HELP! I'm confused.

OK, so I'm a 22 year old female. I am 5'3 and I weigh 154 lbs with my first goal being 140. MFP says that my estimated BMR is 1,428. So does this mean I should be eating this much everyday?

I've been eating at 1200 calories (yes, I KNOW) and I HAVE been losing.. but only about a pound a week. If I ate more would I be losing more? Should I be happy with the loss of one pound a week and just continue what I'm doing..?

I wanna do this the right way... just a bit confused about what my calorie goal should be.

(I work out 6 days a week, for about 30-45 min each time)

Thanks for your help!!


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You should not routinely eat below your BMR - it eventually causes metabolic and hormonal damage.

    What is your TDEE?
  • KirstenMarie18
    KirstenMarie18 Posts: 35 Member
    2263... that seems like A LOT though.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    It may seem like a lot but it is just about what mine is - and I am about the same as you (height, activity level).

    You should eat a 15% deficit from your TDEE - if you do not get the results you want after 4 weeks, you can drop to a 20% deficit (but with less than 30 to lose, 15% is probably better).

    So: 2263-20%=1810 calories per day (do not eat back exercise calories) (453 deficit per day = approx. .9 pounds of loss per week)

    (I have less than 10 to go so I am focused on weight training and I only incorporate a 200 calorie deficit each day)
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    1lb a week is a good, steady weight loss. If your weight loss stalls, or you get homicidal hunger rage (that might be just me...) then re-evaluate.
    20% off your TDEE is 1800ish, which doesn' t seem excessive...
  • Sav_Sky
    Sav_Sky Posts: 82
    One pound a week sounds about right. Im 5'3" and started around a similar weight. You dont want to dramatically cut calories or your body might think that its starving. Sounds like you are on track just be patient and you will get there. Good Luck :)
  • KirstenMarie18
    KirstenMarie18 Posts: 35 Member
    It may seem like a lot but it is just about what mine is - and I am about the same as you (height, activity level).

    You should eat a 15% deficit from your TDEE - if you do not get the results you want after 4 weeks, you can drop to a 20% deficit (but with less than 30 to lose, 15% is probably better).

    So: 2263-20%=1810 calories per day (do not eat back exercise calories) (453 deficit per day = approx. .9 pounds of loss per week)

    (I have less than 10 to go so I am focused on weight training and I only incorporate a 200 calorie deficit each day)

    So if I were to eat a 20% deficit I would set my calorie goal at about 1500 (I burn about 300 calories during my workouts) and eat about 1800ish calories..?
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Deadlift. Answer to everythan'.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It may seem like a lot but it is just about what mine is - and I am about the same as you (height, activity level).

    You should eat a 15% deficit from your TDEE - if you do not get the results you want after 4 weeks, you can drop to a 20% deficit (but with less than 30 to lose, 15% is probably better).

    So: 2263-20%=1810 calories per day (do not eat back exercise calories) (453 deficit per day = approx. .9 pounds of loss per week)

    (I have less than 10 to go so I am focused on weight training and I only incorporate a 200 calorie deficit each day)

    So if I were to eat a 20% deficit I would set my calorie goal at about 1500 (I burn about 300 calories during my workouts) and eat about 1800ish calories..?
  • KirstenMarie18
    KirstenMarie18 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I have a much better understanding now :)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    It may seem like a lot but it is just about what mine is - and I am about the same as you (height, activity level).

    You should eat a 15% deficit from your TDEE - if you do not get the results you want after 4 weeks, you can drop to a 20% deficit (but with less than 30 to lose, 15% is probably better).

    So: 2263-20%=1810 calories per day (do not eat back exercise calories) (453 deficit per day = approx. .9 pounds of loss per week)

    (I have less than 10 to go so I am focused on weight training and I only incorporate a 200 calorie deficit each day)

    So if I were to eat a 20% deficit I would set my calorie goal at about 1500 (I burn about 300 calories during my workouts) and eat about 1800ish calories..?

    I want to clarify that under the TDEE method, your NET calories are not the issue - ignore them. Gross calories are what you should track. It is much less confusing - many people enter exercise as 1 calorie when they use TDEE so MFP does not add them back to your daily goal.
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    KirstenMarie1, as you know I'm no expert, but I've been told by numerous people that 1 pound a week is a healthy and realistic weight loss goal. My only advice *take with a grain of salt* is if you go to a higher calorie intake (which I do think is a good idea) is to slowly raise it instead of jumping up in one go. But if anyone thinks this is bad advice please jump in.