Feeling Proud of Yourselves.

So no inches lost last night, but in 6months odd, Iv shed 6-7" of my belly, Iv taken my exercise from 0 to average 60mins a day, I feel much happier and healthier and Iv started the 100 press ups and 200 sit ups and 200 squats routines in 6 weeks. Now I ask you, "who is the daddy?" thanks to MFP and the lovely people who are always there to add a kind word or offer help or motivate you. Iv changed my lifestyle by not dieting and that was my ultimate goal, long may it continue.


  • VolatileChocolate
    WOWHOO way to go. Well done and its great seeing how much you've achieved.

  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    That's great!!! To answer your question; clearly YOU ARE!!!
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    You should feel very proud of yourself, well done on what you have acheived so far :happy:
  • 10Lucks
    10Lucks Posts: 12
    Well done! I think exercise is a key part in this and am looking at how to build in more. Keep up the good work and thanks for supporting me
  • sifu33
    sifu33 Posts: 34
    i used to be so busy i didnt hav time for exercise, then i actually diarised my time, I found i sat in the bath for hour every nite. I changed that to a quick shower and have relaxing bath as a treat and voila im sorted with no additional strain. If we step bak and think logically about wot we need to achieve the world turns and there is the answer.

    Thanks for the comments everyone.
  • laura121484
    My Proud Moment:

    I am a sweets-a-holic and probably always will be. (Doesn't make this journey easy!)
    This morning, I stepped on the scale and saw 170, which is a number I have not seen since last summer (my first attempt at slimming down, then of course, the winter weight came back, and here I go again...)
    But that's not my proud moment;

    I came into work today to find 2 dozen Dunkin Donuts 15 feet from my desk. Of course I wanted one. After telling myself, "i'll have half" I made my choice - a vanilla pudding filled chocolate glazed confection. I got back to my desk, cut the donut in half & tossed the other half. I then consciously decided, based on a tip I read in one of my health/fitness magazines (I get 'em all!), that I was only going to finish the half if I could rate it a "10" (why finish something that isn't mouth-perfection?)

    Full in-the-moment, I forked my first bite; I expected what I've always known & loved about sweets, but, I was disappointed. I actually tossed the other half as well! (I've NEVER done that!) And, the best part? I feel amazing. Absolutely fantastic. I want to do it again. And again. I feel empowered by my will power to continue down the right track, to a happier, healthier me.

    That # on the scale reminded my of my goals & that I need to be consistent in order to make this lifestyle work for me. As I sit here enjoying my oatmeal & banana, I feel "skinny", knowing what good its doing for my body. =)

    So, that's my proud moment of the day (I can't wait for the next!) Thanks for reading!

  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Laura, that is something that is super hard to do, so congrats! People are always bringing in bagels or donuts to our office and thankfully the kitchen is in the back, which means I have to go out of my way. Some days though I try to reason with myself that 1 won't kill me, but now I will keep that rating in mind..go you !!!!
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