Exercise is my torture! Got tips?



  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    First time exercising for an hour (just moderate walking) probably since last summer. Felt like my legs were going to fall off. I'm just curious how people get to the point of enjoying exercise? I used to exercise regularly, and I've ALWAYS hated it. I used to run, and I could never get into it for some reason. I just don't like pain.

    I have some personal trainer friends, and they love exercising. How, I wonder. To me, it's like torture. Can they pass that pain-tolerant gene on to me, please? I want to start loving exercise!

    Getting into shape is definitely torture. Once you get into decent shape though the pain greatly decreases and it becomes much more fun!
  • tarnyacarrier
    tarnyacarrier Posts: 20 Member
    There are so many different kinda of exercise and what others enjoy you may not! I don't enjoy running! Treadmill running is torture! I do high intensity interval training instead of straight running and it's more enjoyable to me. Working out for an hr is unnecessary. You just have to make sure you're doing the right exercises for short periods of time! My favorite workout are combat, pump, HIIT, rollerblading, biking, and lifting weights! If you'd like more info on the right exercises message me! I can help you!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    People that exercise a lot don't tolerate pain better. They have simply developed a high enough level of fitness so that it isn't painful anymore. There are no shortcuts.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I agree with everyone's advice to find something you enjoy doing. But for me, I had to change my "self-talk." I would dread working out and all day at work I would say things to myself like "Ugh, I have to go to the gym tonight." I stopped that and starting saying things like "Wow, once I'm done at the gym, I'm going to feel awesome tonight." I also started rewarding myself for going to the gym. My gym has a whirlpool and a sauna, so after my workout I would reward myself with 10-15 minutes of spa time. It helped me start to enjoy going to the gym.
  • MegSimmons7
    MegSimmons7 Posts: 13
    THANK YOU EVERYONE for your thoughts! I Love all your advice. I will start implementing ....
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I love to exercise actually but it is all too easy for me to get off track!

    When I started trying to get fit again last year, a lot of workouts hurt and were uncomfortable, so I did a lot of "mini" workouts - 10 minutes or so twice a day, once when I got up to wake me up and once when I got home to help me relax. I feel like I can do almost anything for 10 minutes and it gave me a great basis to get started and it really helped me build up my fitness level slowly so I could do more challenging stuff.

    The key for me to stick to it has been finding things I find are fun to do though, there are hundreds of ways to burn calories, so if long walks are boring why not try some different things until you hit on something more fun? Biking is great for low impact, dancing, gardening, sports, martial arts, classes, hula hoop (my fave!) etc. I am sure there is something out there you can learn to love! I also run and lift weights but not really because I love it - I just got in shape enough to where it's not torture and I do those things to get stronger so I can be a better dancer (and look cute in shorts)...it gets addictive when you start to see the results!
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Yup yup, finding something you love is key. You don't even have to love it at first, just not hate it. Let me say that the first few times SUCK. Your muscles have to get use to it. Your whole system has to get use to really using it. My first walk after being a lazy butt for way longer then I want to admit too, SUCKED. Seriously, thought I would die. I walk with my mom and we were a sorry pair limping through the mall, getting passed by grey haired couples.


    Now we're walking three miles at an even 3 mph without getting winded and we're pushing to increase our gait. Get this, it feels GOOD. I look forward to walking. My legs crave the movement. It's an incredible feeling.

    So finding something you don't hate. Stick with it, you have to give it a real shot and if you can, find someone to go with you to help pass the time. It's a lot easier with a friend.

    A few different activities are good to have in your pocket, in case you really can't do your normal thing. My mom was busy this am, so instead of walking, I woke up and jumped on my bike and road four miles. For some, that's child play, for me, I just upped my riding by one mile and ten minutes and it felt GREAT.

    So give it a decent shot. One hour is a long time when you're brand new, a couple of jaunts around the block might be more manageable. Just keep moving. Think activity, not exercise. Good luck!
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    i hate running. and yoga.

    so i lift weights and do plyo instead. if walking is torture-try dancing. if that fills you with suck and hate, try weightlifting.

    theres way too much variety to just say, "i hate exercise." keep trying until something clicks.
  • phurst00
    phurst00 Posts: 100 Member
    Here are some fun exercises for you:

    Workout videos from youtube (Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home is very easy for beginners, but still burns ~100 cal per mile)
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I've been walking because it's easy and I can fit it in anywhere but I'm nowhere near up to the speed that some people are (I get up to about 3 mph right now). I figure any movement is better than no movement, so even though I'm only doing a mile at a time right now, it's better than before. I have some mysterious issue with my feet....I think it's tendinitis, but I also think it's weight-related, so I keep pushing through it to finish my walk with the hope that eventually the weight strain won't be as bad. Then again, I finish my walk, relax for a few minutes, and then the stiffness and pain are so bad that I have to hold onto the furniture to get around...LOL. I'm 46 on the outside but feel like I'm pushing 80 on the inside. If you have an iPod, load it up with songs you really like and that helps the time go by faster. I put stuff on that's more upbeat and try to keep up with it. Good luck!