Some they help?!

Week 1 I consumed 10550 in the week and lost 1lb.

Week 2 I consumed 11450 in the week and lost 1lb.

Week 3 I consumed 12050 in the week and lost 0lb.

Week 4 I consumed 11900 in the week and lost 0lb.

Does this mean anything over around 11500 in a week and I maintain? I think 1600-1700 mark is ALOT for me but kept reading that BMR & TDEE mean I can't eat much less. Could this be wrong for some people? I've lost a stone in 2-3 months before on 1350, so perhaps I'm not one of these who HAS to eat loads to lose??


  • natalie1508
    natalie1508 Posts: 11
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    nope, not at all.

    You are trying to calculate what your bodyfat should be, but measuring what you WEIGH.

    a 16 oz large glass of water weighs one pound. Eat more salt today then you did yesterday and your body will retain water, making you weigh more. any food you've eaten but not yet gotten rid of will also make you WEIGH more.
  • natalie1508
    natalie1508 Posts: 11
    I use the body fat checker on the scale - it's a gripper thing and that also hasn't moved more than 0.4 in 4 weeks. I don't know how accurate these are but nothing on me has changed, inches, clothes fit, nada.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    The numbers from BMR and TDEE are an average based on population. If it's not moving, play with the numbers a little and see what happens. Your body won't be exactly average, so the numbers provided may not work for you. Experimenting is the best way to see what really works for you. Sorry that I can't be more concrete.