Gaining weight- do not know why



  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Have you GROSSED 700-1000 calories EVERY day? Or are you talking NET?
    If you have actually only eaten that amount, every day, for 2 weeks, with no cheats, and you weigh your food religiously, then there is no way you have gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks.
    Unless you have eaten far less than that for a long time and have lowered your metabolism that much, where 1000 calories is now actually above your TDEE.

    More likely what is happening is that you are eating very low most days, then binging on high carb foods at times which is causing a lot of fluid retention.

    **Try to eat 1000-1200 every day, make sure you get at least 80g of protein and 40g of healthy fats in, then fill the rest with healthy carbs. Stay off of the sugar, rice cakes, etc. If you aren't feeding your muscles enough protein, you will continue to lose muscle mass which will continue to lower your BMR. Your hair will also start falling out, if it hasn't already.
    You need a good level of healthy fats to keep your hormones in check, energy levels high, and certain vitamins are fat soluble so they need the dietary fat. Nuts, avocados, olives, whole eggs, are all good sources of healthy fats.

    And at your weight, you are in a healthy range. Focus more on strength building to get the body shape you want, and don't worry so much about the number on the scale.

    ETA** Start at this calorie level and gradually work up to a higher level as your body adjusts.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    pregnant? or perhaps a physical condition. I would ask a doctor about this for sure, show them what you are eating and describe you workout routine. This doesn't add up
  • Have you GROSSED 700-1000 calories EVERY day? Or are you talking NET?
    If you have actually only eaten that amount, every day, for 2 weeks, with no cheats, and you weigh your food religiously, then there is no way you have gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks.
    Unless you have eaten far less than that for a long time and have lowered your metabolism that much, where 1000 calories is now actually above your TDEE.

    More likely what is happening is that you are eating very low most days, then binging on high carb foods at times which is causing a lot of fluid retention.

    **Try to eat 1000-1200 every day, make sure you get at least 80g of protein and 40g of healthy fats in, then fill the rest with healthy carbs. Stay off of the sugar, rice cakes, etc. If you aren't feeding your muscles enough protein, you will continue to lose muscle mass which will continue to lower your BMR. Your hair will also start falling out, if it hasn't already.
    You need a good level of healthy fats to keep your hormones in check, energy levels high, and certain vitamins are fat soluble so they need the dietary fat. Nuts, avocados, olives, whole eggs, are all good sources of healthy fats.

    And at your weight, you are in a healthy range. Focus more on strength building to get the body shape you want, and don't worry so much about the number on the scale.

    ETA** Start at this calorie level and gradually work up to a higher level as your body adjusts.

    It's what I ate and I do spike my calories once a week- maybe this is the cause going from low to extremely high. Ill try eating more and I measure my food based on the measurements it gives me. I take into account most calories, sugar, sodium, and protein.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member

    You're messing up your hormones.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I measure my food based on the measurements it gives me. I take into account most calories, sugar, sodium, and protein.

    Using what? Food scale? Measuring cups? Eyeballing?

    I think everyone needs to chill and find out if there is a mistake here before telling you to eat more. You log too few calories, but I'd like to know how much you actually eat, which no one has bothered to ask.

    Also, and super important, how do you feel?
  • When I'm eating I usually rely on food cups, again it depends on the product but its more rare that I eyeball things. Usually ill have an egg or a piece of toast for breakfast, some fruit or something light for lunch and for dinner I try eating protein. So whether its chicken or Incoperating it into other foods (salad, wrap). Of course when I do this I count the other products as well. The only thing I am high in for nutrition is sugar.

    How I feel is what is throwing me off. No I'm not pregnant, I'm using the mini pill which doesn't affect weight gain. I am always full to the point where I begin to eat, I question if I should. I also feel bloated in my stomach.

    I'm trying to determain why this is happening. If I am incorrectly measuring my intake, I find it hard to believe that I'm eating 1000+ to gain this much weight.

    I have to admit I am pretty stressed out about this issue and I'm moving across the sea in a week. I didn't think stress could cause this much gain especially when I don't emotionally eat. The only cause that seems to make most sense is again the starvation mode where I am eating too few calories affecting my cognitive ability to detect hunger (primitive instinct to search for food rather than dwelling on not having any) but there is so much negative feedback about this theory that I am skeptical.

    I really appreciate everyone's support, thank you.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Your story doesn't sound true to me.

    Any idea why?
  • I don't understand why it would be false. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    Yeah about 20 people just told you.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    You said you eat extremely high one day, and your sugar level is high. Count everything, everyday, and add up your cals for the week. Most likely you are eating much more than you realize.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    You're in a healthy weight range already if you're small or medium build, but...entering your age, height, weight, 3-5 hours a week of moderate exercise, and lose fat at a 5% calorie reduction it comes out with a BMR of 1345, a TDEE of 2086 and the TDEE - 5% is 1981. If you're only netting 700-1000 calories you're definitely under eating.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I don't understand why it would be false. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?

    Because you only have 7 posts but you talk like someone who has been on fitness and nutrition forums a lot, has a strong opinion, and wants to teach it to others.

    You were also too sloppy with the age thing, and your explanation doesn't suit your demonstration of knowledge.

    That's just the things I can isolate and put into words. Probably there are other things contributing to my sense of being conned.
  • No haha, I really am not knowledgeable and I'm not active on many forums. I just came here looking for advice and finally got an answer. Thanks guys!
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    You should be losing weight. Is it possible that you're eating more than you think? Are you weighing everything? Are you estimating the calories of unfamiliar food?
  • Yeah I think it's because I use to spike my calories once a week and my weight would quickly recuperate (cheat meal) but for reasons outside my control, it won't adapt as easily anymore. With the combination of small portions and calorie intake, again, I was eating too little which caused a shock to my body when it would get a high calorie meal. Later because of these habits, it would also gradually slow my metabolism down. Sure enough, weight gain!