Day number 5 of not smoking!

So today is day number 5 and I am proud that I can honestly say I have not had one drag since Friday. I am sticking to my diet and when I do get the urge for a cigarette I just do jumping jacks or push ups to take my mind off of it. The weird thing is that i have been sleeping better for the past 3 nights. I winder if there is a connection. Anyways just felt like sharing my little success.


  • ashlee2407
    ashlee2407 Posts: 65 Member
    YAY!! Quitting smoking is ridiculously hard, so I commend you!! I am a month and 4 days without cigarettes today..its crazy that you can feel the effects so soon huh?!?!
  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    Wow!! that is great. I currently smoke and I have tried to quit in the past. During the times that I had quit I always felt like I slept better. For me the first week is always that hardest, keep up the good work!! Congrats on the first 5 days.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Great job! As an ex-smoker I know how hard it is to quit, and to quit while keeping your exercise and eating better routine is simply amazing! You should be very proud of yourself!

    And be happy that it only gets easier from here... everyday gets a little better and easier to manage. :flowerforyou:

    Keep it up!! :heart:
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    That's a hugh success! Way to go! And doing push-ups and jumping jacks is a great idea to help take you mind off cigarettes. Keep it up. I have been smoke-free for 8 years 5 months.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Good for you!! I'm somewhere around the 8-month mark, but I never was a heavy smoker to begin with, and I never "quit" so much as I went a couple months without while living with my parents and then didn't start smoking again. Mainly because I left my cigarettes at home and all of my early cravings seemed to happen while I was somewhere else--usually where other people were smoking--and I was just too darn cheap to buy another pack! :laugh:
    JUSTFORME2010 Posts: 125 Member
    Thats Fabulas!!!!! It is hard I know but you will be so much better in the end
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I have quit for 2 years! I think one of the best things is when at the end of the day you can say, wow, I didn't think about a cigarette today. I still get the urge, but not anywhere where it used to be. Good luck on this difficult road. It IS worth it. I belong to a gym and had an assessment done 4 months after quitting and my cardio had increased 50%!! It's shocking but exciting to see positive changes to your body.
  • tammyhoff2004
    I'm so proud of you! I quit smoking 8 years ago and had stopped before. I have no idea why I started again then but did but when I stopped smoking 8 years ago, it was the hardest thing to do. I still crave occasionally but haven't acted on it all. You stay strong and pray about it. God will help you through. God bless you! :happy:
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    GREAT JOB! I personally know how hard it is! Keep it up!!! All the things you have been doing to distract yourself seem to be working so keep going on those! I'm SO PROUD of you!!! :-)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    fantastic for you, I gave up almost 3 years ago and have NO regrets whatsoever I wouldnt be able to ride my bike or do the C25K if I hadnt given up the demon weed, I hated being a slave to it, you are on the way out of slavery to the weed!!!!! Bravo for you, I am gonna have a glass (okay another glass;)) of red to toast you..... bravo
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    congratulations, now your clothes will always smell good, your teeth will whiten, and your skin will look more healthy!! my boyfriend is going on 8 years of quitting cigarettes....i can't imagine him as a smoker and someday people will say the same about you.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Woohoo!!! Congrats! Now you can focus on physical fitness as a way to deal with that deployment stress!
    For me it was comfort foods, not smoking, but I'm getting much better.
  • Becky_Boop
    Becky_Boop Posts: 96
    Well done! I quit last year, it is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. You will see the benefits soon and, as much as you wont believe me, it gets easier! Good luck =)
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Congratulations! Keep it up–it will be the best thing you've ever done for yourself.

    It's been 20 years for me and I'm so glad I stuck with it.