Looking for support !

Hey Everyone,
Been on here for awhile, then went off and tried weight watchers. Sadly it didn't do anything for me, and I found that the app was horrible ! it has barely any foods listed on there, so it just did not work with my lifestyle. Started back on here today and am looking for some motivators ! For some reason I am GREAT at motivating others, but when it comes to myself, I completely slack. So if you are looking for something to comment on your workouts or eating ways, or give you a little push when I see your not working out or eating the best, and you are great at doing that for others, then you should definitely add me!! here is a bit about me :)

I am a 26, almost 27 (ah) year old female who just took her life and moved it across two provinces, got engaged, got a new job, and a new apartment, while on the search for new friends and a new house. haha sounds pretty hectic? Well it is !!

I have always been the "chunky" girl and have never felt FULLY comfortable in my own skin, my family is very health orientated and into fitness and I never seemed to really fit into that category at all, I would rather watch tv, read a book, watch a movie or play some sort of board game or Mario, yes I know, not the best choice, but its what I have always loved.

I am currently planning my dream wedding with my best friend and I am beyond excited !! even though my fiancé tells me on a daily basis multiple times how beautiful I am and how much he loves my body etc. I want to be able to say those things about myself as well ! He does do a very good job at making me feel that way, but I want to be able to feel it deep down inside of myself as well.

One main reason that I want to loose weight is for my own self esteem, but also because I do not want to have any complications when Neil (fiancé) and I start trying for a family next September. I know that the more you weigh, the more complications and health risks you have, so I figure I need to get a better start on that. I don't want to be pregnant and not eating healthy, because it wont just be about me then, it will be about myself and the little peanut inside of me.

I am a very social person, which is horrible right now, as like I mentioned above, I moved two provinces away from all of my friends and family, so besides neil and one other friend, its a bit lonesome ! but I have only been here a month and now that I am working, hopefully I will find some new friends !

So that is a bit about me, hopefully I find some motivators out there that would like to add me as a friend and we can help each other with advice and support !! Feel free to add me or reply and tell me a bit about you too !

My name on here is:


Hope everyone is having a great weekend !!:smile:


  • mandi108
    mandi108 Posts: 16
    Hi!!! I'm glad to see that you're giving it another shot! I know you said you need motivators and I will try my hardest to do that for you should you accept my request, however I am also one of those on again off again members so I need someone to keep me motivated as well so it seems like we should be great friends on here. Lol.

    Um, as for a little about myself, my life hasn't been quite as hectic as yours (or maybe it has, I'll let you be the judge). I am 29, but my birthday is tomorrow. I have this crazy phobia regarding aging so I have decided that I will NOT be 30 until exactly 5:10pm, which is my exact time of birth. Lol. I am a single mom with 2 beautiful kids, a boy and a girl, and an ex that refuses to pay CS and barely sees or even speaks to them. Luckily, I have had a wonderful boyfriend for the last 3 years who has really stepped up and filled in as best he can. When my ex and I split after 7 years, we moved in with my elderly grandmother so that she would have someone around to help her out around the house. Ironically, her house is right next door to my parents' old house, where I grew up, so I've basically lived in the same place my whole life. I am usually a very social person as well, but unfortunately, other than my boyfriend and 2 other friends, all of my friends aren't so much into the health scene. And those 2 friends and I never get to workout together because of conflicting schedules. So, like you, I really need someone that will push me to do the best I can and will email me if they notice I've 'fallen off the wagon' and motivate me to dust myself off and try again.

    I will be sending you a friend request shortly and I hope we can motivate each other from now on. :)