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Anyone Else Not Seeing Results with 30 Day Shred?



  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You are already at or close to a healthy weight, you were already active - 30 Day shred is NOT a hardcore "change your shape in an instant" program....

    It's only 20 minutes (or maybe 40 if you do two together, it's done with very light weights and is not a lot of effort in comparison with programs like P90X or weight lifting programs like Chalean Xtreme or Chathe Friederichs....

    If you want to see drastic changes - diet is 80% of it, and a lot more effort than 30 D shred with 5lbs weights is needed...It is mostly cardio, with a little resistance.....

    People who saw drastic results were probably changing a lot more than just doing 30 day shred....

    And no - I am not dissing 30 day shred - it is a good starter program - but for drastic body composition if you are already reasonably fit - not the best...
    And its been 21 days........
  • bugzlooney
    bugzlooney Posts: 12
    Ok honestly...I think you look fine in the pics. I mean maybe you could lose 5-7 lbs off the stomach? Seriously though it wouldn't matter to me. I mean I understand, you want to be COMPLETELY toned right? Fortunately I know a girl just like you who recently entered some modeling competitions who achieved her goal. However I like her more with a little bit of fat on her to be honest.

    She's a huge fan of the 5 small meals a day thing, and she's also a big fan of working out.

    PERSONALLY, if I desperately wanted to lose weight, I'd go on full incline on a treadmill varying from 10mph to 3.5mph up and down over and over again. Interval training. Ok maybe bad advice, but it does work from experience, though I haven't done this in a couple years consistently.

    I must stress however, I THINK YOU LOOK FINE. So although you may want to lose more weight and it is healthy for you to do so, I think you have a distorted view of yourself. You are in fact a beautiful girl, but yes, you aren't toned like a superstar yet.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys. I don't have a distorted view of myself, I know I'm not some way overweight person, however I know what I want to look like and feel like and want to make it there.
    I know that 20 min workouts aren't something insane but I have seen some great result pictures with it and was hoping to see some of it. I'm gonna finish it off and see what I get and decide if I want to do Ripped in 30 afterwards.
  • Viva81Diva
    Viva81Diva Posts: 148
    I see a difference in all 3 pics! The first one, your upper abs are more defined. The second, I can see your upper back has less fat, and in the 3rd, I can definitely see less flab! Also, your forearms seem smaller and more toned. Slight as it may be, you have results. :)

    If you are disappointed, though, perhaps trying something a little more intense might be where you have more of a change. Perhaps something more core intensive, or even heavy lifting. Kickboxing is a great way to burn calories and tone fairly quick all over, and so is tennis. If I lived near a court, I would play tennis instead of what I do now. There's a lot of running back and forth, power swinging, and bending/jumping. Full body workout with that sport. Love it! Great workout. :)
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I see the most difference in the pictures of the back..those little baby rolls are almost gone. Definitely a change missy. Don't give up. Get to that ripped in 30 and see more results. Keep taking the pics. I'm starting Ripped on Monday! Good luck!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Oh one very important piece that I forgot to ask - how big of weights are you using? I have seen some comments on this thread saying it is a beginner program. I do the 30 Day Shred as part of my rotation, and I can most assuredly tell you that if you use heavy enough weights, it is not easy!

    I am in better shape than most and some days I really have to push myself hard to get through Level 2, which in my opinion is the hardest level. If I used lighter weights it wouldn't be that bad, but I find I'm mainly using a set 8's and 12's on that one.
  • LadyL2012
    LadyL2012 Posts: 127 Member
    To be honest, I didn't really see any results. I lost a bit of weight, but I can't be sure if that was due to 30DS as I was eating better too.

    Now Insanity, that is a different story! Way more muscle and my fitness is through the roof!

    I think through trial and error I find my body responds best to HIIT (more than 30DS can offer me) and weights.

    I can definately see a difference in your pictures though!
  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    I did the 30DS over the course of 40 days (a few off days during). I used 3 lb and 5lb weights. I enjoyed the workout and gave it my all, but I literally did not see any improvement. I did not lose any weight, which I expected, but i also didn't lose more than maybe a half inch on my waist.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Since you are already considering it, I would recommend getting Ripped in 30, and doing a different workout every day, in conjunction with the 30 Day Shred.

    I also recommend using heavier weights if you are only using 3 and 5 lbs... With some of the exercises, 5 lbs is adequate, but for others you might want to try going heavier.
  • Leonana
    Leonana Posts: 3
    I see a difference, and I think you look pretty good.

    I would recommend adding in some variety with different DVD's. My body got used to Ripped in 30 after a few months, and my clothes started getting tight. I also vary the cardio and weights with Pilates, Barre and Yoga DVD's, and I like to go biking outside.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i see a difference. I think the ones who see major changes are those with more to lose and those who ate 1200 cals!!! I did the program a few times and i saw little changes every time, nothing huge either. I also only lose inches never any lbs! i did 30ds 3 times, rin30 twice, stopped after 1 week on my 3rd round of it to start slim in 6. Now i am on chalean extreme, again i just finished 30 days of it and took my pics and only saw very subtle changes. nothing to rave about.... but it's all those little bits here and there that add up to my end / final result, right....
  • sastrodder
    sastrodder Posts: 61 Member
    Do you have pictures, please? It sounds as though you are a similat build to me, I just did L2 day 8 today so would be great to have a look.

    Why yes! Here you go...



    Well done, there is a real difference betweenthe pictures. I gave myself the weekend off but did a fair bit of walking instead, back to the grind this evening!!!!
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    30 DS on its own is not enough; try adding in 6 week six pack or banish fat boost metabolism or problem zones by her, theyre much longer and more intense :)

    also try doing some body weight strength excercises a few times a week. i know people may be skeptical but you DONT need a gym or to lift heavy to get results, as long as you are doing the right body weight excercises. pushups , done with correct form are EXCELLENT, try diamond pushups for triceps, wide arm for shoulders and back, etc. start on your knees and gradually you can progress and do them with legs up on a chair for more challenge. if you keep your core stable, and really push it until you literally give out on your last set, i guarantee you will get results :)
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    also i do notice a change so keep up what youre doing and remember that its about a lifestyle change not just getting quick results :) you want to develop habits you will keep for the rest of your life!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i have to disagree, i did 30ds on it's own and i thought it worked just fine... each to thier own. it all depends on how much time someone has daily to exercise and if you want to get into exercise that you can maintain for life with or not. I know so many that went so hard core and was doing crazy amounts of exercise to lose their weight faster but in reality they knew they wouldn't keep that up for the rest of their life as who has the time.... so do what you can and be happy that you are just taking the step to exercise and trying to change something :)
  • TorrizzleWillSizzle
    TorrizzleWillSizzle Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks for the replies. Glad it sounds there are at least a person or 2 that feel like I do. For those that asked for pics, here they are. I was not kidding when there was no visible difference.



    do you really not see a difference in your legs?! I can totally tell! And your back is.. smoother (for lack of better words) keep at it and like someone else said maybe try a different workout :) and add weights it you didnt already!!
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    I can see a difference in your pictures. It might not be as distinguished as some people's but the change is there.

    I am also doing the 30 DS, I'm on Level 3, Day 3.
    I lost about 3lb the first week and noticed a difference in my body, but any change seems to have stalled after that.

    I haven't been consistent in my food in take or the exercise, as I've had to take days off here and there. I'm still happy with the change in my energy levels since starting the 30DS though.
  • tangled01
    tangled01 Posts: 8
    if you really want to see results maybe do the NMTZ and BFBM alternately...just a suggestion. :)
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    You're getting very good results. You simply don't understand how to interpret them.
  • I am not losing anymore weight than I normally do, depending on diet. I work out in the gym every day in the morning (about 80 min; every other day I do 20 min of weights/machines, so 20 min less of cardio) and do the DVD at night. I did Level 1 for 7 days and just finished day 13 of Level 2. (I didn't find her ab exercises challenging at all since I've been doing abs for so long, but a lot on the DVD was pretty challenging.) While the weight hasn't changed, I know I've been working different muscle groups than I usually do and have become stronger in those areas than before. The double jump ropes KILLED my calves (after the same results in Level 1) and the V-flys were nutso-difficult (the only reason I stayed at that level for so long; I wanted to do an entire workout with that exercise at Natalie-level!). Also, I had to use 5 lbs. weights the entire time, as that's all I have and it looks like they use 2 or 3 lbs. in the video. Hopefully, Level 3 will prove the key to losing lbs, as others have stated. The only thing that really works for me at this stage with pushing the weigh loss is no carbs (plus Cool Whip--go figure). That is it, really. Keep it up! :)