DO you eat back your calories?

cbkb1234 Posts: 94 Member
I'm doing a 1,200 cal diet, and I work out about 400 calories or more a day but I don't really do much moving through out the day ! for example so far today I've worked out about 250 calories and will do more tonight maybe around 400 and i've already eaten my 1,200 BUT now deficit since i worked out and it will prob be more later, but later after I work out itll be 11pm and then if i eat a lot after then its gonna be stored as fat while i sleep right? but If i dont eat it then I'll go into starvation mode? what do I do ...i need advice please


  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    To be quite honest everyones body is different and it has taken me 3 months to figure out what best works for me

    I get 1370 calories per day I have found that if I only work out for 30 minutes of cardio then I only need to eat my calories allotted to me - But if I hit 45 minutes or 60 of cardio then I have to add in an extra meal otherwise i go into starvation mode

    For a while I was eating back all but about 300 of my exercise calories but I was not losing weight so I had to keep tweeking it to see what works for me and this is what works for me

    So try it several ways eat your 1200
    Try it for a few days if your not losing weight then up your calorie intake a little more to find the right % of calories you need to eat back if any at all
  • cbkb1234
    cbkb1234 Posts: 94 Member
    To be quite honest everyones body is different and it has taken me 3 months to figure out what best works for me

    I get 1370 calories per day I have found that if I only work out for 30 minutes of cardio then I only need to eat my calories allotted to me - But if I hit 45 minutes or 60 of cardio then I have to add in an extra meal otherwise i go into starvation mode

    For a while I was eating back all but about 300 of my exercise calories but I was not losing weight so I had to keep tweeking it to see what works for me and this is what works for me

    So try it several ways eat your 1200
    Try it for a few days if your not losing weight then up your calorie intake a little more to find the right % of calories you need to eat back if any at all

    Yeah I suppose you are correct!!! thanks for the advice!
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    Your welcome

    I think its helpful to come and get different opinions - One thing learned is everyone is different so always good to get different opinions and try different things just to see what works - You never know you might find you need to eat back every last drop of your work out calories
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I eat 1800 to 2000 and don't eat back exercise calories. I don't exercise much either though.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm doing a 1,200 cal diet, and I work out about 400 calories or more a day but I don't really do much moving through out the day ! for example so far today I've worked out about 250 calories and will do more tonight maybe around 400 and i've already eaten my 1,200 BUT now deficit since i worked out and it will prob be more later, but later after I work out itll be 11pm and then if i eat a lot after then its gonna be stored as fat while i sleep right? but If i dont eat it then I'll go into starvation mode? what do I do ...i need advice please

    If you are following MFP then you are suppose to eat all your exercise calories back. That's why when you log them it increases your daily goal. A deficit has already been factored into your baseline 1200 cals.
  • lyssad86
    lyssad86 Posts: 31
    Since you're at 1200, you HAVE to eat back those exercise calories in order not to stall your weight loss. TRUST me on this! Also, are you sure 1200 is correct for you? Do you use the TDEE -20% method of calculating calories? If not, you're probably not eating enough to lose weight. I'm 5'4, 149 pounds, and WITHOUT exercise I have to eat 1425 a day in order to lose consistently. I'm four pounds from a "normal" BMI. Really look up the forums--this one changed my life on eating more to lose weight:
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    I don't eat them back unless I'm really hungry. Just let your body tell you, and be sure you're not seeing an extra 600 cals to use up and filling them with pizza and ice cream! If you're going to eat them back make sure it's protein or some veggies. I'll add in some tuna or hard boiled eggs on days I need to go into my exercise cals.
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    don't work out again tonight if you're that worried about it. problem solved.