I don't consume enough calories



  • booker2shoes
    booker2shoes Posts: 50 Member
    Because I snack on fruit and raw veggies a lot, I sometimes find it tough to hit the minimum # of calories for MFP to not yell at me when I close out :-) I add things like all natural peanut butter to my bananas or apples, protein shakes and nuts to help my body get what it needs. I've started training for a race, and find that I definitely need more calories to not wear out during my runs.

    I find it interesting that outside of the US, folks call calories "energy." We have such a distorted view of fat and calories. Our bodies need both to function well and be healthy. Too little of either can be just as damaging as too much.
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    Because I snack on fruit and raw veggies a lot, I sometimes find it tough to hit the minimum # of calories for MFP to not yell at me when I close out :-) I add things like all natural peanut butter to my bananas or apples, protein shakes and nuts to help my body get what it needs. I've started training for a race, and find that I definitely need more calories to not wear out during my runs.

    I find it interesting that outside of the US, folks call calories "energy." We have such a distorted view of fat and calories. Our bodies need both to function well and be healthy. Too little of either can be just as damaging as too much.

    We call it energy because that's exactly what it is, you don't actually need to consume any fat.

    If you look at a breakdown (off the top of my head)

    1g protein = 4 calories.
    1g Carbohydrates = 4 calories.
    1g fat = 9 calories,
    1g alcohol = 9 calories.

    If you study physics then you will know that energy is measured in joules and calories (note: calories on food are actually kilo-calories not calories that you commonly use in physics .)

    but essentially 1 calorie is the unit of energy required to raise the temprature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree (Celsius) . ( so a food calorie is 1 kilo of water), 1 joule of energy is equal to 4.2 calories (hence why food energy also measured in kilojoules)

    If you look at the numbers on food that you purchase they are essentially all calculated in a lab where they hold a portion of the food between a flame and beaker of water and compare the heat of the water to a identical beaker heated by a identical flame.

    fat is essentially optional if you eat enough carbs and protein, carbs are essentially optional if you eat enough protein and fat. Some people have to stay off fat because they get ill if they consume too much (e.g. gallbladder problems), they can remain perfectly healthy while consuming almost no fat, on the flip side some people (e.g. keto/atkins diet people) consume almost no carbs but lots of protein and fat and can also remain healthy. ).

    Low fat food is pretty much a myth since if you stay within your calorie goal you can loose weight consuming the vast majority of your calories through fat, and on the flip side of that you can completely cut fat out of your diet (by eating only carbs and protein) and put on a significant amount of weight simply by having a caloric excess.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    I feel better when Im around 1000 - 1200

    Never been a big eater, just ate the wrong things, and at really odd times, which made my body think I was starving it.

    Now, I eat for a diabetic, snack every few hours (love string cheese and babybell cheeses) - I cant do nuts because of all the things I could do, I can eat a whole container, seriously, cannot count out so many nuts and stop.
    I know my weak points, I don't go there.

    Huge salads, never hungry - Avocado's, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, lettuce (3 kinds) chicken or fish, ohh and bacon!

    And my treat - strawberrys :)
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    A lot of people find this because (and I was the same) naturally you're going for low fat options. Go for full fat versions of your low fat options (don't be afraid of fat) and eat proper butter, cheese, avocado, use oil when you cook, add nuts to salads and hot dishes etc. I went from falling short of 1000 to easily being able to pump up to 2000 :)


    It doesn't work like that. Find out how many calories you need to take in every day to maintain your weight (http://www.caloriecontrol.org/healthy-weight-tool-kit/weight-maintenance-calculator-women) and then minus it by about 500 calories.

    Remember, for weight loss it's just calories in, vs calories out. If you need to take in 2200 calories to maintain your weight, and you take in 1900, you will lose weight. Obviously, eating clean foods is the best and healthiest thing for you, but if you're below a caloric deficit, feel free to have that chocolate cupcake. I do.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    A lot of people find this because (and I was the same) naturally you're going for low fat options. Go for full fat versions of your low fat options (don't be afraid of fat) and eat proper butter, cheese, avocado, use oil when you cook, add nuts to salads and hot dishes etc. I went from falling short of 1000 to easily being able to pump up to 2000 :)


    It doesn't work like that. Find out how many calories you need to take in every day to maintain your weight (http://www.caloriecontrol.org/healthy-weight-tool-kit/weight-maintenance-calculator-women) and then minus it by about 500 calories.

    Remember, for weight loss it's just calories in, vs calories out. If you need to take in 2200 calories to maintain your weight, and you take in 1900, you will lose weight. Obviously, eating clean foods is the best and healthiest thing for you, but if you're below a caloric deficit, feel free to have that chocolate cupcake. I do.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    You're not alone in this. I was having a hard time getting to 1200 even. The tip is to add healthy items that are higher in calories, like natural peanut butter, whole wheat bread, avocados, beans and nuts.
    These are all healthy options and they drive up those calories :P
    Be careful you're not eating to much of them, but a healthy dose is definitely recommended. (:
    I got my calorie count up to about 1300 by doing that, still working on getting it higher :P
  • SteveWhite66
    SteveWhite66 Posts: 7 Member
    I have just started on a training programme to lose some weight whilst keeping my 3 x gym per week going. I have only been tracking my diet properly for a few days (4 weeks into the program) and have now noticed that my calorie intake is very low although my target carbs and protein levels are almost where I want them to be. I feel fine and not at all lethargic.