what should i do???

ok so i work out 6 days a week 45min to an hour and im never sore anymore. im trying to eat clean i cut out bread and i try to eat alot of protein. i think im catagorized as an endomorph. i really pushed myself last night in the gym and i got on the scale this morning to find i have gained 3 pounds and i know theres no way i gained three pounds of muscle over night. so what am i doing wrong im never sore and im gaining weight i feel like im getting no where!


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    calories in?
    calories out?

    weight gain like that is probably water...

    You are not sore, likely, because you need to switch up your workout - what do you do? (You don't necessarily have to be sore to get results...but I understand wondering where that ever-present reminder that you are getting fitter went!)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    gained three pounds of muscle over night

    ^ Key words in your own post.

    Body weight fluctuates, not only throughout the day, but from day to day as well.

    To gain 3lbs of fat overnight, you would have had to eat 10500 calories over your maintenance. While possible to do, I'd say it is extremely unlikely that you did.

    It is probably just water weight. Since you said you "really pushed" yourself last night, I would think your muscles are holding onto water to repair. It is completely normal.

    My weight is all over the place if you look at it day to day:

  • ask2011
    ask2011 Posts: 8
    i was doing 1200 cals but i was never gaining so i figured i was eating enough i upped my cal intake to 1800 and now i dont feel like im hungry before bed anymore
    and i try to do classes like cardio kickboxing, barbell strenght, yoga and other weight training classes but when im not doing a class i make up my own workout

    like last night i did 15 min on the eliptical for a warm up then i did for set of 15 dead lifts, 4 set of 15 sumo squats and 2 set of 10 reg squats with weights and 3 set of 20 lunges i did that for thirty mins i stopped because i could feel my heart in my ears and i was shaking but i woke up this morning the only thing that is a little sore is my abs but that workout was for legs so it seems werid my legs feel fine
  • ask2011
    ask2011 Posts: 8
    lol right! i def did not eat 1056034 cals yesterday. its just frustrating you know? i figure with as much as i work out and eating cleaner i would see some results not alot but some you know lol
  • SKMC0214
    SKMC0214 Posts: 58 Member
    I would suggest, first do not give up, you are doing great, everyday you are closer to the you, you want to be. Make sure you eat at least 1200 cals a day and I would up the water, I know they suggest 8 -8oz glasses, but with a strenuous work out like that you need more. Even the slightest dehydration and screw your metabolism up greatly. :)
  • ask2011
    ask2011 Posts: 8
    thanks for the support guys:) im def not giving up this is the first time in my life that im willing to work for the bangin body i want. just gets a little frustrating some times. i agree with yall though i def think it is water retention. just going to eat clean drink water and wait it out ill let you know what the scale says a week from now :)