6 months... gone?!

SO I am writing this because I am absolutely so unbelievably frustrated, embarrassed, and depressed that I let myself fail. I was so close.. I am talking 7 pounds from my goal weight.. and I gave up. I lost 43 pounds and just gave up.. what was I thinking!?! This is the second time I have done this. I push myself to get close and then start making excuses as to why I can't do it anymore.. then give up on the diet/religious exercise.. and then give up on the things I hate the most... not eating fast food/drinking diet pop! I pushed so hard from January until June. After June started, I basically just let go. I have no idea what possess someone to want to give up 6 months of hard work.. or why I can do it without a problem. I was running 5k's, 10k's, doing turbo kick instructor training, weight training.. you name it... I was working on it. I had goals after I reached my first official goal. I'm not a lazy person by any means but lately, that's all I want to do. I push myself to workout and it just doesn't even get enjoyable like it used to but I do it. Now I am almost back to my original weight last October... I already registered for two races, one in september and one in october since I obviously need to start re-training and get back to my good eating habits.. Help!? how did you stay motivated or get back on track. I plan, even though I've been saying this for two weeks now, to get back on track starting monday, for good. I need to realize I can let myself have some of the bad things sometimes.. I almost think that was one of my problems. I enjoy eating, I think most people do. Food is awesome but not as awesome as I felt after I lost that 43 pounds.. I went from a size 12/14 wedding dress to a 6............ HALF MY SIZE. I am so frustrated.. but now the world can read this and tell me how stupid I was to let it go... lol

::end rant::

See you all again after my next long journey.. but I promise to post pictures and keep updates because it will keep me accountable. Add me as a friend as well. I need all the support I can get!


  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Hang in there lovely--you did it once you can do it again! I have faith in you--... You can and will succeed! Just believe in yourself and everything else will follow suit! =D
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Don't be quite so hard on yourself. This is a journey and like all journeys, it will have its ups and downs.

    As you have realized, depriving yourself of everything bad for you will get to you after a while. You need to go with moderation. You have already come so far, don't give up and don't wait for Monday. Today is your monday regardless of what the calendar says. Start back on track now. If you are bored with your exercises, find some new ones.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    You're not alone. I was 9 lbs from my goal weight in Weight Watchers and the gained it all back and then some. Heaviest weight I have been not pregnant. Not where I wanted to be at all. You can do this. Remember why you are doing this and then get some accountability! It sounds like you are married (you mentioned the dress and all!) so recruit your husband to join you. Working out together is one of the best things for a marriage, I believe. It has really made ours stronger. Find something that you both want to do, if he's not into running. There are a lot of people who train for races and do P90X as well and that program appeals a lot to men and does a great job in toning both men and women. Don't beat yourself up. You can't change what has happened, you can only take care of today. Even tomorrow is not guaranteed. Best of luck and feel free to message me.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    I have done the same thing loose alot of weight and then just give up and gain it all back. Why do we do this? Is it because we feel it is over? We need to look at it as a lifestyle change not a diet. There is nothing we can do about the past, all we can do is get motivated and determined to do it again and this time keep it off. You did it once you can do it again
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    OK - that's done. Now - ACTION! But this time you need to set some forever goals. It just does not work when it is "a diet" that will be over when I lose the weight. I have been where you are today - soooo many times. It's real basic - calories in (eating) and calories out (exercise). I now consider exercise a "job" that I have to do if I want to eat with any sembelence of normality! Exercise means EATING to me. While I am doing 6 days and 120 minutes a day NOW - when I get to maintainance I will still have to exercise (maybe not as much!) and eat properly - with perhaps a few splurges now and again. I am lucky that I never caught the fast food habit. I am sure it is addicting with all that sodium. Guess you have to turn those fast food items into clothes that you no longer WANT to wear. Say "if I eat that I will be wearing that pair of jeans that I hate for a lot longer". I wish you the best of luck - on this second leg of your journey!
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    Maybe you should rethink your goal - why not start with trying to achieve half of that and then work on holding that weight until it becomes an ingrained habit instead of a sprint to completion.. once you know you are able to maintain without feeling deprived or wanting to give up.. cut back some more .. until eventually you get where you feel most comfortable.. you have done so well.. no need to think it's all gone
  • merebear
    merebear Posts: 80 Member
    right there with ya! :sad: I also lost about 45 pounds from January to June but then it was like, "oh, I can do this...I lost 45 pounds, I can slack off and be fine." That's when my plateau started, then I went to vegas for a week where I planned to let it go completely. I gained back about 4 pounds but I had to get back on track. I just forced myself to get back into a routine....workout at a set time every day, plan meals and snacks ahead, and ALWAYS have a giant jug of water. You can do it, but we both know that we are at the hardest part of it so don't let yourself quit. One thing I really LOVE to do to jumpstart is a cleanse because it helps you easily lose the first couple of pounds then you are motivated to keep going. I use Acai 14 day Cleanse from Walmart. DON'T QUIT!!!:bigsmile:
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    You can get back on track, the problem as I am sure you realized, is you restricted yourself too much. You put yourself on a diet that you couldnt stick to for the rest of your life.

    This is a lifestyle change, and unless you knew for certain you wouldn't eat junk food again, then you should still eat it, but in moderation, so you wouldnt feel so deprived.

    I am sure you have not gained 43 pounds back, so dont give up, just pick up from where you left off and move forward.

    We all have days we fall off the wagon....

  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    Oh girl! Been there, done that, own the t-shirt! Now you know where you went wrong so next time you'll stop yourself. It's that self destruct thing we all seem to have that keeps you from attaining that goal and staying there.
    This time I got smarter.. I still eat the things I love including the occasional fast food burger BUT the big difference is I treat it like it's a special occasion. AND I make sure I burn enough calories working out or save enough through the week to allow for it. I've found it works quite well. Plus it kickstarts my weightloss all over again. As to the regular foods I've been craving, well I have them. I just meaure them out ahead of time and mix it up with plenty of salads and fresh fruit. I've found eating till I bust is not nearly as much fun as it use to be.
    Good luck!!
  • kiragami
    kiragami Posts: 73 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. I was a size 8 and ended up at a size 16, double my size. I'm trying to get back down and it is sooooo hard! You're not alone, just try, try again :flowerforyou:
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    well, the good news is you KNOW you can do it! don't look back. :O)
  • roguezebra
    roguezebra Posts: 5 Member
    I learned from the advice that people gave about diet vs. lifestyle change. I am restricting and then when the one night out comes during the week, I indulge. LIfestyle is my new goal.
  • chrimm
    chrimm Posts: 2
    You know what keeps me going? Cheat days!

    I have one cheatday in mid week of my choice and one day of the weekends.

    In my midweek cheatday I ate some deep-fried stuffs and weekend cheatday I normally go for sunday brunch buffet.

    Still, I maintain Calorie intake of 1500 or less in weekday and 3500 for combined weekends.

    I think without cheatdays my plan would be so boring. I can't let myself off of deep-fried stuffs but I do avoid soft drinks. I replace it with some low-sugar chinese green tea. Only 80 Kcals for 500ml (16Oz). On the day I ate deep fried, the other meal consists of vegetable soup with high protein tofu and tuna. And avoid starch and carb at all cost. Cause most deep fried stuffs give you plenty of carb anyway. So off you go, french fries, mashed potatoes, bread, buns, biscuits, hashbrowns, hush puppies...

    Try it. Cheat days will help you. A LOT!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I soooo know how you feel. Last year I did the same thing...did great lost 30 pounds , felt good had a break and I never got back into it. I ended up getting even heavier than when I started last time.

    Forgive yourself, it's hard too but you need to put it in the past. It's a lifestyle change and not a quick fix as we may like it to be. You can do this!

    Please add me as a friend!:flowerforyou:
  • eheinze12
    eheinze12 Posts: 58 Member
    you guys are awesome! Thank you!:)
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I've done this so many time myself. I still can't explain it. I'm trying something a little different this time. My plan was to go slow and steady. Hoping that the small changes would be long term. It was slow coming off. But, starting in June, about 10 lbs came rushing back anyway. A few too many celebrations and vacations! I'm slowly getting back on track - 4 celebration lbs to go. I wish there was an easy answer. I think that the key is to stick with logging everything even if we aren't perfect and don't exercise. I did stop logging religiously for a while there. Good job identifying the problem and getting back on track! Don't beat yourself up. Just get back to doing what made you successful in losing the weight to begin with!
  • xxxlimitxxx
    hey liz...I know how you feel completely I have days where I track off, and believe me I put a few pounds back on of what I burned off, its always frustrating, but as long as we notice our mistakes and get back on track, that is what counts the most. I haven't dropped a single pound in almost a month, so I know I hit my plateau. This site, and the people on it are helping me A LOT!! We all have our days, but getting back on track is what makes the journey worth it in the end :) I'm always here if you wana chat :) I was wondering what happened to you on here :)
  • lucifa73
    lucifa73 Posts: 110
    My motto on my home page is 80/20 life is for enjoy, not enduring and that keeps me on track. If I feel like a chocolate I'll have one, but a small one and only one. If I want a glass of coke I'll have one, but a small one and between times I eat as clean as I can for a full time working Mum.

    You have it in you to do it and you will do it again. I have faith in you x