pre/post workout foods

So I've heard many different things about having carbs before a workout, not having carbs before a workout, and of course having protein after a workout to help your muscles. So I'm just curious what everyone does before and after their workout!

Some people like to workout in the morning, so do you do it before or after breakfast? And for those people who workout after work do you do it before or after dinner?

Do you add any snacks or shakes in before/after your workouts? Please share


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I usually workout after work, before dinner. I have a late afternoon snack, usually carb based, so I believe this to fuel my workout. If I workout after I eat I get side aches. My dinner is usually all protein and maybe just a lil' carbs. So the protein from my dinner helps my muscles.
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    I workout in the morning and before hand I eat half a bagel thin, a banana, and peanut butter. After I try to eat anything that I can get the most protein out of!
  • fredivk
    fredivk Posts: 18 Member
    I prefer working out in the am, before breakfast. Not everyone is confortable with doing this as they feel they need carbs for the energy. I prefer it because I am working out in a fasting state and therefore feel the fat calories are forced to be burned immediately rather than the food I have just consumed. I do drink a protein drink immediately after to help with recovery.
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    I workout first thing in the morning and I do not eat until my workout is done...I find it makes me sluggish to eat prior to working out. After I have a cup of soy milk with protein powder in it and then eat my first meal. It seems to work for me do what ever works for you.
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    I workout around 4:30 a.m. and I have a 1/2 a bananna and 1/2 cup chocolate milk. Post workout I drink another 1/2 cup chocolate milk and then breakfast, which usually includes egg whites and wheat toast.

    There is something to be said about chocolate milk and how great of a pre and post workout drink it is. It has something to do with the carb protien ratio. I'm sure if you google it you can find more information on it.
  • mictur
    mictur Posts: 175 Member
    I enjoy working out in the morning before work. Depending on the routine will be if I eat something or not. If I do cardio for an hour I won't eat anything before hand, and have breakfast afterwards. But if I do strength training I will have a banana or another piece of fruit, do the workout, then eat breakfast. This summer I am off so on MWF I eat breakfast then I go to water aerobics for an hour and come home and eat lunch with protein, fast carb, and slow carb. On TTH is when I do strength training so I will eat something then workout. :drinker:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I typically have either a slice of whole grain bread with natural PB or a mini clif bar before a work out. Afterwards I shoot for either my protein shake, edamame salad, or greek yogurt. Nothing substanial is needed, it's all fuel and needs to be treated as such...just make it the best fuel possible.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I work out in the early AM and like others, prefer to do it on an empty stomach (though I have a cup coffee to wake up). I'll eat about an hour or so after i'm done. Usually something with high protein.

    If i'm running a 10K +, i'll have 1/2 a protein bar before the race, and maybe a bite or two of banana.
  • JensLogin
    JensLogin Posts: 74
    I too workout early in the morning and do not eat until after my workout. It works well for me. If I eat first it can actually make me sick to my stomach, which is never good. I eat a high fiber and protein breakfast and am good to go for the morning.

    I've done workouts at night and just don't enjoy them as much. Different strokes for different folks. I guess the most important things is that you work out! :)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I workout around 4:30 a.m. and I have a 1/2 a bananna and 1/2 cup chocolate milk. Post workout I drink another 1/2 cup chocolate milk and then breakfast, which usually includes egg whites and wheat toast.

    There is something to be said about chocolate milk and how great of a pre and post workout drink it is. It has something to do with the carb protien ratio. I'm sure if you google it you can find more information on it.

    I've heard this about choclate milk as well! When I workout in the mornings I usually will do it on an emty stomach. Will come home and grab a protein bar or make a shake quick and have that. I will shower and get ready for work (This usually takes a good 1 to 1.5 hours, I'm slow!) and then will have breakfast when I get to work. If I work out in the evening I will have a protein bar about an hour to two hours before my workout and then have dinner afterwards. I can't workout on a full stomach. I
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    If you work out after breakfast, you don't need a pre-workout snack IMO. I normally have breakfast (steel cut oats) and work out about an hour to 1.5 hours later.

    What you have should probably depend on how soon you want to work out after eating ... if it's within half an hour then something that digests quickly is the way to go (some kind of fruit, a small piece of toast, or even chocolate milk).

    Post workout I used to have chocolate milk (to get both protein and carbs). But I'm cutting my sugars right now so I'm going for PB with celery on toast these days.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    So I've heard many different things about having carbs before a workout, not having carbs before a workout, and of course having protein after a workout to help your muscles. So I'm just curious what everyone does before and after their workout!

    Some people like to workout in the morning, so do you do it before or after breakfast? And for those people who workout after work do you do it before or after dinner?

    Do you add any snacks or shakes in before/after your workouts? Please share

    I roll out of the rack. Drink some water, strap on the HRM and get after it. But that's just me, and that's what I'm comfortable with.

    You need experement with different things and do what makes YOU the most comfortable. The timing of what and when you eat something in relation to a work out might make a difference. But I haven't noticed enough of a difference for me to pay much attention to it....unless I'm going to run for longer than 40 minutes, that takes a little more planning.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I used to be big on carbs before and protein after..but then I changed things up just to see what would happen...i've seen better results since i've stopped eating my carbs beforehand, and now eat them afterwards with a protein, i've also tried eating nothing at all afterwards.....and know what...No negative changes have happened to my body, if anything I seem to have leaned out even more..i'm starting to question all this broohaha about eating within 45minutes afterwards...I dunno...I think i've been a little brainwashed, my results have proven otherwise, i'll keep at it, and see what happens. I also don't beleive that higher protein diets are necessary to maintain muscle. Just my own observations, on what my body has been showing me :wink:
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Thank you all! I have been trying different ways and haven't noticed much of a difference energy wise. If I eat carbs before or after hasn't seemed to make me feel anymore or anyless tired. And I've only done protein after a workout, usually not before a workout so I might try switching that up too.

    Interesting to hear about the chocolate milk! I never knew it had good benefits. Are you drinking a certain type of chocolate milk to be sure it is low in sugar?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Thank you all! I have been trying different ways and haven't noticed much of a difference energy wise. If I eat carbs before or after hasn't seemed to make me feel anymore or anyless tired. And I've only done protein after a workout, usually not before a workout so I might try switching that up too.

    Interesting to hear about the chocolate milk! I never knew it had good benefits. Are you drinking a certain type of chocolate milk to be sure it is low in sugar?

    If you're doing choc milk as a post workout snack..i'd make my own, skim milk and a little squirt of chocoalte syrup, I can't justify the added unnecessary sugars in processed chocolate milk..just my two cents, I love the stuff and always have it post workout.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I like to workout right after I get out of bed with no breakfast, then I eat after. This was when I did 30 day shred or elliptical. But I found I had to have something if I run, so then I have a nutrigrain bar. When I finish my run I have a glass of skim chocolate milk. Like someone said, google it. It's supposed to be the best mix of carbs and protein. I like the premade kind next to the white milk at the store. From what I read, it sounds like protein shakes, etc. are really only necessary for super-athletes like marathon runners and body-builders. Just not something I want to spend more $ on. I can get all my protein from food if I plan carefully.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    I am definitely going to try chocolate milk as a post workout drink, I love chocolate milk and it seems to have great benefits. I was reading on the apex website (where I purchased my bodybugg) that carbs are really important after a workout. I always had proteins after a workout, but if chocolate milk has the right combination then I will definitely try that instead and save my protein shakes for the morning because they give me a lot of energy and keep me full in the morning.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I'm not very hard core about this. I just eat a meal a couple hours before, drink a recovery drink right after, and eat another meal when I get home. I do my exercise in the evening so I consume the majority of my Calories after 4pm and the last meal is often after 9pm but this way I get enough energy for my exercise.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I typically workout in AM before work. If I am hungry I will have a snack before. Mostly bananas. Sometimes a piece of cheese and lastly vitatops if I am out of banana or cheese and that is if I am hungry. I usually stick to drinking water before, while and afterwards. My own rule is whatever I eat I like it to be under 100 calories for the most part.

    In the winter time other items I eat before workout is fiber one bars, a handful of trial mix or any kind of nuts. I keep these in trunk of my car for my workouts. I don't bring into my house because I can not stop eating them. I will start doing the same for mozzeralla sticks also.

    A trainer advised me to eat something before workout that way you have more engery to have a better workout. I did need something when I was working out with her because she really pushed me to another level! But I really never could tell the difference-- that is why I only eat snacks before I work out IF I am hungry -- which is 2 to 3 times a week out of 5.

    After my AM workouts I eat breakfast which always include protien. I love trader joes turkey bacon, but it is high in sodium but excellent source of protien for any kind of bacon.