscles in my arms. The best stuff, though, is couture. A bra with some help. Cowl necks, cross over tops, nice necklaces, to draw the eye upwards. A line skirts.

    The most important thing is your health. Healthy weight, healthy heart, the rest is in the eye of the beholder.

    This is very well said, and I can definitely identify. My BMI is also 21 and you can see my ribs. My boyfriend touches them and tells me he's worried, so I move his hand to my thigh and I'm's all right there! Don't worry!

    Good advice on dressing to draw the eye up. I need to do that!
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    bump for later! thx for the post
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    Good information for my thunder thighs! :laugh:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I'll probably be hated for this but....

    read this:

    Please keep the advice in context though.
  • smacmillan86
    smacmillan86 Posts: 153 Member
    Sumo squats while holding a weight is what my personal trainer has me doing for inner thigh work.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I've taken three inches off my thighs but that's all I want off. They're 21" now. I love big, muscular thighs and think they look so cool. Don't lose too much in them. Better to build the big old bicep muscle in the thigh so you look strong and healthy. But, as you lose weight, you'll lose fat in your legs. Just don't lose muscle. The thigh muscle is so attractive. And be sure to build up the hams too.
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    squat, and lunge, then squat some more and lunge some more... with a calorie deficit!


    I have always had big thighs until this time where I have been strength training - it makes all the difference...... that and reducing body fat .... can be done:)
  • lbigham1
    lbigham1 Posts: 132
    My brother is a gym junkie and I asked him what exercises I could do to work out my thighs.
    His reply was 'none'.
    I found this a bit discouraging, but I do squats for my bum and the leg press at my gym works out the inner thigh (apparantly) so that's what I'm doing at the moment.
    Weightloss is pretty much the only answer according to my brother though (but he doesn't believe in calorie restriction though, he just thinks you should burn more calories than you consume. i don't really care, whatever works best for you is pretty much my motto.)
    If you go to a gym try asking one of the people there what you can do to work out your thighs and I'm sure they'll gladly help you.

    Agreed! My thighs are always an issue for me as well. After loosing a few pounds, I am FINALLY starting to see them slimming down and I'm so extatic about it. - About 4 months ago, I started lifting quite a bit heavier (as advised by a trainer) and doing cardio after weights. It appears to be working .... slowly. My things are ALWAYS the last thing to go as i loose weight.
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member