
I'm looking into purchasing a Fitbit but unsure of which is best. Please discuss the one you have (both pros & cons). Thanks!!


  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    I have the fitbit that clips on (not the new bracelet) but its small and tracks sleep. I love it. I clip it on my bra and it is completely invisible. The sleep tracking is great. It does not measure workouts accurately - but that's ok because I wear my HRM for workouts. Spend the extra to monitor the sleep. Really.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I have both the FitBit One (clip) and the new FitBit Flex (wrist)

    They both track steps, calories, sleep
    Only the FitBit One tracks stairs
    Only the FitBit One has a display you can look at to see your progress

    The FitBit Flex does not sync with my phone, so I have to be at my PC to sync to view stats.

    The FitBig Flex supposedly is water resistance and you can wear in the shower -- but I haven't tested that.
    I would be too pissed off if it got ruined :)

    Tomorrow I am going to wear both the entire day and see if they come up with the same stats.

    I will be returning the Flex wrist one --- it drives me nuts that I can't see the display.
    I also have very tiny wrists and even the small band feels clunky and is not all that comfortable.

    I do wear my Polar FT60 during zumba/workouts to track actual calories burned for that hour specifically.
  • lsipe09
    lsipe09 Posts: 6
    I first bought an Ultra and it died in six months, but Fitbit replaced it. The replacement died in 6 months and they again replaced it but this time with the One. I have had it for about a month or so and I am really enjoying it. The One has a silent alarm that I use to wake me in the morning and then I have it set a at 10 and 2 to remind me to get up and move. The One is a much better design than the Ultra and seems more durable. I clip it to my bra so it is hidden. I have been using it to track my sleep. I believe this is the only style that has the sleep tracking feature. My sleep efficency is usually upper 90%. For me, I don't know that this feature is all that beneficial. I do really like the silent alarm. At the time I bought my Fitbit, the Ultra was the only one available so I haven't realy looked into the other styles.
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    I have the One & decided on it instead of waiting for the flex because I didn't want to have to wear something so obvious & I wanted to be able to see the display. I am SO GLAD I bought it, the display is incredibly motivating & it's easy to see how I've done during the day & how much more I have to do to reach my goals.
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    Everyone has been going crazy waiting for the Flex but I still think my Fitbit One is the best! I like to be able to glance at it and see my steps and calorie burn without checking my phone or a computer. The Flex doesn't have a display. If I'm working, I can glance at it and it encourages me to move along to get to that next 1000 steps or over that 10,000 mark. Also, I can carry it in my pocket, clip to my jeans or bra and it's there only for me to see. With the bracelet, if you have a function or wedding, it's going to look a little awkward having a rubber bracelet on your arm. :/ Too each his own but I'll stick with my ONE!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I have the fitbit one and absolutely love it ....its such a great little motivator ....good luck hope you like it as much as I do :smile:
  • eswartz0728
    eswartz0728 Posts: 47
    I like the fitbit 1 (the one with clip) I don't like the band because you cant look at your results!!! It depends on what you want I don't have the patience to wait and see how good I'm doing I like to be able to look right away
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I was about to get the flex. Then someone pointed out the genius of having the one clipped onto your bra... now I'm sold on the one. I don't want to have a rubber bracelet on all the time. But I can certainly hide a one in my ample cleavage with no issues :blushing: