Starting my journey

Greetings everyone. I've been reading through the success stories and am definitely inspired by the great success people are having as well as the overwhelming support of this community. I just joined a gym in my area and began my first workout the other day. Currently I am 280 lbs and would like to reach my ultimate goal of losing 100 lbs. I have set me goals at 10 lb intervals to keep from getting frustrated. With my first workout complete my legs felt like rubber bands that could barely support my weight. Now, when I walk I feel like my hamstrings are so tight that they are going to break. My first workout started with the elliptical. That didn't work out so well, I lasted about 10 minutes before I felt like I was dying. I decided to walk around a bit and pushed myself to get on a treadmill. I started slow and before I knew it I was at 47 minutes at 3.5 MPH and walked a total of 1.67 miles. I, myself was happy with my maiden voyage. I know I have a long road ahead and am hoping to make a few friends here to help me with my journey. I look forward to reading everyone's inspiring stories and hopefully be able to share of few of my own. Please feel free to add me if anyone wishes.


  • Paulam18
    Paulam18 Posts: 1
    You should be very proud of yourself. You took the hardest step you will ever take in your weight loss journey. If you want me to be honest with you I will tell you that on some days it will be much easier but then there will be others that you will want to find any excuse possible not to head to the gym but that's when you have to self motivate and pep-talk yourself into the gym or even a walk around your neighborhood. I love the elliptical because you get the full body workout and what I did at the beginning was 15 minutes 5 forward - 5 backwards - 5 forward to make it easier and then the following week add an extra 5 minutes. You will build stability and endurance as I learned this way. I used to be 351 lbs and I am trying to lose my last 65 lbs and I have been stuck but only because I have found myself finding excuses.

    I wish you the best, do not forget to stretch, very important so you do not injure yourself or pull a muscle and do not forget to do some light weight repetitions as well. Lastly plenty of water and eat healthy, this app is really good to keep the food and calories count so you know where you are eating too much or not enough.
  • pleasehealthme
    You. Are. Awesome. Firstly.

    Next, I added you. Let's drop 100 together! Thank you for reminding me of my own goals. I need to adjust them here soon.

    You are more brave than I. I don't even want to set foot in a gym yet! Good luck, keep up, and remember there is no direction but forward! :)