Almost there - only 6 pounds to go!

flsusi Posts: 22 Member
Hello all!

I just wanted to share with all of you that after a year long journey I have no ALMOST reached my goal weight of 150 pounds!
I started out at 275, and at the moment I am at 156 ... 119 pounds gone already.

I can't even begin to describe how different my life is because of the weight loss. I was not aware how much I was depriving myself of things that are fun, and how much my weight used to influence my life.

Shopping for clothes is suddenly FUN, and everytime I can put on a new outfit (I wear shirt size SMALL by now, used to be XXL or even XXXL and pant size is now 6, used to be 22/24) I could just jump up and down with joy (note: I can now jump up and down without getting close to a heart attack :P ), I enjoy running, signed up for a half marathon and a Tough Mudder race in November, I enjoy going to theme parks without being worried that I might not fit in the rides, and even coach seats on airplanes arent the pain anymore that they used to be - life ROCKS!

What's shocking to me though is to see how different people treat me. Im not talking about close friends or co-workers or overall people I know, I am talking about strangers. Now, I am not saying that people on purpose treat big people differently, but it's quite the eye opener to me how much more friendly sales people are, how many doors are held open for me, how overall nicer people are.
Same in the work place, when dealing with customers they suddenly seem to take me more serious.
While I enjoy all that... it is sad to me that there is such a difference in how people are being treated.

Now I am struggling with the last 10 pounds, and they are kicking my behind!!!! I used to lose 2-3 pounds a week, now.... not so much. it's usually 1 pound every other week or so, and even that takes hard work. but im determined to reach 150, maybe even a little lower as to have a little buffer :)

Here is my question for my fellow fitness pal members:

Have you lost the weight in your MIND yet?

I guess what Im asking is this:
People tell me I look great. I get a lot of attention from guys that I used to not get. I see the size clothes I can now wear. i KNOW in my brain that I have reached a normal weight.
BUT - i still feel fat. in my mind, Im not small yet. I refer to myself as 'less fat', never as normal or even skinny... it would feel so wrong.
For those of you out there that have been in this situation: Did you feel the same way? What did you do about it? How did you get the 'fat thinking' out of your head?

appreciating all of your replies :)

P.S. I would love to post before-after pics but have not the slightest idea how to get pictures in here. any guidance is appreciated :)


  • MicroHez
    MicroHez Posts: 125 Member
    I can totally understand what you mean!!! I've gone from 285 to 243 in the last 4 months, and everyone around me is like "Heather! You look so great! I can't believe your transformation!" I look in the mirror, and even though I am 3+ pants sizes smaller, I still think of myself as the fat girl. I still have another 60-90 lbs to go, and I am not even sure that when I DO get down to 150-185 I will ever see myself as "skinny," "normal," or even "average."

    When you figure out how to get the fat thoughts out of your head, let me know... I've heard similar things from other women who have lost weight (and gained it back, and lost it again, and gained it back again).
  • loribenfield
    loribenfield Posts: 120 Member
    Great job on your weight loss. I have to say that before I started losing weigh I never thought of myself as fat or over weight. Even though when I looked in the mirror and see how I look or to know that I was wearing a size 20. Now that I have lost a few pounds I feel fat, I think I look fat. Our minds just mess with us. Not sure why.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    I was overweight most of my life and I am again. Years ago when I weight 115lbs and was working out everyday, I had a new coworker ask me "Have you always been so skinny?" I actually looked around to see if she was speaking to someone else; however I was the only one in the room. I was shocked that someone thought I was skinny! So I am not sure that you will ever break those mental images, but you can always work on changing them.
  • skinnylynnie74
    skinnylynnie74 Posts: 154 Member
    I have the same issue, with always thinking if myself as "the fat girl." Ad I've lost and gained and lost and gained, and am currently losing now. I really need to reconfigure my hard drive in my self-concept area...
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Congratulations, that's completely amazing! Show us some pics!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Sometimes it takes a while for your brain to adapt to the new reality in the mirror. You have done a fantastic job - congratulations!!
  • flsusi
    flsusi Posts: 22 Member
    here is a before and after pic (if it works - technology is against me)

    P.S.: this isnt the biggest I was. I made darn sure not to be in any pictures anywhere after this

    P.P.S.: I blurred out my face since it is, after all, the internet

  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    You look fantastic! Congratulations. Give yourself a year of adjustment to this new look. Take time to enjoy learning who you are.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I am not sure if it has to do with being a man, or with being a formerly fat man...but i still tend to buy looser fitting clothes. I have bought clothes that fit...but they feel "tight" on me, and everyone agrees they look good on me, but i still feel weird in form fitting clothes.
  • theedge56
    theedge56 Posts: 64 Member
    I am not sure if it has to do with being a man, or with being a formerly fat man...but i still tend to buy looser fitting clothes. I have bought clothes that fit...but they feel "tight" on me, and everyone agrees they look good on me, but i still feel weird in form fitting clothes.

    I do this all the time. And I am always pulling and tugging on them. My wife buys smaller clothes and I keep wearing the older larger ones.
  • gutsnglory9
    gutsnglory9 Posts: 16
    It is weird adjusting to a new weight (I haven't lost nearly as much as you, but still experienced a big change).
    I think it's kind of like when you first put the weight on, you don't really notice, and then all of a sudden, you realize what you actually look like. Much better going one way than the other...
    Congrats, by the way, you look fantastic (and sounds like you feel it too).
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