Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and other psychological issues



  • adamsojh
    adamsojh Posts: 11
    Depression, PTSD, insomnia, and anxiety.

    Im right there with you guys. I now realize that I was depressed in high school and my parents never recognized it(possibly from being blinded by there own depression) and never asked for help. I then joined the Marines when I graduated. I was deployed to Iraq twice and lost several of friends and saw some horrible things, which then added to my depression, along with PTSD, insomnia, and some anxiety. I got out in 2005. Im seeing a VA psychiatrist when I can get an appointment, they're so busy with other young vets like me and others going back to veterans from Vietnam and even WWII. I have found a personal technique called self-talk helps me alot with anxiety and depression. The key is being self aware and honest with yourself though. Just take a few deep breaths(or count to 10, whatever you find works for you) and try and find your center and clear your head. Then logically think and ask yourself "Why am I thinking/feeling this?", I've found most times I have no logical answer to myself and it's easier to get past it from there. Another eye opener for me was when I took Intro to Psych in college. My proffesor was really informative and open for any questions. Spent several hours just talking with her in her office. Although a few weeks ago I was feeling really depressed and just wanted to stay in bed and I didnt go to the gym for several days. Once I got back to working out it helped and I was like, "why didnt I come all those days? I just wasted that much time." I could go on and my post is getting long. If anyone wants to message more feel free to send me a message. I always respond.
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    Everyone here is so nice to offer their own stories and even private support. I genuinely appreciate that. I'm of course here for anyone who needs support as well. I'm having a tough day today with anxiety and depression. It's actually worse than it's been in a while. I'm just taking the day moment by moment. I had a couple of "episodes" when I was doing yoga earlier where I felt like I was going to pass out. This isn't the norm for me.. my symptoms have never included a fear of passing out. I think it may have had to do with my knees sort of being locked, and I was especially trying to focus on deep breathing today (more than usual).

    I hope that everyone here continues to come and share their support and stories. I'll keep this thread going for a while, and hopefully we'll get a good sized group going. (((hugs))) to everyone.
  • JennaGermain
    Panic Attacks
    to name a few issues

    I'm on two different meds right now but I'm not always consistent at remembering to take them, which I know adds to the problems. I also have sleep apnea so I often don't get enough sleep (even when using my CPAP) and that just makes things even harder.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member

    I was on Zoloft for a while, but I just don't like taking medication. I know, stupid reason to quit, but I really dislike it.

    I was on it too. I have been on and gone off about 8 different medications and combinations. The side-effects for me are worse than just dealing with the issues on hand. I am now taking 400mg a day of SAM-e for the depression. I use Rescue Remedy spray for anxiety and panic attacks.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    you are soooo not alone! I didn't take the time yet to read what everyone has said so far, but I think you know that you have a lot of support here already. I'm coming out of depression. Thought about taking my life about a year ago actually. Last October I started having palpitations and had a heart-to-heart (no pun intended) with my doctor and he put me on Zolofoft and I have Xanax on hand just in case. I also started talking with an elder at church and met with a friend who prays for me and checks in on me. I know I wouldn't be as well as I am now without the Lord, who uses medication sometimes. You are loved girl!
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    i suffer from anxiety, self-diagnosed, not on any medication, was for one year, but was weaned off them

    im here if any of you need to talk, today was a good day and i am grateful for that :flowerforyou:

    i go to counselling which helps, but i have a long road ahead of me and lots of work to do emotionally to get back to the fun-loving person i once was

    best wishes to you all xxx
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello all, I am just learning that I too have some kind of depression going on. I have an appointment to see a doctor, so when that happens maybe I'll be a bit more informed on the trouble. I just get very depressed, self distructive, (not violent or harmful) but well I feel no one likes me or I had better not bother with anyone.
    Exercising is the best thing I can do for me, however like I have read yes it is hard to get to the gym. Now I am realizing that it is more important that just losing a few pounds, it means helping my body repair and combat the depression. I eat very healthy, drink lots of water, sleep is good mostly.
    I'm looking forward to chatting with all of you and hope with you that we can fight this thing together.

  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    I am so glad that so many have come together to fight our illnesses and to be a support group. Thank you each for being here for me, and I really am here for you all, too. You each made my day a little easier, feeling less alone and very loved and supported. (((hugs))) to each of you!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Check in!

    How are all my fellow nut cases doing today? :heart:

    Even though the weather is gray and rainy today, I'm feeling alright.

    I went into a slight manic episode this weekend. Mine are pretty mild. It was enjoyable. I was out of it, back to 'even' by yesterday.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I myself do not suffer from anything major(get the blah's every now and then) but my mother and sister are both bipolar. My sister actually is the worst kind of bipolar because she has highs and lows inbetween the day. My mom always tries to be extreme with her diet, then if she isn't 100 percent perfect she completely sabotages herself and goes way on the deep end. My sister is morbidly obese and is the same way. So I have grown up with "If you don't do it perfect, you can't ever do it" mentality wth my mom and "eat whatever you want and how ever much you want" mentality with my dad, and I had to train myself that there can be a balance. I can't even imagine what you guys must be going through, but I am proud of each and every one of you!
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    Bumping this up!

    How is everyone doing today? I was bad, I didn't keep this going for more than a day, but anyone who would like to/needs to get support, please feel free to bump or start a new thread.

    How are you all feeling?

    Yesterday I was sick with a flu of some sort, and I was kind of feeling down on myself for not working out, but I'm feeling much better (in all ways!) today.

    Anyone else need some support today?
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    thanks for asking, this morning has been really crappy for me :( just down, or emotional, ya know? been really well for a while now though, so that's good. I get a massage tonight, so it should be all good... just gotta get through work and then squeeze in at least a little bit of a workout first!
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    I've definitely had those days before.... some of them just last week! lol

    I'm sorry that you're feeling down. It's good that you can do something a little "different" today. (Massage!) I know that when I felt bad enough that I wanted to tear my hair out, it was really helpful to just treat myself to the movies, or go get a pedicure or even just invite a friend over to chat.

    Take care of yourself! I'm here for you!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hey gals and guys, it has been a bit of a tug of war in the past few days, however it is settleing back into a good form for now. My mind is trying to control the emotions, and thoughts in the doom and gloom mode, to shovel the thoughts away and make the visual sense out of the real enviroment. I am hopefully dreaming but my ears are playing selective sounds only. Some times I think I hear sarccasim when really it is not, but a glib comment.
    I am so afraid to open my mouth sometimes. I have been drinking a lot more water to try and rehydrate and rinse my body, I have noticed I have not been drinking the usuall 3 litres per day.
    I pray for all my friends, family, and new acquaintences every night and I also ask for help to heal the turmoil brewing inside of me.
    I have faith and trust, and it has been proven to me, I am loved, and I will be healed.:heart:

    I'll be checking in again real soon. I will catch up on the notes too, right now I'm in the middle of a 26 work day straight, so I am really tired and maybe too tired to legally be typing.:laugh:
    Love and hugs to all :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I myself do not suffer from anything major(get the blah's every now and then) but my mother and sister are both bipolar. My sister actually is the worst kind of bipolar because she has highs and lows inbetween the day. My mom always tries to be extreme with her diet, then if she isn't 100 percent perfect she completely sabotages herself and goes way on the deep end. My sister is morbidly obese and is the same way. So I have grown up with "If you don't do it perfect, you can't ever do it" mentality wth my mom and "eat whatever you want and how ever much you want" mentality with my dad, and I had to train myself that there can be a balance. I can't even imagine what you guys must be going through, but I am proud of each and every one of you!

    Can you give me more info on your sister, cycling like that daily? I am that way but can't seem to find a doctor who understands. Yesterday, I was on cloud nine. Today, I'm in the depths of despair. I had suicidal thoughts again last night (I won't carry through, as long as my daughter is alive I will be here for her, but they still pop into my brain). I'm going to see my shrink this afternoon.
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    hope you are all doing well, today was a mixed day, although i somehow managed to stick to my cals and not cheat for the first time since last week, so at least thats something :flowerforyou:
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I dont' know too much about my sister, only that she said her shrink told her that she is the worst bipolar from having highs and lows through the day. She can wake up fine and happy as can be, then at lunch be SUPER depressed and can't get out of bed, then by dinner be dandy all over again. I know most of her problems are family related(we have some super mentally ill people in our fam) but when she was like 17 or so she started doing meth, so I think that made it even worse. She has a really good husband who has stuck with her thick and thin, and I think a good support system is what really helps when you are havintg so many issues! I will ask her next time I talk to her about what anti-depressant she is on.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello gals;

    I feel like a gerbal in a ball and someone has their hands on it, I am all over the place mentally. I feel suspended at times, just plain anxiety and no control. My diet is still in some control, a couple of days I let loose,(for fear I would snap) and ate what ever I fancied, but I did choose to bring home some cookies that don't over kill when I eat them, arrowroots! I ate a couple of fat suppers, potatoes, meat and some cooked vegetables. Good food but prepared with tons of calories, to my supprise my body felt a bit better, my stomach though did complain just after finishing. Drank a litre of water after supper each night, hope that washed some of the bad stuff out.

    September is comming soon and I am not looking forward to what the doc might say, has anyone had to disagree with their doc about how treatment should be applied, for example, my mind is made up to fight this depression with common sense and good foods, I know there are foods that can help stimulate the happy' in the brain, and good exercises to move the good food around the body and plenty of water to wash the poisons out.

    I have also taken a step to better me, and that is I cut my work hours from my second job down to casual hours. I need to fix my self, so I need time to focus, two jobs takes too much time from me. Is this a good choice??

    A question what is bumping??
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286

    Had a great day yesterday, I was funny and feeling almost normal. Hope this continues for a few days, give me a chance to organize somethings for the down days.
    Hope all of you are okay, seems we don't talk very much.:smile: