Low-Cal Cake? Desperate for suggestions.

FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
My birthday is in 2 weeks and it's the first birthday in 5yrs that I'll be able to spend it with my parents. My mom's a cake decorator and she's asked what kind of cake I want.

Trouble is, I don't want a 500-cal-a-slice cake. I don't want to reduce to cupcakes, as I'm the only one at the party who will be dietting/watching their weight strictly, so that leaves me with trying to find the impossible: healthy cake recipes. I've considered mug cakes - something new, and portion controlled, but again, nothing really my mom will be able to decorate (and trust me, I've heard her talk to my dad about designs. It's not like this is a milestone birthday, either lol)

I was wondering if there was such a thing as coconut cake? Would that be healthy? If I mix white cake mix and angel food cake mix, use coconut milk instead of water/milk, etc?

I don't want to force my lifestyle on others, and it's my birthday - I want to partake in cake, haha.


  • fitznewme2013
    I know you can add diet coke to chocolate cake and it makes it like 100 calories without the icing or vanilla cake with diet sprite. you dont add the egg or oil.. just the mix and a can of diet whatever. ive made it before it works and you really cant tell a differemce
  • rachelklewis3
    rachelklewis3 Posts: 69 Member
    I would personally go for angel food cake but I know that's not the most fun to decorate. Cookinglight.com has some great "healthier" cake recipes. Do you like carrot cake? Pick something that you love! It's your birthday, one piece of cake won't undo all your hard work. :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Honestly I'd just have a small piece and enjoy it. The low-cal cake recipes I've tried have not been good. I do think cupcakes might be a good option-- why don't you want to do that? I've seen some pretty impressive decorated cupcakes.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    I know you can add diet coke to chocolate cake and it makes it like 100 calories without the icing or vanilla cake with diet sprite. you dont add the egg or oil.. just the mix and a can of diet whatever. ive made it before it works and you really cant tell a differemce

    This is what I was going to suggest. My mother is deathly allergic to eggs so this is how she makes cakes when she wants one. Says it has to stay in fridge. Also my sister-in-law is a diabetic and has made a chocolate cake mix with just adding pumpkin. Really good not sure on the calorie count but her doctor told her about this one. Stays in fridge too.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member

    Try Chocolate Covered Katies website - she has some amazing recipes :-)

    I agree with the poster above - carrot cake could be a good one? I will go check some of my collection, see if I can find any lower calorie recipes for you :-)

    Really you only have one birthday a year so one slice of cake is not going to undo everything - just make sure the rest of the day you eat low calorie to balance it all out?

    No-fuss chocolate fudge cake
    This fudge cake recipe contains no eggs, no milk, no butter and no fuss! This cake tastes just like the expensive versions sold in cafes. There is no butter to cream, no milk used and no eggs are required either. You just mix it all up in one bowl. If you have 'nothing in the pantry' you can still have your cake and eat it too! This is a rich tasting chocolate cake with the texture of a good 'gooey' fudge cake. Enjoy the following:

    1 and half cups plain flour
    3 tablespoons cocoa
    1 cup sugar
    1 cup water
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1 tablespoon white vinegar
    6 tablespoons oil (I use canola)
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    half teaspoon salt

    Turn oven to 180 C. Grease a 20cm tin well. Dust inside the tin with a little flour. Tap out excess. Put the flour, sugar, cocoa and water in a bowl. Add vanilla, vinegar, oil, baking soda and salt. Mix with beaters until smooth. (Mixture is runny) Pour into the tin. Bake 35 to 40 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes then take out of tin, and ice with your favourite icing.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    There's a bunch of low calorie cake recipes listed at www.skinnytaste.com
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    Honestly I'd just have a small piece and enjoy it. The low-cal cake recipes I've tried have not been good. I do think cupcakes might be a good option-- why don't you want to do that? I've seen some pretty impressive decorated cupcakes.

    +1. Eat some yummy cake for your birthday, just have a reasonable portion. I eat a giant cupcake from a local bakery about once a month and I am still able to meet my calorie/macro goals on average. Totally worth it!

    eta: cupcake bakeries are hot right now, so I think there are lots of people who love them and don't view them as restrictive or inferior to a slice of cake. I have always loved cupcakes! Embrace the cupcake :happy:
  • Jmeisalive
    Jmeisalive Posts: 38 Member
    I know you can add diet coke to chocolate cake and it makes it like 100 calories without the icing or vanilla cake with diet sprite. you dont add the egg or oil.. just the mix and a can of diet whatever. ive made it before it works and you really cant tell a differemce

    whaaat?! I am so intrigued...where can I find a recipe?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Honestly I'd just have a small piece and enjoy it. The low-cal cake recipes I've tried have not been good. I do think cupcakes might be a good option-- why don't you want to do that? I've seen some pretty impressive decorated cupcakes.

    I agree. It's okay to take a "day off" on your birthday an enjoy a bit of regular, well made cake. You've done great so far, losing 54 pounds, and it's not going to ruin all of that for you to eat some extra calories.

    I also agree with the cupcakes. Some of the stores here have done amazing displays with cupcakes arranged and decorated to make one, big design (flower, bee, Elmo, etc).

    And, if it won't hurt your mom's feelings, you can alway discretely scrape off some of the frosting. She still gets to decorate the cake and show it off, you can let her know how beautiful it is, but then not eat all the frosting.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    I suggest Mr Kipling cakes! individually wrapped and perfect portions x
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    I would also go for angel food cake, mostly because I love it!

    You can also replace the oil in cake with apple sauce or pumpkin puree. If you get a cake mix and then mix it with one 14.5 oz can of pumpkin puree (not pie filling) it is delicious! For muffins/cupcakes bake at 350 for 18 minutes. Or for a cake pan probably increase the time but I usually make muffins. I love the pumpkin mixed with lemon cake but you can use any cake mix: chocolate, spice, carrot etc. Then you can have a lower calorie cake and your mom can decorate it to her heart's delight!

    It's okay to have a piece of cake on your birthday. This should be a lifestyle change and you can't give up cake forever? Just try to limit it to once a month or once every couple of months!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There's a great way to cut the calories in any piece of cake in half.

    That way is to eat only half of it.

    Seriously, half a piece of delicious real cake is way better than a whole piece of crappy low-calorie cake made with substitutes for the yummy stuff.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Angel food cake with strawberries, or any fruit really, sounds great to me! However, if you are making the cake at home from a mix, there are plenty of ways to reduce the calorie count without sacrificing all the pleasurable aspects of birthday cake. My favorite is to use a mix, preferably chocolate, and just substitute equal amounts of applesauce for the oil and use only one whole egg with an extra white. The cake comes out super moist and actually needs no frosting. Great with fruit! Still up there on the sugar, but hey, can't always have everything, right?

    ETA: My kids prefer the applesauce chocolate cake to the oil version :)
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Dude. Eat some fuggin full cal cake and enjoy life!
  • Dottyb1940
    Dottyb1940 Posts: 188 Member
    bump for later sounds nice
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    I don't want to do cupcakes because my mom's a cake decorator.
  • DeserveVictory
    DeserveVictory Posts: 133 Member
    I saw a pin on pinterest once that suggested using fat free greek yogurt in angel food cake mix. Would something like that work? At the very least it would be creamy and a source of protein.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I really love those angel food cake mixes with the strawberries, bananas, and pudding. You can used sugar free strawberry pie filling, sugar free pudding, and then the cake isn't bad. It's beautiful in a punch bowl (I think it's called Punch Bowl Cake!), and it's really pretty for spring. It gets rid of the pesky icing which is where a lot of the extra calories tend to add on.

    I'm also a freak for grandma's banana pudding. I made it for a family gather with lowfat whipped cream, pudding, and low fat vanilla wafers and it was not a terribly bad dessert in terms of calories, though I still had to budget for it in my day.
  • knot2thin
    knot2thin Posts: 30 Member
    wow great suggestions for cakes and the just limit how much you have works in theory. However, what about those of us who can not help but consume more then your fair share of the ooey gooey delicousness we do exist. For some of us self control is very difficult. I can pass on the bread and pasta even the meat. But dessert is something I could eat all day everyday. Bring it on.