30 Day Shred Level 2 - Um... what?



  • Rhiana1188
    Rhiana1188 Posts: 67 Member
    I just finished day 3 of level 2. It is killer. I did great on level 1 and was excited to move up, until I actually did the level two workout. You are not alone!
  • kaekencoffee
    kaekencoffee Posts: 81 Member
    Absolutely! Everyone is right. It IS hard, it IS a challenge! But, as my mother always told me, nothing worth anything in life comes easy. You appreciate it much more when you work hard for whatever it is you want. I WILL push through this workout, I WILL get to the end of March and complete the 30 days and I WILL notice a physical difference BECAUSE I AM WORTH IT (and so are you!!!!)

    Bring it on Jillian!
  • melw2910
    melw2910 Posts: 73 Member
    Started level 2 yesterday and its a killer!! I HATE pushups :frown: I will keep pushing though though.

    Don't mind planks so much but they are hard on the hands and wrists, I rolled my mat up which seemed to give a bit more support so will see if that helps tonight.

    My shoulders and arms are sore today but in a warped and twisted way I'm looking forward to Day 2 :laugh:
  • vc1987
    vc1987 Posts: 2
    As bad as this sounds, I'm glad I've read this post and so many of you feel the same... I HATE level 2!
    I was actually looking forward to moving on from level 1, needed a change, but whereas I use to look forward to the workout, I'm dreading it now! Now, I find it difficult to stay motivated during the workout. It's not so much my fitness level, it's my frame of mind. Terrible!
    As some of you have said, my hands are hurting throughout the workout, so I'm going to modify the planks slightly. I'm just hoping its going to get easier.. Bonus that its such a short workout! X
  • sss1966
    sss1966 Posts: 110 Member
    I found level two was the toughest and level three easy in comparison when I did it last year. I am currently on day six of level one, so I still have that little gem to look forward to!