Hello Folks

Lara1985 Posts: 14
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone,

I am Lara im 23 and will be getting married 17th October 2009 and i refuse to do it wearing a tent from millets! I am a self confessed chocoholic and serial snack abuser. This diet WILL get to me the size i want in time for my wedding, i would appreciate any tips for avoiding the chocolate bars or yummy alternatives.......

Good luck everyone!!!




  • Lara1985
    Lara1985 Posts: 14
    Hi everyone,

    I am Lara im 23 and will be getting married 17th October 2009 and i refuse to do it wearing a tent from millets! I am a self confessed chocoholic and serial snack abuser. This diet WILL get to me the size i want in time for my wedding, i would appreciate any tips for avoiding the chocolate bars or yummy alternatives.......

    Good luck everyone!!!


  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Congratulations on the engagement!! I'm getting married June 2009 myself :smile: You've come to the right place. Log your food, exercise, and eat all of your calories. Start getting some exercise even if only a 15 minute walk 3x a week. You will have to up that of course. :bigsmile: But once you get started, it feels great! I used to hate exercise...:grumble: ...and I NEVER thought I would hear myself say this, but I LOVE TO EXERCISE NOW!!!! It feels great! The feeling you get after you've accomplished it is well worth the sweat :smile: Buy yourself some carrot sticks, broccoli, I like to eat breakfast bars in the morning, if I want something sweet, I eat a 100 calorie pak (they have lots of yummy treats and yes you could buy a bigger bag and portion it yourself, but I find that with it already that way for me, I'm less likely to go over the portion size...at least for now until you get used to the portion sizes...I don't use them as much anymore), there are lots of great healthy treats that taste good too. And after I have a good week or month or whatever, I sometimes treat myself to some not so healthy food. IN MODERATION OF COURSE. And I make sure I don't overdo it and usually exercise afterwards to make up for some of it...:bigsmile: That's what I love about this. It's not a diet that restricts food. You can eat anything you want as long as you stay within the goals the system has set up for you. And once you get started and start working out, you start to crave healthy foods instead. It's not easy and we all fall off sometimes too...Just make sure that you get back on and keep going. Don't give up and don't get down on yourself if you mess up. Get back on and try again. And if you have any questions or need any support, we are all here for you. You'll love this site!! Its like a big happy family with lots of love....:heart:

    So congrats for taking the first step!!! Cheers to you!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • AJneuro
    AJneuro Posts: 33
    Jello sugar-free dark chocolate pudding cups
    Fiber one bars
    No sugar added fudgescicle bars
    Weight watchers giant ice cream/ fudge bars
    Diet Swiss miss
    No pudge brownie mix

    These are just some of the things I use to fend off my chocolate cravings and I'm pretty sure that they make 100 calorie pack tiwx, hershey's, etc. but i've never tried them! Hope this helps and good luck!!
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    I triple love the South Beach Living Snack Bars..Dark Chocolate Hazlenut Creme..they are delicious and only 100 calories. I also depend on Special K Bars...I've tried and fell in love with the Chocolate Drizzle and Strawberry. Ice Breakers Sugar-free gum is also a life saver...
  • Congrats Lara, I'm also getting married on 17 October 2009... To you... lol
  • jilldan55
    jilldan55 Posts: 61 Member
    Here is my chocolate fix that i simply cannot live without:
    a fudgsicle! Only 60 calories and no fat!!!!
    it take the chocolate craving away......such a beautiful thing it is:laugh:
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member

    Welcome, you're in the right place to acheive your goal, and it's very acheivable.

    I would encourage you to log everything in your food log. There will be times when you slip back and eat something you hadn't planned on eating. Just log it and don't worry about it anymore, you can find a way to compensate for those calories and the food loses the power and you gain it.

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You're going to look great next October.
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