Big Loser (not in a good way)

Ok so I fell of track like way way off track and I am more then right back where I started from I think 3lbs more to be correct so I am not happy, I feel like such a loser I have no clue how I let my self do this. I know I could blame it on my busy life I have 3 small kids who are making me crazy I work a full time job that is by no means an easy job, I am getting ready for a move, and it's summer so all the yummy BBQ's and birthday's blah blah blah, I'm sure we have all said it all but really what it comes down to is my will power or should I say lack there of.

I dont know what it is but i wish I had some more because I always seem to find great motivation but lose it just as fast as I found it.

Any way that's it no more singing the blues I joined the gym this past weekend and I am ready to go again so I am getting my self back on track and hoping that this time I can just keep it up.

Thanks for listening.


  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    You do have great motivation! Those 3 small kids that drive you crazy. Just remember they are gonna need you for a really really long time. This is what keeps me going. I have a 10 yr old and a soon to be 2 yr old. You CAN do this!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    sorry to hear you fell off the wagon, But joining a gym is a step in the right direction. Just get back up and try again. We are here for you if you need encouragement. Maybe you should see if you can find a buddy at the gym to exercise with. If you have someone that is counting on you it is harder to make excuses not to go.You can do it, just dont give up
  • autumn130
    autumn130 Posts: 48
    I am right there with you!!!! I fell off and I fell hard! BUT I took the first step too and went to the gym this evening :)

    We can do it!!!
  • treasurep
    treasurep Posts: 88 Member
    Congratulation's Lynzb aand autum for taking the first step. With the support you get in here you can do it. I started this with my best friend at my side-she has backed out-but if it wasn't for the support I have received here I'd be sitting down idle myself..Keep it up ladies.