New friends with similar stats

Hi everyone!
Looking for new friends with similar stats to mine who want to help each other out!

Sex: F
SW/CW: 222lbs
GW: 140 lbs
Height 5'3

Drop a line if you want a buddy!


  • Hey there. I am new to this board as well. I am 29 5'4" 172 with a goal weight of 125 for my 30th birthday in January!

    What are you doing to lose weight, are you doing any exercise programs? I just started turbo fire on Monday and I had previously been a low carb eater, losing 50 lbs in 2012 but then had a bit of a setback and gained 25 lbs over the last 6 months which I think is because I went back on birth control, started a new job and cheated a lot on my low carb diet.

    I am still eating low carb but I am not going to be as strict on it and just really follow a healthy eating plan and make sure I eat around 1200 calories a day.

    Since monday I have lost 3lbs.
  • nice
  • jessiebritt
    jessiebritt Posts: 33 Member
    That's a big loss.
    I used to do a lot of running, I'll probably get back on that horse, but I need to do some type of strength training to balance. Any suggestions?
  • FiftyEight58
    FiftyEight58 Posts: 6 Member
    Ladies would benefit from building some upper body muscles to increase resting metabolism. Go forth and turn your body into a better fat burning machine. :) Hit the gym for those arms and upper abdominal workout equipment.
  • LizzyB88
    LizzyB88 Posts: 15 Member
    CW- 150
    GW- 140

    My highest weight was 177. Nov2011-Jan2012 I had lost 27lbs through working out. I didn't really change what I ate, so when I stopped working out, I gained a lot of it back. Ive been here for a few weeks, starting at 160. I have yet to set foot back into the gym, but I do make a habit out of taking stairs instead of an elevator.

    I miss working out. But you have to be careful when working out. Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't be surprised if your numbers start to go up!
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    Ladies would benefit from building some upper body muscles to increase resting metabolism. Go forth and turn your body into a better fat burning machine. :) Hit the gym for those arms and upper abdominal workout equipment.

    Girls it's ALL about CLEAN EATING, portion control and weight training trust me I'm a walking testament.
    I incorporate spinach leaves into at least two meals a day :)

    Keep consistent!
  • I'm doing turbofire right now that is mostly cardio, but after I finish the 20w program I am planning on going back to p90x. I started with p90x in 2011 and I get bored easily doing the same workout over and over.

    I don't have a gym membership and I don't want one/have time for it. Basically my plan is to lose the majority of weight doing cardio then doing strength training with P90x to build muscle and tone up.