18 days in and starving

teeset Posts: 12 Member

This is my 18th day on MFP and i'm starving all the time, even after i've had my meals! I'm not exercising at the mo (recent injury) and on 1400 cals. How long does it take for your body to re-adjust to smaller amounts of food? Any advice please.


  • Supermom145
    Supermom145 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been doing this for about a month now - I am trying to not go over 1200 calories a day. It has been hard and I always want to eat, but it has gotten easier every day. Hang in there and try to think about how great it will feel when you get to your goal weight
  • scookiemonster
    scookiemonster Posts: 175 Member
    You shouldn't be hungry all the time. If you are, you're either not eating enough, or not eating the right things. Without seeing your diary, I couldn't tell you which it is. Are you eating enough protein, fiber, and healthy fats? How tall/heavy are you? 1400 calories a day would be really, really low for me - I eat that much before I even have dinner. Also, a lot of people make the mistake of eating a lot of low-fat or "diet" foods that don't stay with you long enough to keep you full.

    Personally, I've lost six pounds in the last month without even having to feel hungry (except when I should feel hungry, like when it's time to eat). I don't believe in deprivation. In my experience, deprivation and feeling hungry all the time just leads to failure. If you really need to eat that little, I'd slowly bring down the amount you're eating, rather than cutting so much all at once. I can't live my life feeling hungry - it leaves me unable to focus and with no energy to do anything, and that doesn't work for me.
  • R_Bedard
    R_Bedard Posts: 91 Member
    Make sure you get the most out of your calories. Fill up on fruits and veggies and things that will keep you full. Some say a calorie is a calorie however, think about how many calories are in a few chips versus how many are in a large salad. Which will keep you fuller longer? I also sometimes mix chia seed into my water. It is good for you and helps to keep you full.
  • Casstevens133
    Casstevens133 Posts: 142 Member
    It would be easier to help if we could see your diary. I'm on 1350 a day and never go hungry. I try to keep carbs slightly low and protein up a bit. Feel free to take a look at my diary - I hope it helps. Good luck! :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    What is your current weight loss goal set to? If it's 1 lb/week, I'd suggest you change it to 1/2 lb per week to give you a bit more wiggle room. You would get an extra 250 calories/day if you need them that way. Then, when you have recovered from injury, you could bump your target back down.

    Having said that, to stay more satisfied on 1400 calories, I recommend eating something with significant protein i.e. 7g or more in a serving for a snack, like an egg or a cheese string, every single time you eat anything. Try and get to a total of 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass. If you eat carbs alone, they will process faster leaving you hungry sooner. Protein, fat and fiber are what make us feel full so also choose the highest fiber options when you can and avoid non-fat foods unless they're just naturally non-fat like fruits and veggies.

    Break your calories up into reasonable amounts for your meals and snacks. I recommending loading earlier in the day rather than saving calories for nighttime.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Make sure you get the most out of your calories. Fill up on fruits and veggies and things that will keep you full. Some say a calorie is a calorie however, think about how many calories are in a few chips versus how many are in a large salad. Which will keep you fuller longer? I also sometimes mix chia seed into my water. It is good for you and helps to keep you full.


    Make sure you use your calories to their advantage. I am on 1350 , but I still eat a lot!
  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    I won't lie and say it happened overnight but it does happen. I average 1600 now but am down from an average of 2400! I figured out that I was getting a huge amount of calories from soda and high carb foods like fries and bread and rice. I dumped the full calorie soda for diet cherry coke or diet Pepsi, I reduced the carbs, and I increased my protein and fat but not too much. I lost 17 lb. just from those changes only in about 2 or 3 months (mostly during the holidays!). Now, I can eat 1400 and feel full. I never ever thought that was possible at all.

    For me, bread, rice, fast food, carbs, etc do not fill me up and leave me hungry again a few hours later. They were not doing it for me personally so I dropped them down my scale. I started really eating more vegetables, more lean meat, and looking for low calorie, low carb swaps that we eat regularly now (I personally like some of the stuff on Hungry Girl better now). I started eating breakfast every day even if it is just a boiled egg on my way to the car. This prevents the crazy hungries at lunch. I eat a real large salad with next to no dressing for lunch most days. I try to eat pre-packaged nuts or an apple as a snack in the afternoon. I save some calories for dinner each day by entering dinner first thing on MFP; we try to eat dinner at the table together so I reserve that. I also plan for treats by leaving room one day a week for it. I try to prepare 3 meals for us on Sunday as we both work and falling for take out food happens if nothing is ready and a work project holds us over.

    I hope you can work through this period and find the right balance for you. Intake is critical to weight loss but this will only work if you don't frustrate yourself beyond baring. You do have to give it time and bare a little bit of pain but do it in increments so that you won't give up. Maybe go up 100 for a week and then drop 50 and then another 50 until you get where you are going in a sustainable way. This really isn't a sprint to some goal. Hopefully you are not on a diet but are seeking a life change. Keep going and it will get better.

    I wish you good luck and much success!
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? That will help you feel full. If your stomach is growling, feed it. Otherwise, have a cup of tea or glass of water and wait 20 minutes. That should resolve the problem.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Calories are calories when it comes to losing weight but they are different when it comes to feeling satisfied. I agree with the above poster who says fill up on veggies. Add lean beef or chicken to that for a satisfying meal. Get some fat from nuts, fish or avocados. It will definitely take time for your body to adjust. I'm cutting down now myself and drink coffee all morning to leave calories for later in the day. It's not easy, I'm not going to say it is.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    What exactly are you eating?
  • cstod74
    cstod74 Posts: 28 Member
    I am at 1200 per day because I have a sit down desk job. I weighed 221 and now down as of today to 213. I takes work but your stomach will shrink in time. I have given up soda and fries to start with. My big thing I do always is drink a full glass of water before I eat my meals. One it reminds me to drink it lol and it seems to help. My second little rule I came up with is to eat very smal portions, the key is I can "always go and get more to eat". (if needed) these little tips have helped me along the way....

    add me as friend and we can help each other out.

    Last all of the people on this sight are very helpful and help alot! Good luck baby steps is the key!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    It took about 2 weeks -ish for my appettite to adjust. But this is what helped me: make sure you get enough protein and healthy fats - they are worth the extra calories, because they keep you feeling full for longer. Fill your plate with lots of veggies - they increase your volume of food without a big increase in your calories.

    Feel free to take a look at my diary - it's boring, but it works for me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My goal is 1390, although I exercise and eat more. If needed though I have no problem eating under 1400.

    The key is to have a lot of protein and veggies. My snacks are greek yogurt, quest protein bars (highly recommend them... really feel me up and they have 1g of sugar), low fat cheese, fruit. If I eat a breakfast sandwich in the morning (usually ezekiel bread, low fat American cheese, low fat deli ham and an egg) I'm full until lunch. I eat carbs but always with protein, and whole grains if possible, and try to avoid having pure carbs more than twice a day on most days.

    I had protein shakes at first too (shakeology) and it really helped filling me up.
  • filoula
    filoula Posts: 17 Member
    I feel the same some days. I may have some helpful tips :)
    I posted a similar thing somewhere else because I think this is THE thing to live by when dieting!

    Basically you need to eat heavier foods with less calories. That way, you'll feel fuller but consume a lower amount of calories (and other nasties). For example, 100g of chocolate contains about 500 cals, which is 5 cals per gram. But a 100g fruit salad may contain about 50 cals, which is only 1/2 a cal per gram. You will be just as full, eating either one, but consume 10% of the calories with the latter. Try to aim for foods that are around 1 cal per gram. Stuff like fruits and veggies are brilliant, potatoes are really good, some rice is, fish.. you can work it out really easily! Just check the cals in a food, and divide that by the weight.

    Another trick is to keep yourself busy. Takes your mind off food. Im suffering from injury at the moment too and that is one way I like to stay busy so it sucks not being able to do anything! Stuff like music, games, crosswords, phone calls, anything to keep your mind off the food!

    Lastly, drink lots and lots AND LOTS of water! If you feel hungry, grab a drink because you're more likely to be thirsty. Also, I've found a good way of feeling like I'm eating but I'm actually just drinking is to make ice lollies! Just put some squash in a lolly maker, let it freeze, and when you feel peckish just have one of them! Literally no cals.

    You'll get used to eating less than normal, it took me a while! But as you progress your will power will too! Good luck! :wink:
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    I'm on week 4 and I can honestly be full from what I eat. I'm around 1550 a day and some days I don't even reach that number because I'm full.

    What certainly helped me in the beginning is VEGETABLES. When I wanted a snack in between meals I scarfed down some veggies like a whole cucumber. That really fills me up and they are relatively cheap :)

    Another thing. DRINK A TON OF WATER! Drink MORE than 8 glasses a day! It fills your belly up and it's good for you ;) That should be able to help with the hunger pangs :)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    If you are always truly hungry, then you are not eating enough food. I cannot imagine eating only 1400 a day - I would be Hangry all the time. :grumble:

    I am 5'2" tall, 42 years old and eat nearly 2000 calories per day (I am moderately active). Before I started working out this hard, I was losing comfortably at 1700 calories per day.

    Search for "Eat more to weigh less" and see how you feel about that approach.
  • Sieryannah
    Sieryannah Posts: 4
    My nutritionist says if you are still hungry eat more protein that makes you feel full, and never eat a carb alone.
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    I know you said you couldn't workout due to an injury and that always SUCKS. But is there any way you could do ANYTHING? Like I had a foot injury last month, so instead of running, I swam. When my shin splints were horrendous, I cycled. When my knees act up, I jump on the elliptical.

    When I just want to burn a few extra calories so I can have a snack, I sit on my exercise ball and just bounce (great for the core).

    If you can't do any of that, you need to make sure you are eating nutrient dense foods with lots of fiber and protein and fat. All three will help keep you feeling full.

    One other thing....try to avoid anything with HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP or sugar in it.

    "High fructose corn syrup can raise both blood sugar and insulin levels [5], both of which play a role in regulating hunger, but it doesn't have the same impact as other forms of carbohydrate such as glucose [6].

    In other words, the calories in a soft drink don't cause a feeling of fullness in the way that calories from food do, promoting the "passive overconsumption" of calories and sugar.

    Publishing their findings in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania looked at the effect that high fructose corn syrup has on various hormones that help to regulate hunger [1].

    The researchers recruited 12 women of normal weight. On two different days, the women ate the same three meals. After each meal, they received a drink sweetened with either glucose or high fructose corn syrup.

    When subjects were given the drink sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, levels of the hormones insulin and leptin were lower than when they drank glucose. Rising insulin and leptin levels trigger a feeling of being "full."

    Following the high fructose corn syrup drink, levels of the hormone ghrelin were also higher compared with the glucose drink. A rising ghrelin level is linked with increased feelings of hunger."

    Here is a link to the full article.

  • margieo1983
    margieo1983 Posts: 45 Member
    Make sure you get the most out of your calories. Fill up on fruits and veggies and things that will keep you full.

    I agree 100%.

    Are you tracking what you are eating? If so, that should help you tweak where you're wasting calories and where you should improve. For example, I never realized that bananas were so high in calories (MFP says 100/each) and sugar. I figured a fruit is a fruit, but that is so not true. I've cut bananas and replaced it with strawberries, watermelon, or other lower-calorie options. You get way more for the same amount.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    eat more filling foods. one cannot exist on salad alone. get some dense; yummy foods.