Question about my Diet.

I don't eat meat,fish,or anything related to meat at home so you can call me a vegan at home. However sometimes I order some hot wings maybe once a month or 2 weeks.
Back on track I am just wondering if this diet will be good/healthy for me to lose 30kg, I weight 90kg at the moment.
I have just started insanity a few days ago and its been really hard for me I find myself tired and resting alot but thats not the point.

Heres what I eat on a daily basis.

Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner:
Salad + Vegan Chicken ( + Cucumber + Sometimes Lemon Juice.

After I do insanity I usually just drink a protein shake.

Been eating this diet for about a week now and I've been under 1000 calories a day. Is this a good diet to keep if not what should I change? I want to have a high metabolism and I'm not sure who to trust here haha.


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Eat more
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    eat more #2
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    Eat more #3. and eat more variety. You need a variety of foods both to be able to stick with this long enough, and also for nutrition.

    That's a lot of soy protein isolate. You might want to take a look at this and other online articles about how much soy should be eaten. It's not conclusive, but worth knowing about:

    Those vegan chicken things are also very processed...look at the long list of ingredients. We all need convenience, but it might be good to at least once a day substitute less processed foods...beans, quinoa, other good sources of protein?
  • ruleof9
    ruleof9 Posts: 5 Member
    Really doesnt sound like you're eating enough, especially with intense working out. Sure you'll drop weight, quickly, but it's extremely unhealthy, and also explains your fatigue. Put your info into this site, and follow it. You dont need to undercut your calories to see results.
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    You're tired because you do need to eat more :) when you work out, make sure you eat some/all of your exercise cals back.

    I'm on a fairly low caloire diet I haven't suffered any of the following that people rave on about; putting on weight, muscle loss, vitamin deficiencies, low/slow metabolism, dizzyness, tiredness, period abscence etc.

    I don't do it constantly, I will every now and then have a cheat day, I don't suddenly put on weight or start storing fat.

    I was on a lcd about 3 years ago (for 9 months) and then stopped, 3 years later I have put on a nothing to be shocked about 10lbs - so I didn't have any excessive weight gain because of my metabolism slowing down.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    A good article on vegan protein you may want to look at
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    Add nuts, seeds, soya yogurt , advocat , vegan ice cream , dark vegan chocolate! I have trouble staying under 2000 on a vegan diet! You need energy to work out high intensity!
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Why are you a vegan at home? Since you eat chicken wings sometimes it doesn't seem like it's a dietary or ethical decision so I'm wondering why you don't want to add meat to your diet. I think if you can or allow yourself to eat meat, then you're going to find getting protein a lot easier.
  • Haha because im 16 and you know I dont have my own place yet so I have to stay under my moms rules :)
  • And thank you guys SOO MUCH for the replys!!