Please help!

I am a 22 year old grad student who is usually very active and loves doing any sort of physical activity. But for the past few weeks I haven't been able to workout at all because I work all day and take classes until 9 at night...and by then I'm either too exhausted to get a short cardio session in, or I need to go home to do schoolwork.
I've thought about biking to work and I was trying to train myself a few weeks ago, but it is just too far and I wouldn't have time to bike home and get to school on time. I can usually get a good workout in once a weekend because of everything else I need to catch up on.
I'm really out of ideas on how to get my exercise in and am starting to feel the effects of inactivity.
If anyone has ANY ideas of cardio workouts I could squeeze in or any suggestions on what I should do I would really appreciate it.

Thanks so much!!


  • kathrynf
    kathrynf Posts: 6
    I am a 22 year old grad student who is usually very active and loves doing any sort of physical activity. But for the past few weeks I haven't been able to workout at all because I work all day and take classes until 9 at night...and by then I'm either too exhausted to get a short cardio session in, or I need to go home to do schoolwork.
    I've thought about biking to work and I was trying to train myself a few weeks ago, but it is just too far and I wouldn't have time to bike home and get to school on time. I can usually get a good workout in once a weekend because of everything else I need to catch up on.
    I'm really out of ideas on how to get my exercise in and am starting to feel the effects of inactivity.
    If anyone has ANY ideas of cardio workouts I could squeeze in or any suggestions on what I should do I would really appreciate it.

    Thanks so much!!
  • natalie1
    natalie1 Posts: 180 Member
    michael Thurmond "6 weeks body makeover". 18 min a day is all he is asking for. Look up his program on line. See what you think
  • areason4stars
    Do you have an mp3 player?

    See if you can find pod casts for whatever subject your studying.... or record your lectures ( you can then upload them)

    Put them on player and then "study" while walking. "2 birds one stone"

    What do you do during your breaks at work/ school ?

    I know when I get a 10 min break at school I usually do a lap or two around the building. Sunshine, fresh air and a little bit of activity really helps. It also helps to stay focused and awake during a long lecture. Added bonus keeps me away from the vending machines.

    Also when during normal chores/ cleaning... put on some music and pump the intensity up a notch. Try to race your best time or make a whole little "dance routine out of it.

    Good luck!
  • hallusmc
    hallusmc Posts: 51 Member
    I love Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It is 20 min and you do both cardio and strength training.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Ditto on the Shred. It's well-named. Waking 20 mins earlier is a tiny adjustment but you could do that work out every day and see HUGE results. G/L!! :wink:
  • familybugs
    familybugs Posts: 129 Member
    I don't know what time you work. ???? Maybe you can get up at 5, go for a run or bike ride before you have to get ready for work. It will bump up your energy level.


    My sister works all day, but she leaves for her lunch and goes to her gym. Does 25-30 mins on the EFX or Elliptical or run... which ever... Then eats her sandwich in the car on her way back to work... I know its eating on the run... my old boss would let me eat while I worked...

    Everyones situation is different... but you can find a way to do it.. Its a schedule, a lifestyle... just like brushing your teeth everyday... you have to do it! :tongue:

    Good Luck, I'm sure you will figure out what is best for you and your schedule.
    running burns about 100 calories every 10 minutes!