One Week In - Need Friends

Thieka Posts: 23 Member
Hi Folks,

I discovered MFP last weekend and I have to say this program is phenomenal. The Android App rocks especially with the BC Scanner. Living in Ontario Canada, I'm quite impressed as to how many brands scan ~ totally makes logging a breeze.

Any hoot! I'm looking for motivating friends that use this daily! :smile:

Also, quick question - is there a way to report inaccurate nutritional values? TIA


  • WaimanaloMan
    WaimanaloMan Posts: 160 Member
    Hey Thieka,

    Way to go for finding MFP! As far as reporting inaccurate nutritional values go, when you are on the website and you search for something, say a coke zero, it shows you a list of possible matches. Click on one of the matches, and some information will show up to the right of the list. Under the name of the item on the right there is some text called "nutritional info". Click on that and there is a button you can select for the data being inaccurate and you can change it. I haven't changed anything since I've used MFP but that is how it's done. Phew.

    As for friends I would be happy to have another motivated friend, I use MFP daily, log everything, my diary is open to my friends and I enjoy supporting my pals.

    Good luck on your voyage to better health!
  • kapot
    kapot Posts: 53
    Hi, welcome. Always looking for friends too, you can add me.
  • kishkoway
    kishkoway Posts: 19
    I'm loving MFP too!! Please add me :D I love the scanner too and so much food is in the database is easy to find most things.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. I'm always amazed at the completeness of the food database.
  • theibster
    theibster Posts: 13
    Hi, what plan are you doing? I'm pretty new here too. MFP is a fab app :)
  • bass2be1
    bass2be1 Posts: 17 Member
    My name is Bonita and I consider myself a newbie also.
    please add me if you need a friend.
    today's challenge is to drink water.
    I log in when I drink a glass of water.
    again, welcome
  • Dacia327
    Dacia327 Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome! You are welcome to add me.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    Welcome! Newer here too and welcoming friends -feel free to add me.
  • Thieka
    Thieka Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks Everyone! Off to add and accept! :smile:
  • Thieka
    Thieka Posts: 23 Member
    Hey Thieka,

    Way to go for finding MFP! As far as reporting inaccurate nutritional values go, when you are on the website and you search for something, say a coke zero, it shows you a list of possible matches. Click on one of the matches, and some information will show up to the right of the list. Under the name of the item on the right there is some text called "nutritional info". Click on that and there is a button you can select for the data being inaccurate and you can change it. I haven't changed anything since I've used MFP but that is how it's done. Phew.

    As for friends I would be happy to have another motivated friend, I use MFP daily, log everything, my diary is open to my friends and I enjoy supporting my pals.

    Good luck on your voyage to better health!

    Aha! Thanks for letting me know about the correcting of N Facts. I'm primarily using the Android App and there's not an option. Now I know that I can update via the main website!
  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    Add me anyone, happy to help anyone who needs/wants support. :)
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    I could do with some motivation as well, please add me :)
  • Hey theika - I have been tracking myself for awhile now but i am a "newbie" ... you can add me ... it would be awesome to have new friends to encourage ... :wink: .... i am on face book a couple of times a day checking in with MFP (although i have to be honest i haven't been on in awhile) ... so i have to get back into gear ... and to have someone who is on all the time would be just the ticket ... if i could add anyone else that would be awesome too :happy: ....
  • PapillonBleu72
    PapillonBleu72 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! I have just joined the site a few days ago but have been exercising for a month.
    Any support is welcome as I am doing everything on my own here.:wink:
  • xRachTasticx
    xRachTasticx Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    I love the scanner too, it's easy and amazing! I'm on the lookout for new/more friends to help keep me motivated and to work this weight off with me! I'll be happy to add you! =)
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    canadian eh :happy: feel free to add me
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    Well first off, welcome to MFP! It's wonderful; believe me, you'll enjoy it! I try and log everyday so feel free to add me :-)
  • Thieka
    Thieka Posts: 23 Member
    Such outpouring support! Love this ~ Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to creating great friendships :happy:
  • eveleight
    eveleight Posts: 5 Member
    I am from Alberta and would like to have some motivating friends as well! I am not sure how to "friend" you, but I would be interested. I do not have any friends yet on here and have been using the logs, but am pretty new to the message boards. I try to log in daily, but I do have a crazy busy lifestyle and so there are days that I do miss. I do need motivation as I have a tendency to have my ups and downs with food. I would call it a bipolar relationship, I guess. I really want to eat healthy, but have gaps of lack of self control, where I seem to try every junk food group there is. I try to be a really positive person, though, and will definitely root you on!

  • kgem4u2
    kgem4u2 Posts: 69
    Welcome. I have been on for about 25 days. It has really changed my eating habits. Feel free to add me