oy vei ... here we go again ...

so i'm a bit of a turd head ... I used mfp to help me lose weight before my wedding last year. everything worked great...until the wedding was over. then I slacked on everything ...BIG TIME! now i'm right back where I started. so here's to beginning this journey again! and hopefully this time i'll be able to stick to it and keep the weight off for good! :happy:


  • kirbear1980
    kirbear1980 Posts: 3 Member
    im right there with you lol !! :tongue:
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Been there done that. I got down to 180 before my wedding in 2006, but afterwards and in the years since, I got up to my highest weight ever. When I got to where I started having trouble singing (what I went to school for) because I couldn't breathe, I decided it was enough & time to do something. Then in February I had my gallbladder out & that just jumpstarted everything.