Hey Ya'll

I am new to MFP thanks to a good friend and facebook. After lurking and a few posts for a couple of weeks I wanted to introduce myself!

I am a 31 y/o male, I work nights and am an avid gamer. My weight issues started about 10 years ago when I got my first IT job, I went from a loader with UPS to a desk and needless to say my eating habits never adapted to my new life style. I basically went from 220lbs to 326lbs last Sept. I thing the saddest day I encountered was when I was at an amusement park and was not able to do the one thing I absolutely love, ride the roller coasters.

In march, I started my journey and had lost 66lbs since then. The changes to my life, self confidence and over all health have been wonderful. MFP has given me a new source of information, support and motivation. My first major goal was to get below 300lbs and now I am aiming to get down to 220lbs which is where I was at before it all started.

My entire life has been one struggle or another with weight and I have tried various programs to help get things under control. I never really learned and reverted to my old habits. This time, it has been about learning how to eat, exercise and live my life in a more healthy manner. This time, I am not using any "get skinny quick" plans and trying to learn my way through it all.

Anyhow, thats my short intro and thanks for the posts and information many of you share. It is nice to know I am not alone in my journey.


  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    Congratulations on you current successes and thanks for introducing yourself.

    Hope to see you around more!
  • morrigu
    morrigu Posts: 17
    hi there:) this sounds so similar to my story i used to work in retail i now go from my comp in work to my comp at home. Congratz on the hard work so far and if you need a new buddy feel free to add