Just can't get it together

I've been on a fat fighting journey my entire life. My mother started it for me in infancy, limiting the number of baby food jars I got, as most of my father's family is over-weight, & I look just like them. Since then, I've always been told, don't eat that. You don't need it. You're not really hungry. I always had to sneak food to not be hungry. I stole money from my mom's purse to buy snacks at school. I never learned any valuable tools for being healthy.

Since then, I've educated myself. I've researched, read, & combed books, the internet, & whatever other sources I could find. In 2011, I lost 50 lbs with MFP. I stuck to it & it seemed to just melt off. I've since gained it all back. Though not QUITE to the same extent....I'm about 7 lbs below my highest weight ever.

My problem is...I just can't get going again. I do well for breakfast. I have healthy snacks & foods around the houes & at work. But I end up just going out for lunch. Or I snack on something totally inappropriate. I pulled something in my shoulder & was on Prednisone for a week recently to help with that. I know that didn't help with the munchies at all!

I had my gallbladder out at the end of March. You'd think that would make a difference. But I just go right on eating & then feeling miserable afterwards. And my resolve lasts for less than a day. EVERY time!

I'm going to get a breast reduction this fall...as when I DID lose the weight, they did NOT get smaller...at all. Not even a little. :-P

I joined a health club & was swimming 3 times a week before my surgery (not that any weight came off then). I walked carefully afterwards until the Dr cleared me. But then my husband's work schedule changed...and my pool time is nonexistent now. And before you say fit the time in elsewhere....I use my lunch breaks to run errands & eat at my desk. I have 3 kids playing sports, so I'm running somewhere almost every night of the week. And my weekends are cleaning & laundry. I try to walk around the park while my kids play ball/soccer. I have small weights & a trampoline in the basement that gives me 15-20 min here & there. But I know I need that good half hour of really burning to do any real good!

I just don't have the umph to go! My iron count is improving, so my energy level is going up finally! It's been steadily decreasing over the past 8 years, despite slowly increasing my dose of OTC iron pills. The prescription ones are finally making enough headway for an increase! I'm up to the 70's from the 30's!

I guess I just don't know what to do to get going again. Before, I just decided to do it...and it happened. My whole family did it with me even. Now, I don't seem to find the time to cook, so we eat out WAY too much, but I try (most of the time) to not over-do it, but lately (this whole past week) even logging my food just depresses me, as I mess up EVERY day!


  • lklkl5
    lklkl5 Posts: 113 Member
    You can do this! You've done it before you can do it again. I have been there with the kids in multiple sports etc... and having no time for me. You need to remember to put yourself first and make time for you. I would strongly suggest a crockpot to halt all of those eating out meals. My favorite website for recipes is skinnytaste.com. She has a lot of crockpot recipes. If you don't like to crockpot, plan meals ahead. Just eating in versus eating will save you a lot of fat and calories as well as $. Sending you a friend request if you want support.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I do enjoy crock-pot cooking! My problem...we live in the county, and we barely make it to practices/games on time as it is, since they schedule them for times that work for the stay-at-home moms, but not for those of use who work til 5! I've gotten better the past week. I make myself wait til I'm home to eat (by then I'm so tired I'm not hungry, or I scarf leftovers cold) And the kids are able to hold over with granola bars & trail mix. May not be low calorie, but as much as the kids run, I think we're good! (I'm the only one in my house that's overweight). The fact that I managed to lose 1.4 lbs this past week DESPITE my poor eating...motivates me a little! The yogurt or cheese for snacks instead of m&m's & chips has helped a lot!! :-) Thanks for the support!
  • mandylgibbs
    mandylgibbs Posts: 185 Member
    Having lost 50 pounds before... I'm sure you already know. You have it within yourself to lose this weight again. It is REALLY hard to start back at square one. I lost 70 pounds when I was much younger and it took me 9 years and 150 pound weight gain to start again. I know what helped me was starting one thing at a time. I started going to Zumba. I went 2 days a week, then I started going three. Then I joined Curves. 2 months later I started a diet. You know it won't happen in a day or a month. Find one thing that you KNOW you can do well. Then add some things. I always tell myself these couple things. "You never regret a workout" and "No one ever said losing the weight (or skipping the binge or pushing a little harder) wasn't worth the effort.
  • lklkl5
    lklkl5 Posts: 113 Member
    One suggestion for crockpot cooking. I frequently let my crockpot cook overnight for the next day. I put it away for the day and reheat for dinner. That works well for when someone needs to eat before practice etc... I have been there with the 3 kids. I put over 100,000 miles on a car in 4 years due to soccer. And I don't even work, so that was all mom miles. My rule was pretty much, if I was home there was something in the crockpot. Whether to freeze for future or for that day. Something else I frequently did, was take my dinner with me to practice in a thermos. I'd sit in my car and read or whatever while eating my dinner. This helped keep me on track and out of the fast food line. I'd still sit down with my kids for dinner so as not to lose the family dinner environment. You've done this before you can do it again, just with new challenges!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    LOVE the Thermos idea! I'm gonna have to do the night before & have for next day option more often! We ate out THREE nights this week! TOO much! Especially as I can have it in the fridge here at work & just heat mine up around 430 & have an early dinner if I need to....then I'm not tempted to scarf "whatever" in order to have food. I DID do pretty well with early baseball games this season....if they started at 530...we ate afterwards. Kids just had a granola bar snack while we waited. So supper was still at home those nights! Thanks!