B12 shot?

I have heard the wonderful things about B12 shots, but not the bad. Does anyone have any thoughts; good, bad or other wise? My girlfriend swears it helped her lose weight fast. Please share your experiences - Thanks!


  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    Dont know about the losing weight. B12 shots are given IM ( in muscle) for the treatment of pernicious anemia ..so I really dont know how it can make u lose weight ..
  • HealthyPr10
    HealthyPr10 Posts: 12 Member
    I can truly say it was great. I got it every other week for 2 month and lost the majority of my 20lbs. It gave me so much energy. I would walk for 1 hr and then wanted to clean, and still was wanting to do more exercise. My husband would tell me to slow down but I just felt so full of energy. I had to take a break in getting it because other bills were more inportant so now Im taking herbs that I use to make my own tea. It stops my cravings and give me a little energy but it is suppose to be good for the long run. But girl that shot was it. Ill probably start back getting them in Sept.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I haven't tried them myself, and I've heard lots of great things about them, but I'm really wary of them because:
    a) you're injecting a HUGE dose of B12, and the idea of injecting a ton of anything freaks me out a little, and
    b) generally, the faster you lose weight the faster it comes back once the diet/supplement is gone.

    Like you, I haven't heard much bad news about B12 shots, but I'm personally not convinced that super-fast weight loss is good for you. (I'm really glad to hear that you're being objective though--yay for both sides of the story!)
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    I have been on B12 shots for most of the past 10 years. I am unable to store any B12 taken orally or eaten. The symptoms were horrifying.

    Perhaps if someone already had a good level of B12, it would give them energy, but for me, it just gives me the level I'm supposed to have.
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    I would first get blood work done to see if you have a VitB12 deficiency. The people who are probably taking the injections need the extra boost because they have low levels of B12.