Snow in May

teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
I need to move. This snow today is depressing. We broke our record in April with over 51 inches of snow falling. Now its the day before Mother's day and we are having snow flurries.

The good thing is next week the temperature might get to the 60s. I will believe that when I see it.


  • hotmammatotwogirls
    hotmammatotwogirls Posts: 86 Member
    oh gosh, that's terrible
    I just got back from the beach, hope you get some sunshine soon
  • muktyfitness
    muktyfitness Posts: 59 Member
    where are you on the earth? North pole? hope you get some sunshine and warmth
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Haha sucker
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I hear ya! I'm in New England and we haven't had any since the beginning of April but in years past we have had some in May.

    Getting to the point that,unless it;'s Christmas,I don't want to see it.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    We've had 70 degree weather, if not warmer, all week, but it's supposed to go to 30 degrees tonight. Had to cover up the garlic that I have mulched and uncovered three times now. It's getting annoying, but I have a lot of $$ tied up in those garlic raised beds, so......
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    jealous! I would choose snow any day over this icky terribly hot and humid weather we have in Florida!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    where are you on the earth? North pole? hope you get some sunshine and warmth

    I feel like I live in the North Pole. I live in Wisconsin right on the Wisconsin and Minnesota border right on Lake Superior. It is probably warmer in the North Pole today.
  • grrupp
    grrupp Posts: 159 Member
    No snow here today in the sunny state of Michigan lol but the weather has been seriously cold for the past few days, I can't wait for it to warm back up.
  • mebsuta
    mebsuta Posts: 11 Member
    Is it weird that I am jealous? lol. I am one of those rare individuals who actually thrives in cold weather. Winter gives me more energy. I love camping when its near freezing out. I used to go jogging in 20 degree weather when I lived in MO. I can't be the only one in the world like this... any fellow winter lovers out there? I plan on moving back up far north in the next year. Can't wait!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    jealous! I would choose snow any day over this icky terribly hot and humid weather we have in Florida!

    I'm also jealous. 7 inches of snow for us in PA for the entire winter! SUCH BS! I want snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Is it weird that I am jealous? lol. I am one of those rare individuals who actually thrives in cold weather. Winter gives me more energy. I love camping when its near freezing out. I used to go jogging in 20 degree weather when I lived in MO. I can't be the only one in the world like this... any fellow winter lovers out there? I plan on moving back up far north in the next year. Can't wait!

    No, I'm the same way. I LOVE winter! Hate the summer!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    No snow here today in the sunny state of Michigan lol but the weather has been seriously cold for the past few days, I can't wait for it to warm back up.

    I'm in Michigan (Saginaw Valley) and we had SLEET five minutes ago. WTF.....
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Is it weird that I am jealous? lol. I am one of those rare individuals who actually thrives in cold weather. Winter gives me more energy. I love camping when its near freezing out. I used to go jogging in 20 degree weather when I lived in MO. I can't be the only one in the world like this... any fellow winter lovers out there? I plan on moving back up far north in the next year. Can't wait!

    No, I'm the same way. I LOVE winter! Hate the summer!

    I would give my right arm and ten years off my remaining lifespan to move somewhere else, where it's always warm and I'll never have to see winter again. I've been in this half-frozen state (MI) all my life, and I HATE cold weather. Absolutely HATE it.