Plateau point, I'm stuck again...

I'm stuck at 150Ibs. This magic number seems to be where my body always puts on the breaks. At 5'7" I'm not overweight at this point but I would still like to take off about another 20 Ibs and wear the other half of my wardrobe. However, this is the point on the scale that I haven't been able to get below for at least 5 years. Yes, I am one of those women who keeps her clothes and refuses to accept her new expanding shape. Through college I stayed between 130-140 and I don't know why I'm having so much trouble getting back there. I work out 6 days a week and use a heart rate monitor. Generally it is 45-60 min cardio and 30-45 weight or crossfit training. My average calorie burn is 500-700 calories per day. When not working out I hang out with my two children often outside, do housework or lawnwork. Any insights appreciated. Diary is open.


  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Quick look at your food diary and I would suggest you adjust where you are getting you calories from. Do some research around macronutrient breakdown and clean up some of the sources of fat and carbs.

    Weight loss is 80% what you put in your mouth and I see some opportunity there

  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Getting stuck is simple math, you are at maintenance. Either work harder (increase intensity), work more (increase frequency), or eat less, or some combo of all 3. It's really simple math.

    This. You have to mix it up somehow, surprise your body.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Getting stuck is simple math, you are at maintenance. Either work harder (increase intensity), work more (increase frequency), or eat less, or some combo of all 3. It's really simple math.

    Did you read her diary? This is terrible advice for someone netting barely 600 cal / day. She barely eats 1,200 cal / day and exercises 600 cal / day.

    To the OP, you have to eat more and exercise less. Keep going and you will not lose weight. Your body is in self-defense mode. The harder you try to kill it in that starvation diet, the harder it will try to preserve itself. Your metabolism is probably so low right now that you could gain weight by not eating any food.

    This is one of myriad articles describing what you are doing:

    EAT MORE OR EXERCISE LESS. Once you get your metabolism reset to a normal level, you can lose weight again by eating at a REASONABLE caloric deficit.

  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    Congrats on your loss so far.

    I would say you need to eat more. Your body might have gone into starvation mode from not having enough energy intake. Search for the posts on TDEE and how to calculate it. I was on1200 cals but hit a plateau, upped my intake by about 250 cals and the weight is starting to come off again, slowly but surely.