
Sold my car, bought a bike, and moved to San Francisco.

I'm 25 and starting over... with a whole new lifestyle.

I have loads of life long goals.... half marathon, century, rock climbing, mountain biking, gardening...etc.

Who wants to be my friend?


  • Holy ****!
    Well, since I can't be you, I suppose we can be friends.
    Add me!
    Totally jealous!
    You're living my dream of starting over somewhere!
  • Added.
  • sweet goals...

    you're awesome.

    I want to be your friend.
  • Count it.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Well I"m sort of starting over. I'm in my mid 40's and went back to college. Got a new bike last summer if that counts? Would love to live vicariously through you and see what challenges you take on. Friend me if you like.
  • oudixon
    oudixon Posts: 389 Member
    That's awesome. 5 years ago I accepted a job 700 miles from where I was living and my family. I accepted and moved within a week. It was awesome and had a lot of great experiences here.