jogger friends, my ankle is sore.

Hey guys,

I've been working on jogging for the past few weeks now. This is all very new to me. I've never been a jogger/runner in my life. So I started off with 1 minute walking 3.5 mph and 1 minute jogging 5mph. I've worked my way up, and this morning I actually jogged for 10 minutes straight 5mph before taking a 1 minute 3.5 break, and then jogged again for another 6 minutes! This is completely uncharted territory for me! :n)

Oh, I'm also on an incline 2 for jogging (I use the treadmill, because I have two preschool/kindergarten aged kids here with me, and getting out to jog is tough). I wasn't sure if this is important info for my question.

So, since this past weekend, my ankle has been sore. I alternate days of walking and jogging. One day I walk for 100 minutes at an incline (currently of 9) and the next day I do my aforementioned jogging routine, attempting to work my way up to 30 minutes of nonstop joggery. ;n)

My ankle hurts on my right side, the inner part where the pointy bone sticks out. It's more when I tilt my foot in, but it's kind of hurting to the point that I'm even limping a bit now. I really don't want anyone to say that I need to stop. :frown: But I have a feeling that's what you're all going to say. I was hoping that I might be able to just go get a wrap for it or something and keep going. The pain isn't terrible, but I know I could just be exacerbating it.

Advice? Thoughts? Suggestions?

Thank you!


  • PapaPolarBear
    most important is probably going to see your DR if it's that bad, you may need new shoes, are you rolling your ankle at all while running?
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    Good shoes are the answer to a lot of our problems with pain. Even if you are using a treadmill. I run on concrete personally but I had ran down my shoes (old shoes) in about 6 weeks. by then I was running 25 mins or so and they couldn't keep up. New shoes will often help out with foot and ankle pain as well as back pain.
  • heebiejeebie
    heebiejeebie Posts: 32 Member
    I'm not a medical professional therefore can't diagnose what's wrong.

    However, it sounds like a tendon strain.
    Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE)
    And don't run on it if it hurts!
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    most important is probably going to see your DR if it's that bad, you may need new shoes, are you rolling your ankle at all while running?

    Haha:embarassed: I have a problem with going to the doctor... it's a phobia. I've been to therapy and stuff because of it. It's embarrassing. I'll go if I feel that it's life-threatening, but only under duress. I'm not proud of it. But I get what you're saying. What does rolling your ankle mean? :embarassed: I'm sorry, I really am very new to this.

    I hadn't thought of my shoes as being the problem, but you're right, they are pretty beat. I'm going to look into some new ones. What a great thought that it could just be something as simple as my shoes! :smile:
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    I've been looking at the threads for a while (not sure you'll ever catch me jogging much), and I've always heard the suggestion to go shopping for shoes at a store specifically for runners. They should put you in the shoes and have you walk/jog around.

    Even if you don't buy the shoes there you might consider popping in and taking a look! :-)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I'm going to agree with the shoes, and add that you may want to take it to a zero incline, at least until your body is more acclimated. Doing too much too fast = injury waiting to happen.