still trying...

To lose weight, on wk 6 of couch25k, gonna do race for life in July. Have been overweight all my life, managed to lose 2 stone over the last 2 years very slowly, but struggling to lose more now. Tried all the "diets", been to dietician sessions, do boot camp twice a week and run 3 times a week (more like a stagger) but plateauing again now, not sure what else i can do.
I'm 50, BMI of 31, down from 33, need to shift at least 2 stone, ideally 3
Any suggestions?


  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    First thing , Change your handle. and stop beating yourself up, you are in good company with all of us. I'm sitting on my second plateau, don't worry , it will come down. Friend me if you like.
  • ornatelykate
    Why don't you change your username to start? Try to be more positive overall toward this. It's not easy for anyone but your username is a reminder of the negative thoughts you have about yourself rather than something motivational to help you continue to move forward. Focus on the fact that you're making an effort to change yourself for the better. Negative thoughts bring you down and make you want to give up!! =)
  • Marrowshard
    Marrowshard Posts: 24
    I agree, stop beating yourself up ... no name calling!
    As for running, I've always told people that if you see me running Im probably being chased and am running for my life. I much prefer a brisk walk or a hike at a state park to just straight-up pavement pounding.
    What's your meal plan look like? Are you still working with a dietician or winging it?

    We're all here to lose weight/get healthy, so cheer up :)
  • 58cayo
    58cayo Posts: 26
    Are you writing down what you actually eat, the truth, not what you should have eaten, or thought you ate, but what you did eat?

    How's the water going, drinking it I mean?

    What about some no exercising, exercising; take your kid, if you don't have any, take someone else's to the park and chase them around or let them chase you.

    Go shopping, not buying, shopping. you can power walk or stroll at your leisure while being distracted by window displays and other people.

    Give yourself a hug and a pat on the back 'cause this ain't easy!:flowerforyou:
  • fatcow1962
    fatcow1962 Posts: 2
    Thanks all, Kids are all teens now and have declined all my offers of coming with me, DS1 was horrified to learn I'd been running round the local park in case any of his mates had seen me!! I tend to run either early in the morning before work, depending on my schedule, or in the evening. Haven't had any problems with people staring, I enjoy the boot camps as it's all ladies and we have a blast, I really do not cheat on my diary (have been using a subscription site, but it's run out now), but might need to check fat & sugar content as some days that's over even if I'm within my calorie allowance.
    Have finished with dietician now, know pretty much what I should be doing, but just get discouraged when nothing seems to be happening.
  • ornatelykate
    Everyone gets discouraged. Think about where you'll be a year from now if you stick with it. It takes time!
  • KtotheD78
    KtotheD78 Posts: 58 Member
    I know how it feels to get discouraged. I lose weight VERRRRRY slowly!!! It took me since Jan to lose 11 pounds :/ I STILL have the gut but you know what - we are DOING Something!!! That is better than doing nothing. I realized I had to eat less calories - I am such a foodie as well as ramp up the exercise.
    I am not in my 20s anymore so I can't expect that without hard work and dedication I will look like that again!
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    I agree with everyone here, we're human we make mistakes and unfortunately for us we repeat them often.

    No negativity here everyone is accepting and realize that you stumble and fall. We're all here to work together to pick each other up and continue on!